
12/13 Clubhouse town hall(英語版)

All right. Welcome, everybody to the weekly clubhouse Townhall. My name is Paul. I'm one of the cofounders of house. I'm here joined, as always by my co founder ro Han, and by our teammate Anu. And we do this every Sunday. And the goal is to tell you a little bit about what we've been up to this past week to celebrate all the stuff that's happening in the community to talk a little bit about what we're building in the next week or two, and most importantly to answer your questions so you can submit a question anytime you want. Just go to clubhouse comm and scroll to the bottom and you'll see a link to submit a question for Town Hall. We collect all the questions each week, and we look at the ones that were asked most frequently. And we rank them so we try and get to all the most frequently asked questions first. And we try to keep it to an hour so you can get back to your day. And and yeah, that's kind of dead like every week. I'm always like, hush we add some more questions on you. I don't know like I don't know if we've listed enough here and and then we'll say Paul, we have enough he always talk a lot so we'll we'll keep it at our regardless and if we have time to get to more questions you can always hit us up in the back channel and ask us some questions there and we'll get to them at the end if we have time. But we'd like to do is kick it off first with the highlights from the week. So we'll invite staff to come up and talk about that. Let me module audio invite Steph, maybe add a topic. Joining guys. Good morning, Steph Simon.

Stephanie Simon
This is my first Sunday in a while I actually wake up at 9am

Stephanie Simon
and now my voice sounds like all of yours does on 9am on a Sunday morning him too. Okay, well, loving all the in depth conversations happening around TV film and maybe a little bit of music lately. To name a few. I'm just gonna go ahead and take a quick poll onstage who has still not watched the Beatles documentary get back?

Paul Davison
I have not watched it. This is a really good.

Stephanie Simon
It's so good. Really. I mean, I know I'm like an Uber Beatles fan. In fact, I am in the top 4% of listeners on Spotify of Beatles. I found this out last week. But still is incredible. Anyway, if you haven't caught it had one of my early favorite clubs on clubhouse record house with Kevin smuggler ferret early at Chris Frey like and Mark Roxon. They went deep into the Beatles that get back documentary if you haven't checked out the club. They dig into music history, culture and vinyl records. Like I remember one of my early favorite ones as they were sort of going through some of the rare vinyls that they all collect it and it was a really, really cool way to see community built around. vinyl record collections. If you haven't checked out the documentary Yes, it's eight hours but it is eight hours of greatness. Check it out. If you have hours. It's eight hours. This series calm down.

Paul Davison
Wow, okay, that's okay. I was wondering, is it like one long eight hour thing or is it broken?

Stephanie Simon
And here's what I'm gonna say if you don't like the Beatles, because a lot of people don't like the Beatles. Is not it is it is for entrepreneurs who have been in it with their teammates. It is for people who anyone who has ever been in like tense relationships and have things like you know, fear and all these things that come up in human dynamics. That is really what it unfolds. And Peter Jackson did an incredible job. So if you can't get enough of either the Beatles or the doc also check out NPR music this Wednesday at 4pm Pacific because they are also doing a room like I said, it's in the air. It's very much in the air. The club music A Tatiana welcome Jane Luca gente G who's Oscar nominated visual effects have brought films like infinity war and wonder woman to live. If you speak Italian This is an incredible replay. You can check out the replay. Please do if you only speak Italian with your hands like I do. Maybe grab a translator. But yes, John. I always find that some of these rooms it's worth sitting in just for a minute to sort of get their energy anyway. It's worth checking out if you speak Italian. Unfortunately no replays for this one. But the Atlantic Records club brought together some artists from insecure Season Finale soundtrack to share thoughts on the music of storytelling. Actually, I think that is the storytelling of music and how I sound chat can be such a pivotal part of a show like this and further careers of incredible artists to boot. So I think what's really interesting about that room was maybe people don't understand this process of sort of getting picked getting your track place as they call it placements in TV and television. But it's such a big moment for so many artists when it happens and that's what was really so great about that room with Atlantic Records is really walk through that process and how it can really change the lives of artists to get placed in TV and film. Science fiction talk is consistently bringing in some of the most creative writers in the world. And this past week, the legendary Kim Stanley Robinson joined the club to talk about his new novel The Ministry for the future. Actually, it's not just a sci fi but CLI fi, aka science fiction specific to climate change. And this was sort of the second on that I know that we featured I think was to Neal Stephenson's new book which is also I think fits within this CLI fi the book is supposed to be incredible and I've heard several people on our team talk about how much they loved it this past week when we were all together. That's cool said Drew cat to get launched her groundbreaking NF T artwork in collaboration with the ILM X Lab. Lucasfilm legendary it's Lucas's films legendary immersive entertainment studio called will your heart pass the test? The artwork will be auctioned by leading international Auction House Phil Phillips bringing together esteemed names in the traditional art and entertainment industries. And this amazing social justice initiative with this in it drew hopes to not only raise funds for two important causes dear to our hearts, but also set a new gold standard for the convergence of artistry and social impact in the NFT space. I'm super proud of Drew and the project turned out incredible Paulina that you popped in there for a second.

