『THE GIFTS OF THE BODY』(Harper Perennial,1995)に触れた瞬間、きっと真っ先にその書影に心を動かされたことでしょう。ちなみに、第70回からのチラシの背景は、原書表紙デザインへのオマージュです。
今回の記事は、この奇跡の一枚(Peter Holding William)についてご紹介していきたいと思います。
Joyce Tenneson(1945~ )はアメリカ出身の女性写真家です。その時代のアート写真の世界は、男性ばかりで構成されていました。彼女は大学でモデルとして写真サークルに関わっていたのですが、男たちの作品に失望し、自ら深みのある表現がしたいと思うようになり、それが後に50年をも続けた写真家人生の始まりだったそうです。
そんな撮影現場で数多くの逸話を残しています。Joyceの四作目の写真集『TRANSFORMATIONS』のなかに収録された「Peter Holding William」という作品と、写真集の表紙に使われた作品の誕生もまさにその代表でした。決まったルールやポジションなどといったものに束縛されず、目の前にいるこの人と、全神経を研ぎ澄まして触れ合うことでいつもと違う発見や刺激や何かに恵まれるのだというところは、レベッカ・ブラウンが伝えようとしていることであり、私たちが目指すべきケアのあり様でもあるような気がします。
Besides giving you a way to find yourself in them, what do your models offer you of themselves? Does a true collaboration occur at times?
Absolutely. They always give me something individual; if they couldn't, I would not be interested in photographing them. And in some cases, it goes further than that. The way Suzanne in Contortion came into being is a good example. (FIG. 10) The day I took this picture, I told Suzanne I wanted to make a special photo just for her -as a gift. I asked her how she wanted to be photographed; I wanted to know what would give her pleasure. She said, "Do you know I can do contortions?" I said, "Show me!"
She then began to move through a number of body contortions. I stepped back, watched her without comment, and when I saw her twist her arms to frame her face, I said, "Stop, that's it." All I had to do was decide how to isolate that strange configuration. Five minutes later, when I had set up the pedestal and lined up the composition, we took the picture.
モデルさんは、それぞれ、貴重な経験をさせてくれますよ。それがなければその人を撮影することに興味がもてないでしょう。場合によってはそれ以上のものが得られることもあります。”Suzanne in Contortion”が生まれたいきさつは良い例です(図10)。この写真を撮った日、「ただあなたのためにー贈り物としてー特別な写真を撮りたい」とスザンヌに言いました。どういう風に撮って欲しいたいかたずねました。どうすれば喜んでもらえるか知りたかったのです。スザンヌが「私、コントーションができるのよ」と言うので私は「見せて!」と応えました。
Does this kind of connection occur more frequently with models you know better?
Yes, although there's no predicting. Another picture that had a similar genesis is the one of Peter holding William. The night before the shoot I had a dream in which I saw Peter carrying William in his arms, and this image haunted me. (Fig. 11) When I began working with them the next day, I kept thinking about this, but I held back from asking them to try it. I was shy ― and this was the "old" Joyce thinking ― about asking for something that might be too uncomfortable.
Then, right at the end of the day -five minutes before the studio usually would close - William said, "Joyce, have you ever thought about doing a picture where Peter would just pick me up?" I turned to Peter and he immediately took William in his arms. I said, "Great!" and took the picture, one shot, bang. It was a special moment for all of us. I knew immediately that the picture would have a real power, but I've been surprised ― and extremely moved ― by how strongly people have reacted to it since. Men especially seem to gravitate toward this picture.
So, you see, there is no formula. I never know what my models ― my friends ― will bring me in a session, or what I will bring to ― and ask of ― them.
Every day is totally different ― that's what makes it so exciting for me. I never know what is going to happen! When I have a particularly great day, when I know I have witnessed and captured things I haven't seen before ― special moments ― I feel a real high. I feel privileged to record them, and consider them a kind of gift.
When you talk about your models, you usually refer to them as your friends. Why?
They are. Most of them have become close friends. We have a shared respect for each other, and also there's an intimacy that's developed over time. And it isn't just in the studio: we see each other socially; we take workshops together; we're always doing things together."