Lifetane's small stories

This is a collection of small stories about Lifetane. More will be added as needed.

Octane and Lifeline are childhood friends of the same age. They call each other by their nicknames and say they are family.

“We have our good month, and our bad month, but we always find a way to get back to each other. True family always does. I bet he'd say the same. “(Lifeline)
“What! Hey, Che's my hermana (sister). Just cause’s we fight doesn't mean she doesn't like me.” (Octane)

Pathfinder's Quest

For Octane, Lifeline is explosiveness.

  • “She's the propulsive explosion beneath his wings.”

  • Source: Description of Web Comic

  • Lifeline itself sings as follows - “Yeah, I'll love you like a landmine”. Therefore, she seems to be aware that she is an explosive (landmine).

Octane's buddy is a rabbit (Navi). Lifeline's buddy is D.O.C. This is a metaphor for The Tortoise and the Hare.

  • Octane has a rabbit banner frame. There is a Navi charm.

  • There is a sticker that makes the D.O.C. look like a turtle.

No matter how you look at it, it's a tortoise.
  • They themselves can also be compared to The Tortoise and the Hare.

  • Octane has a banner pose in which he compares himself to a hare or does the hare jump. (See above)

  • There is also a scene where Octane calls Lifeline a turtle.

  • Source: Outlines Stories, "Family Business."

Subtitles are in Spanish. mi tortuga = my turtle

In the Catalyst's tarot cards, Octane and Lifeline are together on the Twins.

  • The card number VI in the regular Tarot is the Lovers. The composition of the card is also the same as the Lover in the Weighted Tarot.

Sorce: Apex wiki

  • The Lovers

Both fathers (Duarte and Darion) have also known each other since kindergarten.

  • The parents were angry with each other for playing in the lab with Dr. Reed, but details are unknown. Ash's voice logs include, "Duardo! Dalion!" is recorded as.

  • Sorce: Season 7 quest, Season 5 quest
