外国の方ではどうでしょうか。海外からマスクなしで、商談に来られていました。OMGT LLC への商談や興味をもってアポイントされた方も非常に多くおられて、6人のスタッフで何とか乗り超えられたかと思います。
それには、多くの人たちに出会い共鳴してくださった方々がおられたからです。その最大の理解者が、OMGT LLC 代表社員の大塩まゆみ様です。代表が一度決断されたのでどこに行くかもわからないいつ遭難するかわからない抹茶色で染まった、舟に乗り込まれる決断をされた強い意志でした。
また、今回のイベントを盛り上げるために尽力を注いでくださった、Yorozuya LLCの鐘田様にも大変にお世話になりました。お手伝いいただいた、チャーミングなスタッフ、熟練のおじ様スタッフの活躍も素晴らしいものがありました。これから、多くの商談できたバイヤーの方への案内を詳細に詰めなければなりませんが、早急にご連絡を差し上げたいです。
2度目の人生の目標とした到達地点である、自分の命を救った、有機宇治抹茶を海外の人たち、抹茶初心者愛好家の皆さんに抹茶をペーストとした「京都抹茶革命」が発信できたこと大変にうれしく思いました。皆様の温かいご支援、海外バイヤーの方々の熱心なまなざしにお応えできるよう一層の精進をしたいと思いました。感謝 12代喜多重左衛門
What I felt when I opened a booth at Tokyo Big EXPO (June 21~23)
In Japan, the coronavirus phobia policy has instilled in Japanese life that people fear concentrated contact. How about in foreign countries? There were many people from overseas who came to our booth without masks, and there were many who made appointments with OMGT LLC for business meetings or with interest in the company, and I think our staff of six managed to get through it. I also learned a lot.
As the 12th generation Kita Juzaemon, what is it that I want to do as a reborn person?
Business meeting
It was this business where I ignored all obstacles, just dreamed of what I wanted to do, and transmitted what I had left undone in my life. It was because of the many people I met and who resonated with me. The person who understood me the most was Ms. Mayumi Oshio, the representative employee of OMGT LLC. It was her strong will that made the decision to board the boat, which was dyed in matcha brown, not knowing where it would go or when it would get lost because once the representative made the decision, she did not know where it would go. I would also like to thank Mr. Kaneda of Yorozuya LLC for all his hard work in making this event a success. The charming and experienced staff members who assisted the event were also outstanding. I am very happy to have been able to reach my second life goal, to introduce the organic Uji matcha that saved my life, the "Kyoto Matcha Revolution," a paste of matcha, to people overseas and to matcha lovers who are new to matcha. I am very happy to have been able to introduce the "Kyoto Matcha Revolution," a paste of matcha to people overseas and to matcha novices. We would like to do our best to respond to the warm support of our customers and the enthusiastic eyes of overseas buyers. Thank you. Kita Juzaemon XII