Paul Davison
Yeah, I mean, it's still going on right now. Right? Yes, yes,

Stephanie Simon
yes. Speaking of another one of our Clubhouse own sort of taking their work to the world. Jason Steinhauer has been on the press circuit this week for his new book history disrupted how social media and the worldwide web have changed the past instead of the future, which I think is an incredible like I said, great theme for Jason. And we were thrilled to see that he made a clubhouse stop on the tour. Jason was on with the human behavior club and it was a fascinating conversation that felt particularly meta when held on this app. On he's gonna post two links here because he was both in the human behavior club and also joined Maceio Paisley in the citizens of Culture Club later in the week. So I'll pause for segments. You can tap both of those and maybe check out either first, follow both of those clubs, because they're both amazing makes your Paisley and citizens of culture and human behavior great, but make sure you can tap into either of those replays. I also want to give an all around shout out to Dr. Keisha, whose advice and thoughtful approach to medicine is so so necessary, whether she's talking about vaccination science or joining the cancer club to talk about D Day, aka diagnosis. De, she's an amazing contributor to this community. So I'll pause a second as well as she Anu again on it. Thank you very much. Posting that. Speaking of excellent head base we all know Miss Francesca Hovey has it covered and true love society did not disappoint this week as she invited Bronwyn Windham Burke up to the stage to talk about non traditional relationships. This is definitely one for the books and I know Bravo fans will know Bronwyn already, but it's a very interesting discussion for for any of those who haven't heard from her before. Or even just curious to hear about non traditional relationships. So check it out. And finally, it's not always a thing that gets talked about on Twitter, but there are tons of educators who come to clubhouse to connect with their peers and discuss the state of the field, which I know is sorely needed, especially here in the US. Esther would most certainly pause when I say this because it is a challenging last name, which sickie, the renowned journalist and vice chair of the Creative Commons Advisory Council joined the We the future club to talk about education must adapt to prepare children for the 21st century. It was a really great room. That's it, guys.

Paul Davison
You got it after the pause steps.

Stephanie Simon
I know what you think you would think you would say. I got it.

Paul Davison
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Um, few things that I wanted to just say before we jump into product updates. quick thank you to all of the longtime members of the community for all the work they've been doing to welcome all the new people have been joining. We've had a huge influx of new people joining in recent weeks. And we always say like we do these orientation every Wednesday at five o'clock Pacific time. We're and we always say like, hopefully this gives you a good overview of how it works. But you know, if you have other questions, you can find us here, here here or just jump into a room people are super nice when you know, they're like explaining what ptr is or talking about how pin links work. People are just always so kind and gracious and welcoming to new people who join and have the party hat. So thank you everyone who has been on the Welcome Wagon. We've had a bunch of new creators join the platform. Bunch of well known names like NBA Youngboy Jason Lee quando Rondo and then and then we have a lot of longtime members of the community like Tiffany Haddish and 21 Savage and Snoop. And all these artists and and, you know, creators who have been on since the early days. We we've always wanted clubhouse to be a place where you can come in and meet people and learn from people. And it's just been really fun to see that this week. And also want to spend send a special thank you to the black community on this platform, who old and new have always been in remains such a huge and important and powerful part of the clubhouse community in the clubhouse culture. I wanted to thank our internal team who came together this week. Also to build some more features for the community. We did a hackathon, which I mentioned a little bit earlier and there's so many things that I want to build one is the ship coming out of the hackathon. And I mean, I guess I won't mention all of them right now because I want to wait till we've got fervor planned because

Profile icon of Unknown Speaker
they're amazing.

Pretty amazing. First, surprise,

Paul Davison
surprise was incredible. And I just it was so great to see the team and to see their creativity. It was like the most productive week we've ever had probably because we ship we felt so many things that I think are gonna ship and it was really inspiring and cool couple things that like I'll talk about this more in the product updates. But we're like one of the things that that we worked on in the hackathon is a safe replay queue, which we're going to end up shipping, which I'm really really excited about. It's like such a missing feature right now you see a good replay and you don't have time to listen to it right now. But you want to save it for later. We're gonna ship that sometime in the coming weeks like replays has been really cool like a lot of rooms they have a certain number of people join during the live room and then they just see it double or triple or more in the days that follow up because of replays. And so we're rolling out more ways to to help people discover your content when it's happening and after the fact. Another thing that we rolled out this week was a NSFW label for rooms that might include adult language or adult content. Just I want to I want to touch upon that briefly because we often get a lot of questions about how we how we approach moderation and how we think about these things. Quick reminder about our policies, which are linked to from every room it's that little page icon in the upper right. We don't allow nudity or pornography so please report it if you see that but there are conversations on clubhouse one or more adult nature. You know, they're everything from healthy practices between consenting adults to discuss in understanding general best practices around reproductive health and and you know, all sorts of conversations people have about really important topics. That is W filters can allow people who don't want to see content that might be more adult nature in their hallways to hide it in to never see rooms that are that are marked as such. And but but just zooming out a little bit on trust and safety like the the trust and safety team is doing so much great work to try and make make sure that you've got a safe and and you know healthy experience here on clubhouse audio. I remember when you started that organization, it's grown so much since then, and you know, they work so hard throughout the day throughout the night, all ours, dozens of different languages, all different parts of the world now, because if you're if you're building a product for everyone, there really is no one single silver bullet right. You have to recognize there are bad actors in the world and things are going to happen on the platform. And you just always need to prioritize it and you need to attack it from a lot of different angles. So we think about it in terms of the people the policies in the product right on the on the people front. We try internally to make sure that we have enough people across enough different time zones and enough different languages. To handle all of the incident reports. As we scale. We try to make sure we have people on the team who have built speech platforms before and who understand speech platforms and all the ins and outs and the regulations. But who appreciate how live group audio is different because it's really different. It's really different. Right and and who have a desire to do better than test platforms have done and so that's always like the first thing that we think about is making sure we've got the right people internally to build these things. On the policy side. I mentioned the the community guidelines that are at the top of every room but there's our privacy policy or terms, terms of service. And all There are internal policies and playbooks to make sure that as you're scaled the team, everyone is responding to incidents in a consistent way. And then on the product side, we try and make sure that we're building features in the app that make it easy for this distributed community of millions of people to report things and and help us keep the platform safe because we couldn't do it without without that. You know, we try and think about special features that might be

