
抗生物質は新生児の発育を遅らせるかもしれません。Use of antibiotics to neonatal children will cause delay in their growth.

先月末にNature Communicationsという論文誌にて抗生物質の長期的な影響の観察が2008年から2010年に生まれた12422人の乳幼児を対象に行われました。この研究発表によると、生まれて数週間の間に抗生物質を投与すると子供の6歳までの身長と体重の成長が抑制されることがわかりました。また、この長期的な影響は男児にしか見られず、女児の発達は遅れることがなかったそうです。 

The effect of antibiotics on physiology of neonatal kids are famous, but there were not many studies done to show the effects of antibiotics in the long-term.
Paper published in Nature Communications looked at the effects on antibiotics when used within few weeks of birth with 12422 babies who were born between 2008 and 2010. This paper revealed that the growth of children (weight and height) were impaired until 6yrs old. However, this delayed growths were only observed in boys and not girls.
In Japan, medicines are more easily prescribed compared to European countries, and the doctors in Japan tend to prescribe medicines that are sometimes not necessary just to be sure that children get well. However, considering that there are drugs that delays children's growth, I think Japanese medical systems need to rethink on their criteria of prescribing medicines. Also, not many doctors around the world will not tell patients about the long-term effects found in this paper when prescribing the antibiotics. I understand all of them may not be aware of the existence of the paper, but sometimes it is a problem of information transparency. This is a problem all around the world, and I truly believe that needs to be fixed so that patients have can be treated without worrying about side effects.

論文を読みたい方はこちらから!If anyone interested in the paper, have a look at it using the link →https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-20495-4
