
Should everyone go to university or higher education?

Some people say that we should go to university to get a good job and a good salary. Other people say that we do not have to go to university. It seems that it depends on the reasons for each person or family.
I will take the example of German education. You usually go to primary school from the age of six to ten. When you finish primary school, you have to decide which secondary school you want to go to. There are four types ---①Gymnasium, ②Realschule, ③Hauptschule and ④Gesamtschule. Gymnasium' is an 8- or 9-year combined middle and upper secondary school for advanced students who plan to go to university. Realschule' is a 6-year comprehensive school for students who plan to work blue-collar jobs. ‘Hauptschule' is a 5- or 6-year lower secondary school. Gesamtschule' is a type of school combining from ① to ③ above.
Compulsory schooling in Germany lasts the age of 15 or 16. Some people work after that. If a pupil who goes to Gymnasium has a bad result, the teachers will recommend that the pupil repeats a year or goes to the other schools such as 'Hauptschule'.
When it comes to Japanese education, all the children between the ages of 6 and 12 attend elementary school and then to junior high school. Some students attend a 6-year combined middle and high school. Especially in urban areas such as Tokyo or Osaka, there are some competitions in the famous combined school entrance examinations. The idea behind such competitions is that if the students get into one of the famous schools, they will get into famous colleges, or prestigious universities to get a good job and to live a good life in the future. However, even if students pass such exams, there are many people who are worried about the future, are bullied by other people, have various stress and refuse to go to school. Some students commit suicide because of bullying. It seems that they are not always so happy in their school life.

As you know, the 100-year life has arrived, and people can live not only a 3-stage life, such as study-work-retirement life, but also a multi-stage life, such as deciding when to retire. So, it is time that we can live much more freely than before. In addition, AI (artificial intelligence) has come. Now, I think we need to rethink how we should live our lives in our own way. I mean, because it is important to shine in your own unique way.

Thank you for staying with me as always😊
See you next time!
Teacher Asuka