Paul Davison
that might be useful for clubhouse LIKE, SHARE BlockLess people might not know about this, but if you're going to call someone up on stage, and enough people who you follow have blocked them. It'll indicate that just as a as a heads up. It's it's personalized, it's dynamic, because on people's profiles, you don't have a ton of information to go from. We want to make sure that you've got the data that you need to make the right decision. So we try to build the right product. Features. And then we try and invest in internal tooling. So we can process things quickly and efficiently as we scale. So there really is no one way that we do it. You know, again, we get that question a lot. It's a combination of the people, the policies and the product features that we build in and I'm just really grateful for all the work that that the community does and our internal team does to to, to work on that at all times a day over the holidays over the weekends because it's just really really important part of of this platform. So hopefully that W filter and toggle will be helpful for people who who who want to make use of it to tune their home and you know, a lot more to come. Oh also thank you to everyone who attends on these moderator training sessions. And other community organized training sessions because those make a big difference to ensuring that people know how to how to deal with situations when they do come up. Okay, last thing I want to mention before we get into the product details is we're rolling out something that we call soundcheck. It's like a 360 feedback session or review, but it's for clubhouse is a platform instead of something that you do with your coworkers. We did one here internally with our team and we're like we should do this for clubhouse overall. So keep an eye out on on our social media accounts. We're going to we're going to share something out to help get feedback from all of you about what you liked and what we could be doing better and it's kind of a nice way to pull up at the end of the year and take stock of things as we put together plans for 2022. Alright, let's talk product. We put out a release this past week. I think it came out on the seventh and quick reminder of what was in that release. One was improved display of clubs on user profiles. This is launched to 50% of iOS users, and it's out for 100% of Android users. The display of clubs on profiles has always been terrible. It's this tiny, tiny, tiny little thing, and you can't really tell what the clubs are and it's impossible to find out how to start your club. We didn't prove that so if you go to someone's profile now you'll see their clubs front and center. They'll be displayed in a much bigger way. We're gonna add join buttons to them so you can join the clubs more easily. And you can see some metadata about the clubs it's easier to figure out how to start your own club. So I'm excited that we're rolling that out to everyone. We fixed the hallway skipping on iOS, so you know how like you would be viewed. I know right? You know, you'd be viewing carousels a hallway, and then you go into a room and then you come back and it would load again and the carousel would be gone. Or you would be able to find the room that you were in. We fix that on iOS first. Or actually, I don't know if that was an issue on Android. We fixed it on iOS. Small thing but hopefully it'll make a big difference to the feeling of the app when you're using it. We added a bunch of new topics in response to requests that we got a we added topics for charity and poetry and K drama and Mardi Gras, a whole bunch of other things that people requested. We added the town hall topic, we added a town hall, which I added this room in case other people want to do their own town halls. And those are going to keep expanding so if you have requests please let us know our new people have requests for new topics. What's the best place for them to send them?

Yes, that is a great question. I don't remember his last Townhall. We might have actually pinned it during the q&a form that John was kind enough to spin up and it's now housed in our support or Knowledge Center. So if you go to support Doc clubhouse.com And you look for kind of the behind the scenes on the recent features under topics, there is a forum for you to submit additional requests.

Paul Davison
Excellent. Yeah, so keep them coming. We're gonna keep expanding list of topics so we can make sure you connect with people about anything you want. We added NSFW filter that that I talked about before we improved clip sharing. So when you share a clip out of include a link back to the room and some other you know, there's some other improvements to that that were kind of obvious and we should have had from day one. We we shipped the new Android room composer. So we're rolling this out on iOS as well in the coming weeks, I believe, but when you tap on the plus Room button. Now there's a really nice composer where you can go and you can add your pin links ahead of time. You can add your topics ahead of time, you can change your settings you can say you want to hand raise queue on or off, you can basically get your whole room set up really easily before you start the room because it's always a little stressful to try and do that when people are coming in and you're trying to manage the audience and bring people up on stage. So that's out on Android come and sit on iOS. We added that cumulative attendee counts to the room not just for speakers, but for audience members as well, because a lot of people had requested that. And so bunch of smaller things that we shipped this past week. We've got a new release that's coming up in a couple of days. And here's what's going to be in that we're going to improve the the mini calendar that appears at the top of your hallway, right now that only shows events that you have, that you've tapped the bell on. And that means that you end up missing a lot of good events from people you follow, because you didn't even know that they were happening. So you never even had a chance to tap the bell on them. And so we're changing the way that works, so that it'll show you all of the upcoming events from people you follow and clubs you're a member of. And we're also changing the way the community calendar works where the default view is going to show you events from people and clubs that you follow. And hopefully that will mean that you're going to miss fewer events, and it'll feel a lot more relevant every time you look at it. And we're rolling it out first on Android in the coming soon on iOS. We're rolling out some improvements to topic discovery. The Explore tab is getting some updates and the suggested topics that you see when you tap view all on the user profile that's getting some updates to we're going to start sending you activity feed items. If you created a room and lots of people are listening to the replay, you know so you can get feedback and understand what what's happening with your numbers. After the room ends, we're going to start showing users on topic pages. So when you tap on a topic right now you can see clubs that are tagged to that topic live rooms that are tagged with that topic. We're going to add users who also like that topic. So you can start to discover other people on clubhouse who have expressed an interest in your city or some sub genre of music that you like, or any other topic that you're interested in. Hopefully that'd be a good way to find more people to follow and connect with. And then we're shipping deferred deep linking so we had hoped to do this in this past release but it got pushed to this release. So if you share let me explain this one if you share a link out to a clubhouse room, or or you know event or something like that replay. If someone has the clubhouse app, and they click on it on the web, it'll open up the clubhouse app and everything will work really well. If they don't yet have clubhouse and they go and install the app. Historically it would just take them through the normal signup flow and then when they got to the end, they wouldn't land in that room that you had intended to link to, they'd have to go back to the web view and click on it again, which is a really bad experience. So we added deep linking, so that when people install clubhouse and they get to the end of onboarding, they'll go straight to your room. So So the upshot of that is it'll make it easier for it'll be a better experience when you share a link out. Because you can you can know that people will be able to find your room right away when they get to the end of onboarding rather than have to dig around and go back to the web view and tap on it. So deep breath, hopefully that that people can follow that because I know that's a little bit in the weeds, but but that's what's coming up this week. And then we've got another release that that I'm excited about before the holidays. So more to come. And our q1 roadmap and there's a ton of good stuff there.

