oshima story (5)

Devils Dyke

Oshima and Tatsuko went to the Devils Dyke before departing from the Brighton to Sweden in June. It took normally 30 minutes by the double-decker from the Wilbury Villas where Oshima lived.  There were some low hills to lie in a row , you could see many sheeps feeding on deep green grasses here and there.  If you were lucky , you will come across a girl riding a horse with her hair fluttering in the wind elegantly.  It was a really nice amazing place.  Passing through a narrow path , you could find your way to the mansion with a beautiful rose garden that was perfectly cared for.  If you got a permission to enter from the lord , You could walk around and appreciated it. And then there was an old private house a little far away from the rose garden.  In front of this house you would see 2 college students who repaired the out of date automobile all day long.

People in England live in luxury.
