来年のライブ初めwith Carl Stone & Miki Yui
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東京では1月に念願のCarl Stone & Miki Yuiとの初共演が実現します!以前からそれぞれとご一緒したいと話していましたが、今回ご帰国のタイミングが重なりお二人のデュオREALISTIC MONKのライブに参加させていただく形で実現してとても嬉しいです。
Jun Kitamura氏のDJタイムもどうぞお楽しみに。

January 12 Tokyo Koenji KNOCK
Carl is freshly back in his Tokyo
hometown after 3 months touring – happy to be returning to Koenji KNOCK, with a performance as REALISTIC MONK together with his ambient music partner Miki Yui, sound artist living in Düsseldorf. For the second half of the evening REALISTIC MONK will be joined by the wonderful koto player Kohsetsu Imanishi for a first time collaboration. Please attend and you can tell your grandkids you were there.
* Carl Stone
* Miki Yui
* Kohsetsu Imanishi
Open 19:00 Live 20:00
19:00~20:00 Jun Kitamura (DJ)
20:00~20:40 REALISTIC MONK (Live)
20:40~21:10 Jun Kitamura (DJ)
21:10~22:00 REALISTIC MONK + Kohsetsu
open 19h00 J
3,000 + 1drink
Koenji KNOCK
Tokyo Suginami-ku Kouenji-Minami 3-48-6
〒166-0003 東京都杉並区 高円寺南3-48-6 第八日東ビル B10303-6454-6601
Map (Japanese) here
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