You said one call.

Paul Davison
I know I know. I feel like we're big enough that I'm allowed to say it now.

Stephanie Simon
I remember Ron Ron Ron is

cringing presence. I will

Paul Davison
allow it I will allow it now. I am in favor of a shovel I sat down like 900 He's like you. We don't get quarters we think in terms of days and weeks. Come on. Yeah.

I can tell so it still hurts Ron, but that's fine. We're gonna we're gonna

Paul Davison
he allowed it. He allowed it. Alright, we do q&a.

Yes. Why don't you get a drink of water and I will queue it up. Okay. So we have a bunch of questions. Let's see that we've curated like you said, Paul, and if you have any questions you want to add and see. To get to please please please submit them now. You can go to clubhouse.com and scroll to the bottom and there's a link to submit a question to town hall. And we'll see if we can squeeze in some work. So with that, why don't we start with replays I know it's not the most recent feature we shipped but it is still the one that I think people are really excited about and have just been sending us a ton of questions about so I want to run through a few sounds good. All right. So starting with mentions, can I add replays to my profiles where someone has mentioned me in the conversation? It'd be a great way to for example, show testimonials of ways I've been contributing to the community. This is an interesting one. I haven't heard this before

Paul Davison
that's that his pension like they're I haven't thought about this much so I'm kind of thinking through it live. Yeah, this is the equivalent of someone like at mentioning you That's right, in a photo and like on Instagram and this is like our tabs where people have mentioned you depending on your privacy settings the the main thing I would say is you would the creator of the room, it would have to be kind of be verified by them, right? If we were to do this, like I love the idea of this. But we have to have a way for them to assert that you are mentioned in it. Because otherwise it would be a big spam vector. And so you can't do that now. And I liked the idea for it. It's not something that we have thought about, but it is it is really cool. So hey, q1 planning, right?

Yes, I think I think it is pretty cool because I think a lot of times like I mean stuff does the week's highlights here, where she mentioned mentioned to people and it'd be great if we could we could tag all the creators and folks in the community that we mentioned in town hall, for example. So something for us to think about

Paul Davison
Yeah, I think that's really cool.

All right, more more replaced questions, how are these replays and we have specific carousel for this. How are those selected? Are they based on popularity are most listened to and can this portion portion also show the rooms from longtime clubhouse users and for example, weekly recurring rooms so one, how are they curated into can we add more

Paul Davison
to it? Yes, we have a number of different care sorry for replays and I am not sure of like this specific question because we have a few that we Yeah, but let me tell you my philosophy, our philosophy on them in general. We want to show people replays that we think they will like and so so maybe, like like as we do that there could be like editorial carousels, there could be ones that are based on who you follow. There could be ones that are based on topic. They could be there could be ones that are based on who knows. But um, but like our North Star for this is we're going to try to show you replays that we think you're really going to enjoy based on the information that you've given us and you know, who you follow and all of that. And so, so, like, that's really what it comes down to. And as we do this we'll probably measure like the the tap through rate or people joining the replay rooms that we're showing them. Are they having a good experience? Are they listening to a good portion of it, and they will tune the algorithm based on that. So as we rolled out replays, I think we probably have some that are curated to show people examples of good replays and you know, to surface some ones that are probably like generally applicable to lots of people on the platform. But I think our goal for them is to make them personalized and and as relevant as possible for everyone on the platform. So that's really kind of like how we're going to think about it.

Amazing. Okay, so what's the best way right now to find replays on the app? The one that I think a lot of folks are asking.

Paul Davison
Yeah, so there are a number of different ways to find them. You can search for them, if you know the name of the replay. And the other way to do it is you can go to someone's profile if they were a speaker in the room, then the replay should be listed on their profile unless they've been tagged themselves. You can go to the club profile, and you can look at past replays from the club. And then and then we're going to we're going to build in more ways for you to find replace in the future. But that's the best way to find them right now. Anything I'm missing are those those the main things Bert like UserProfile club ProHealth

Yeah, and carousels of course, but I think overall, we've just had a lot of interest from people and really being able to find these as soon as they happen. So maybe around notifications or getting notified as well. Yeah, some people are like wanting to go to the live conversations, but can't and they want to pretty quickly after be able to say

Paul Davison
yeah, you know, and there's some things in the product that I don't know if we've already changed but we were talking about changing like, if you tap on a Room link and it's ended. We're like, it just says sorry. This room has ended. What it should say is like this presented, here's the replay, you know, stuff like that, which we're just kind of rolling out so. So, yeah, if you want to deterministically find it, I'd say search user profile or club profile. And sometimes it takes a few minutes because we have to do some processing on the backend. So they're not available right when the romance might take a little bit. And then if you want to just discover some you should find them in hallway carousels and more ways to do all this stuff coming soon.

