Living better
Hello everyone! How are you today? This is Teacher Asuka.
Today, I'm going to talk about the length of life and how to live it better.
Time flies! It's getting almost the New Year.
It is said that if you are lucky, there will be about 4000 weeks in your life. Since the 100-year life has started, you have weeks left.
4000 weeks will be divided by 4 weeks, and it will be almost 1000 months. Then, you divide 1000 months by 12 months, which gives you almost 83 years. It depends on where you live or gender, around 83 years of life will be a life expectancy in general.
If you think like that, I think you will realise how short the life is.
We are not taught such things and how to live life in school.
Dr. Maria Montessori once said, 'You are educated for competition'. 'Competition is the beginning of all wars.'
John Lennon told us that 'Peace is not something you wish for: it's something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away.
So, people can make something for peace, not for war and conflict in its own way.
This was followed by a quote from Montessori that I mentioned earlier: ''When he will educate himself for cooperation and to offer solidarity each other, that day he will be educate himself for peace'.
As the above quote suggests, I have been thinking that a new kind of education system should be needed or implemented instead of the present education system. The main reason is that we need to cooperate and help each other more to make the world a peaceful place.
From now on, I would strongly suggest that all children need is to be taught cooperation, help and generosity, as well as to believe in themselves, focus on their personal growth and develop their own instincts, or strengths, rather than competition in the near future, as also mentioned in the UN SDGs.
Finally, I would like to share with you my favourite quotes, which are as follows. We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given a life. It’s up to us to make it good or bad.
Thank you for staying with me as always.
See you next time.
Teacher Asuka