神経言語学者Penfield and Roberts(1959)とLenneberg(1967)によって提唱されたCritical Period Hypothesis(臨界期仮説)。
CPH: There is a period of growth in which full native competence is possible when acquring a language.
Critical Period(臨界期)はSensitive Period(感受性期)と区別する必要もある。
Critical PeriodはStrong Version
Sensitive PeriodはWeak Version⇦こっちの方が絶対性が弱い=gradualness(緩やかさ)
Posssible reasons for CPH
・the loss of plasticity 適応性の喪失(9歳くらいまで)
・the completion by the onset of the left brain laterlaization
lateralization 脳の一側化、脳の側性化、脳機能の左右分化
①an onset
②a terminus
③an intrinsic(maturational) component
④an extrinsic component in the shape of the stimulus to which the organism is sensitive
⑤a system that is affected by stimulation during the critical period
Bley-Vroman(1988)によるFundamental Difference Hypothesis(根本的相違仮説)
FDH= Adult can no longer rely on the innate mechanism for implicit language acquisition. They rely on alternative problem solving mechanism and analytical verbal skills.
Access to UG
Full access: L2とは異なるL1のパラメーターはリセットされる
No access: UGは利用不可だが、UGによって形成されたL1文法は利用できないという考え方=FDH
Limited access: UGの一部が利用可能
Multiple Critical Period Hypothesis(複数臨界期仮説)
Seliger(1978) Phonology、Syntax、Semanticsのそれぞれに臨界期が存在する
Scovel(1988) 臨界期に影響される言語現象を音韻能力に限定。形態・倒語能力習得においての臨界期の存在を否定。感情的、社会的、動機などの要因。
Long(1990) 音韻能力の臨界期 6-12歳。形態・統語能力 12-15歳。
練習仮説 exercise hypothesis 成熟仮説 maturational state hypothesis
Newport et al(2001) 脳のplasticity(可塑性)が最高となる時期→その後減少傾向を見せる現象
AoAが上がるにつれ平均的なlanguage proficiencyが下がる。
CPH 考慮すべき要因
PET: Positron emission tomography(ポジトロン断層法)
fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imagining(機能的磁気共鳴画像法)
ERP: event related potential(事情関連電位)
MEG: magnetic encephalography(脳磁場計測)
Intensive meaningful input and interaction rich environmentを音韻能力習得可能な12歳までに提供する
Classroom input and interaction are not sufficient enough to achieve ultimate attainment.
大量のinputは動画、クラスルームでmeaningful interaction→motivational factorを分析
extracurricular activityとしてextra inputを促す
Understanding second language acquisition. London: Hodder Arnold. (Chapter 2)
Muñoz, C. (2008). Symmetries and asymmetries of age effects in naturalistic and instructed L2 learning. Applied Linguistics, 29, 578–596.
The robustness of critical period effects in second language acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 22, 499–533
Hoff, E., Core, C., Place, S., Rumiche, R., Senor, M., & Parra, M. (2012). Dual language exposure and early bilingual development. Journal of Child Language, 39, 1-27.
Brooks, P. & Kempe, V. (2012). Language development. Chichester: Blackwell Wiley. (Chapter 5, "How do children learn to combine and modify words")
Saxton, M. (2010). Child language: Acquisiton and development. London: SAGE. (Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10 are all relevant.)