Okay, another popular question, which may have been addressed with the hackathon. I would love to have the possibility to save rooms that I have missed to listen to later. Yeah. Ready to do the sound or will there be soon?

Paul Davison
Yeah, we don't. We were hoping that this week, but I think that we have I think we got to do some polish and tuning on it. But hopefully, I don't want to I don't want to get ahead of myself here but hopefully in the next release.

That is definitely getting Yeah, not

Paul Davison
hopefully the week after and that is not confirmed. That is my hope.

Okay, related question. Around curation. Can you make it possible to curate a list of replays to share on our profiles and to share with others, it also be nice to share a replay queue for a club, rather than just linking to profile pages. So a little bit nuanced, but I think some from being able to curate a set of replays aside from the reverse chronological ordering.

Paul Davison
Yeah, this is totally something we've talked. So when you say it'd be nice to share a replay cue for a club rather than just linking to the profile. What do you mean by that?

I think it's in the vein of just really being able to pick okay, this is the Like Box Set. Almost. Yeah, that I want to share as opposed to every conversation held out of this club will just be listed on there.

Paul Davison
Yeah. So right now the way it works is they're reverse chronological. And, and that's, that's obviously just the V one. A lot of times if you look at platforms, you'll see options to view by most recent, or by most popular and, and then I imagine we'll want to have ways for people to, you know, pin a replay to the top of their profile or something like that. The ability to make playlists is really cool. That's something that that's something that we've talked about. We don't have that on the roadmap for, you know, the next few weeks. It's a bit more of like an advanced feature. But I, I think it's really cool. And I imagine it's something we'll eventually get to but but it's not something we're prioritizing right now. on you, do you have any? Tell me your thoughts on it like D? Is this something that you've heard a lot of people talk about? Is it something that are there others for it that that we haven't really thought through? Is it is it mostly people wanting to create playlists of their own replays or other people's replays?

That that's a good question. So I definitely think it's a power user power creator type feature, which we have many of those. So I think Seth and I probably have both heard that a lot. For the most part, I think it is trying to organize your own content to be able to share it and distribute it off platform and specifically around for clubs, being able to delineate like a group of conversations. Yeah, for club sh qB. I don't know who'd want to listen to necessarily but it'd be great to be able to organize all the town halls together, because we do a lot of other conversations, but I also have heard it from the perspective of wanting to curate other people's content. So you know, sharing within your network on clubhouse.

Paul Davison
It's interesting. It's like it's kind of related to the series idea where you can have multiple series like clubs, that you can have town halls, and it's different but it's really

Yeah, I think with replays I think people are thinking a lot I mean, I know we've always talked about recording rooms, but to your point with replays I think people are viewing it a lot more a series to share. Alright, one more quick one. Would you make it possible for participants to download replays for convenience to listen without internet access? So some version of offline listening?

Paul Davison
Yeah, that feels like something we should have. We I think that's probably just don't when not enough that feels like that feels important. We Yeah, we haven't I don't know. i i We haven't talked too much like we've talked about it once or twice or bacterial roll on I don't know if you have any if there's any context on like, downloading replays for later that that I don't have but in my mind, I think it's just something that yet we want to add, but we haven't we haven't. We haven't put it into the roadmap yet. Yeah, I think that's correct. Yeah. All right. These are these are very good answers, like yeah, cool, but it's not.

That's not a bad answer. If we think it's cool. That means we're more likely to do

Paul Davison
Yeah, yeah. This is one of those ones where it's like, yeah, yep, that makes sense. We,

we all want this feature. So we'll be more incentivized here. Okay. Let's move into some discovery questions. Do it the penny discovery questions. Alright. So about search, which I think people really appreciated universal search, but still some questions, you can Room Search be improved. For example, when searching for rooms, it'd be helpful if you can enter the name of a club, and it would pull up all the active rooms from that club. Even if the club name is on the title of the room. So it's actually a very nuanced kind of Power Search user question.

Paul Davison
Yeah. So we have talked about that. And I think that we are planning to do that in early q1. So I think that's actually on like the January roadmap to make an improvement where if you search for the club name, and also speakers like if you search for speakers, then we show you live rooms where that person is and replayed rooms from that person as well in the search results.

Amazing. Yeah. It's similar. It's like I want to see all the rooms from this club.

Paul Davison
Yeah, I mean, like, it's just it's really just a shortcut, I suppose. Right? Because you can just tap on the club or the person and then you'll see it on their profile. It's just pulling that up into the search results page.

Yes, yeah. I think just seeing it as a different view. You'd see it in then you Oh,

Paul Davison
and also live rooms, too. That's it? Yeah. Yeah. Totally.

Alright, so q1. That's going to be our new pretty soon answer. All right. Okay, another fun one. Are you considering adding additional badges, for example, having more than just a single mod badge level? Also more badges on profiles indicating expert status or experienced moderator status?

Paul Davison
Ooh, spicy. Spicy. Yeah. We've the single mode that we've tried to resist that, you know, we thought about having one for the room creator versus other mods, and it just it adds a bit of complexity. So we tried to avoid that. The The other thing that we've contemplated is it is a club room. Should the club admins automatically get mud status when they join the room? That one is that's probably a little spicy, too, huh? What do you think about that?

