生徒が書いた「英検準2級 意見論述ライティング答案」を満点答案に直すために行ったアドバイス
Do you think it is a good idea for smartphone users to have a tablet PC?
I think it is a good idea for smartphone users to have a tablet PC. I have two reasons for it. First, a tablet PC is easy to watch videos. Because the screen is bigger than a smartphone. Second, tablets are easy to carry. Because recently iPads are light and thin. Therefore I think having a tablet PC is a good idea for smartphone users.
①Because S V~→This is because S V~
becauseは従属接続詞なので、because SVと書くと1つの副詞節(従節)になってしまい、主節が無い文になってしまう。
②Therefore I think~→Therefore, I firmly believe~
thereforeは論理接続の副詞(ディスコースマーカー)なので、後ろにコンマが必要です。For example, やIn short, やIn other words, なども同じ。そして、イントロでthinkなら結論はfirmly believe(強く思う)などに言い換えて、ボディで理由を伝えたうえで強くそう思うようになったという変化を出そう。
③easy to watch videos→comfortable for watching videos/easy to carry→convenient to carry
④videos→videos such as YouTube or Netflix/recently iPads→recent tablet PCs, including the iPad,
自分が伝えたいイメージを正確に伝えるために「具体例」を交えて書く方が良い。videos(ビデオ全般)よりもvideos such as YouTube or Netflix(YouTubeやNetflixのようなビデオ)の方がスマホよりタブレットで見る動画のイメージとして伝わりやすい。また、recently iPadsだと副詞+固有名詞の複数形(固有名詞は複数形にできない)ので、recent(形容詞)+tablet PCs(複数形)including(such asの言い換え/~を含む)iPad(固有名詞)と言い換えた方が、「iPadを含むタブレットPC」と具体的になる。
⑤イントロでa good ideaなら結論はbeneficialに言いかえ
I think it is a good idea for smartphone users to have a tablet PC. I have two reasons for this. First, a tablet PC is comfortable for watching videos such as YouTube or Netflix. This is because its screen is bigger than that of smartphones. Second, tablets are convenient to carry because recent tablet PCs, including the iPad, are light and thin. Therefore, I firmly believe that having a tablet PC is beneficial for smartphone users.