I we've talked about I feel like we've talked about this for a while. I think it is challenging because you want the creator of the room to have full control. But then it also makes sense why a club admin should be able to have that status. So I think it's it just maybe restreams How starting a room inside a club. Yeah. Is run but I think it's interesting. I think there's complexities for us to think through

Paul Davison
the other, but I love

asking people their real time I got a back channel that says, no, no automatic mods. I figured I love her

Stephanie Simon
live feedback. No. You got

Paul Davison
the Okay, so but I love the idea of having something on the profile to indicate that someone is an expert moderator like maybe if their training sessions if we could certify that people have gone through it. So if you're looking to bring someone up like that, I love that like anything to inform the tap anything to inform your decisions. Feels like it can be really useful. Have you thought about that angle much on?

We've drawn this in Moderator training. Yeah, sure. Because understandably, a lot of experience moderators come through to give tips as well. I guess the thing we've always talked about is how do you actually determine quality versus quantity? Yeah. And one way to do it obviously is just you'd like you've gone through a set of training that we put together but I think if you're actually just looking at rooms that you independently hosted, it's hard to think about quality versus quantity, right? There are many, many more amazing people on our team that can figure out the right model for that.

Paul Davison
Yeah, maybe if there was like some training like some training sessions, we could say like, this person has been through these training sessions and they're certified in that way right?

We could definitely do that. That would be I think, the easiest one for us to do. Yeah. But I like the question because it's a rich question. I

Paul Davison
like yes,

there are a lot of people that have been on for, you know, well over a year, like pretty much with us the whole way and really, really experienced so I think it'd be really nice to show

Paul Davison
and if there's other contexts that if you ask this question, or if you just have thoughts on it, if there are things that you and I are not thinking about please let us know. Because like a lot of times questions like this have, they have a lot behind them and so, give us more color gives more context. Are there things that you think like that does you'd like to see or things that you think would be really helpful for your rooms or your clubs?

Alright, with the new version to have topics on people's profiles, yes. It'd be great to be able to tap on the topics and see other people interested in the same ones and information like that, that helped me learn more

Paul Davison
about them. Okay, we'll add it this week. Yeah, we're actually adding that this week. Okay, great. Yeah, perfect.

Way to feed in quotes stop right now, in terms of the last rooms I would be able to see I'm trying to see what I need to do to be able to see more diverse rooms. I also don't want the rooms I go into right now to mean that I will only see rooms of those type in the future.

Paul Davison
Okay, so the the feed algorithms are constantly changing. As they should, I think, you know, we're our goal is to show you rooms that you will enjoy seen and that you will want to join and there's so many signals that we that we have to help to to help inform that set of rooms that we show, you know, do you follow the people who are speaking? Are you a member of the club that's home that are using topics there? Are your friends listening to that room? Is that room retaining people? Well, like there's just there's so much that we can do. And we're also going to be evolving this a ton over the coming months. So in terms of like where it stops, there's not really a single answer, because we use a lot of different sources and we're changing the algorithm all the time. We do have a like I said, like there's no clear way to define like what the threshold is. And I think if the question here is like, I want to see different rooms or I want to see more rooms. And I don't want to just only see rooms that I enter. I think the way to do that is to just follow different people. join different clubs follow more people join more clubs and and add topics to your profile. Because if you do that then that is what shapes the rooms you see. So it's like the first thing we tell people news orientation is like your hallway is a function of the people you follow in the clubs that you joined. So if you want to see different ones follow different people join different clubs you want to see more fun, more people join more clubs and that really drives all of the algorithms even as they evolve and change those that's sort of like the TrueNorth.

Yes, and I think the thing John mentioned too was that if you explicitly follow a club or a person, we will always show you those so yeah, irrespective of if you often go into those rooms or not. Okay, a fun one. Is there a way for us to share good clubhouse rooms or replace people inside the app? It'd be great to easily share to a back channel message or some other way

Paul Davison
you can grab me you can grab a Room link and back john to someone right?

Yeah. Yeah. I don't think there's like a like a share. That will automatically pull up like back channel but you have to grab the

Paul Davison
link. That's right. So like the best way to do it right now would be to tap the button and then tap copy link in the lower right of that modal. And then you can just back show them that link and I think that should work.

Perfect. But like the spirit of the question, how can we more inside the app itself?

Paul Davison
Yeah, yeah, I do too.

All right, perfect. Okay, some creator questions creator specific power user should do it. All right, a moderate torque. I don't know if I can put the right enthusiasm in this one. I love monitoring, but I feel like we need more controls. For instance, the room hosted mode should be able to mute all to avoid from being talked over or not heard. For example, moderator should also be able to temporarily mute individuals that might not be contributing productively. I guess those are a couple of suggestions, and more. So just like wanting there's a longer list I won't read out but like wanting more controls for the moderator have a conversation. How are we thinking about that?

Paul Davison
Yeah. Let's go through them. So like mute all? I think that's a good. That's right. You have that on, like zoom and other services. I feel like we I feel like we should add that the muting someone temporarily. You can do that right now. If you're the mod. They can always unmute themselves I guess but but if you're the mod, you can tap on someone in me It can't you Yes. Yeah. Yeah, you can't unmute them, but you can mute them. So just know that that's available. Just tap on their profile and just to the right of their profile pic. There's a little mute button and you can you can mute them. That's a good reminder. I just like that one might not be available. You can do that today. And then if you're the mod, you can move people back down to the stage and then you can remove them from the room. Yeah. Uh, so I guess like the the one that stands out out of that list is the mute all and that feels like that would be useful. Are there others there? Others that you think would be really useful and

not in the list provided by dispersing from the community but I think there's a whole host of questions or requests around managing the stage like order of speaking and whether there's some features we could build their hand rescue management, and whether we could build more features. So I think there's a stack here for moderators, but as far as meeting this is pretty pretty comprehensive.

Paul Davison
Yeah. I mean, I love how people because people use rooms in such different ways. So if you're just used to doing it like you know in this format with three people on stage or in some other format, you might not, you might not appreciate the need for all these things. But I love rooms with like 20 plus people on stage. They're awesome. Like, I love that. So So I think that's a good shout and we are we are specking out a bunch of improvements to the room experience and, you know, two modules over the next couple of weeks, so that could be a good one to add to the list.

All right. Um, okay, finally, balloon days. Parentheses, a red balloon on the profile photo of people on their anniversary of joining clubhouse are awesome. Right now, these are personal profiles, and they are a visible reminder to pause, reflect and celebrate is something we could also make available for clubs in the future. And I guess more generally, like, how can we celebrate milestones on clubhouse?

Paul Davison
Ooh, that's pretty cool. So like the the birthday for anyone who doesn't know on your one year anniversary of or on your anniversary of joining clubhouse, you'll get a little balloon shows up for the newbie badge normally shows up. And this would be on the club. Would it be on the club page because people don't go to the club pages that

are what I think being in the room would be better, but I suppose you could have it on the profile photo of the club.

Paul Davison
I think that's, I think that's great. We're like, I think hopefully in 2022 We are now we now have enough people at the company that we could start to do more things like that, because they're always really fun like, and we have some infrastructure for doing it. So I think the I think what we basically need to do is figure out what the experience would be because I don't know what that looks like in my head right now. Like, you know, when you open the app, you could have something that tells you that sort of celebrates it, but that's not as fun as having it be in the room. Right and then if it's in the room just to just go to the admins or does it go to everyone who's a member of the club? I don't really know. So I think we have to figure out what it would look like. But I love I love the question. And I would love to do something like that if we can figure it out.

Love it. We get the questions and we have to actually spec them out. So we'll figure out how to how to implement it.

Paul Davison
Yeah, and if you have ideas, DMS journalists, yes, let us know.

Alright, another another rich question. Would clubhouse be able to create a place where advertisers or sponsors could express interest in working with users and then users or creators could choose to display these sponsorships or ads in the rooms? A lot more thinking here shared just around mutually beneficial for both creators and sponsors and

Paul Davison
clubhouse. Yeah, people have people do this organically quite a bit today. You know brands will come in and they want to sponsor conversations. And so they'll work directly with the creators and the creators how 10 links will include a link to to whatever page the brand sponsor wants to take them to. And it's really good because it lets creators focus on this thing with with more of their time and energy knowing that they're they're getting compensated for it by by the brand. And I think it's a really good thing. And so I would love for us to have some sort of marketplace that can connect creators with brands who want to host conversations who want to financially support the creators and sponsor the conversations. The in you know, it definitely happens a lot. I think it's great. The the main thing that that I think the main bit of work that tends to go into that is all of the the human side of it, meeting with the brand and and talking through the specifics and the terms and getting to know the Creator. And right now it's not something that is super easy to automate. Because when a brand is putting its name against something it needs to have a certain level of familiarity and trust with them. And so, like right now, it's just not a very easy to automate process. I think some other platforms have started to do these these sort of branded content marketplaces. I think Instagram just did it fairly recently, you know, so oftentimes like it, it's something that they add, they're on the road. I'd love for us to build something like that in 2022 because I know there's a lot of demand for it. But but it's just not a super easy thing to do because it takes a lot of like human input. Today. Steph, anything you would add to that. I know that this was something that you talked with creators about credit.

Stephanie Simon
No, I think you hit on sort of, we'll call it the friction of doing so. But yeah, I think none of us would disagree with the idea that we all want something like that both creators and you've been asked internally on the clubhouse team. Yeah.

Paul Davison
Yeah, so hopefully we can do that in 2022. But um, but you know, TBD.

It's gonna be a big year for us.

Paul Davison
I mean, I'm talking about a whole year I'm coming up for a lot of stuff.

Stephanie Simon
I don't know where we line up the rescue

Paul Davison
videos, your 2020. That's a whole year.

Okay, related question and stuff. I'll ask you to opine on this too along along with us. What are the best metrics we should be thinking about to gauge our performance as creators? Especially now with replace starts fall? Yeah,

Paul Davison
we're gonna start adding more analytics to help people think through that. But um, the the main one that we look at is concurrent listeners. If you're trying to build reach, you know, a lot of people are not on clubhouse to build reach, right? They're here to hang out and socialize. And that's fantastic. For people who want to who want to get reach. I think the cumulative attendee count, which is now visible to everyone is probably the most important metric to look at because it it captures people who have joined your room while it was live or as a replay and keeps going up over time. And you have ways to make it go up. Right? You can, you can host a great conversation. You can share the link after the fact we're going to build more ways in product help people discover it. So that's probably the one I would anchor on. But then in the future, you know, hopefully in the first quarter of next year, we can add stuff to help you understand things like how engaged your audience is, and and to know more about what happened during the room and a lot of other things. So right now, I'd say the total attendee count, but but we're going to add some really good stuff, I think, coming into the new year that that will change my answer to this question. Yes,

the one thing I was gonna add is definitely another as we chatted with, you know, John, and others on the team and I think we got a lot of good feedback on exactly what you're saying, Ron wanting more engagement metrics. So it's great to get 1000 people in the room, but what if I have 100 people that come every week to my show? I mean, that Yeah. So I think that's another big area to

Paul Davison
around. Yeah, connect with those people that are really supporting your show like that's, Yes,

Stephanie Simon
totally. The only thing I guess I might add is that with some of our new feature launches, I eat pins, links, etc. I think there are additional ways to check on like, what, that's a great whatever whatever called action it is to your room, right? So if your call to action is to get people to tap on a pin link or whatever I think that that's a really interesting way to also have more nuanced metrics around engagement. But yeah,

Paul Davison
yeah, that's a great one. And public engagement is really good.

Stephanie Simon
Super high, super high. We call it captive audience. You know, I think we don't talk about that enough. But like, if people stay in a room even 15 minutes, 10 minutes, you know, I think we people often host 60 minute rooms, but really, how long does it take for someone to sit in a room, get your account, you know, get the call to action, get the conversion and tap the link, which is what you want. Some people want anyway.

Paul Davison
Yep. And then also and you can also interact with pin links in a replay, so like they just exactly the gift keeps on giving. Yes.

All right, we got we got lost in the fun. I feel like I didn't realize we only had two minutes left, which is rare. So let's say you want to do one more question or do you want to just jump into requests for

Paul Davison
show? Oh, let's do one more quick one. Okay.

Stephanie Simon
A lot of shows at the end to point

people Yes, yes, we do. So you're I'm the one who's gonna be alright, Paul, there's no way you're gonna be able to cover this and well, maybe you will be let's see. Would you ever consider adding video as an optional tool for creators to use as a format on the app?

Paul Davison
2022 Yeah, that's fine. No, me like that. I you know, there's something really special about audio. But we're not religious. We use text in in, in back channel, right. So we always think about the best medium for that job. And there could be a day when we add it but media plans.

All right. They go quickly. You did. Alright, request for shows. Let's do it.

Paul Davison
Request your show. Okay, so a couple holiday themed ones we've been talking about I would love to see Christmas carol rooms. That would be

Stephanie Simon
nice, right?

Paul Davison
Use music fire up Music Mode and sing some Christmas carols that would be really nice. Holiday holiday songs. Oh, there's a really cool Secret Santa PTR room that was happening last week. I thought that was really cool. And I just I think hanging out with your friends during the holidays and I hang out rooms are really nice, I think but that's my quick request. For shows today.

Stephanie Simon
I'm also loving all these year end rooms by the way like I think record house when mentioned earlier, they're also going to do like a best year into music. I love all these year end rooms that are sort of happening.

Paul Davison
Yeah, yeah. All right. Step you mentioned there are some great rooms about to happen. We will wrap up it is 10am Pacific time. Let's see what do we have Jason book tour is continuing right now. Go to the We the future club. So go search for oh actually we only have to search it's right

Profile icon of Unknown Speaker
here. This right here.

Paul Davison
What are these? Okay, so join that for a conversation with Jason Steinhauer in the discussion here is does history have a future that's a very catchy title and is

Stephanie Simon
an impressive that.

Paul Davison
And, again, Jason has a new book that everyone should check out. Next one for all of you Formula One fans join the Formula One club live now as they unpack the controversial finish to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. As for Easton, Lewis Hamilton in the f1 season finale, so

Stephanie Simon
no big deal in f1 circles so join the chat if you're if you're

Paul Davison
awesome actually know much about Formula One but that sounds amazing. Oh six second season finale live group watch tonight at 6pm Pacific 9pm. Eastern in the movie club. That is awesome. I am very excited for this successful season finale. Oh man, I love this. I'm

not caught up. I'm not caught up. So

Paul Davison
there's so good caught up.

Stephanie Simon
It's good to

Paul Davison
get caught up in like, it really it really makes me appreciate the watching experience more to be able to impact it with friends and talk through it. I've never really like had a you know, a TV recap group like that, but it's awesome. Like you really come to appreciate it more and all the details that you missed. It's great. So live watch party tonight. 6pm pacific time hold on a second. I'm going to just get oh wait, no.

Stephanie Simon
Yeah, while you're saving that one more before we go to I think there's one that we're going to give a shout out to tomorrow but also for anyone obviously, not anyone many of us have been following along with the GMP Supreme Court and abortion and politics and media 101 minute right now have just open with what will surely be an interesting, powerful discussion.

Paul Davison
Thank you. That sounds great. Do we have a link for that? Yeah,

Stephanie Simon
I was just searching for it.

Paul Davison
Hold on. Let me let me let me do this one. Tomorrow. 8am Pacific Time. Join Elijah joy and Linda cloud Obon on the respectfully morning show as they announced the final 32 and MDK song competition if you haven't been following along like all the songs are original, they have a live performance the finalists are going to compete. I think December yeah tomorrow and the next day looks at the 13th of the 15th. And the winner is gonna receive a prize that that keeps growing as the community pledges more and the purse is currently at $26,000 which is amazing. It's tomorrow at 8am Pacific Time, capital Inc. Right now. And enjoy for that. That sounds incredible. Can it tap the bell on that right now? And did you want to put up that last link stuff for

Stephanie Simon
Yeah, yeah, I was I was trying to get to it and actually tapped on and went out of the room, which happens from time to time. But I think what I would just say is like go find politics and media one on one. That room is open right? Now. Just sounds great. politics and media what I want.

Paul Davison
Alright. 1004 Happy Sunday, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us. We'll be back next week. 9am Pacific time. We also if you're new to new user orientation every Wednesday at five o'clock Pacific time. Thank you so much for being here and see you in the hallways. Have a good Sunday guys, everybody. Happy Sunday everyone.




