そして、フィンランドの冬はwinter depression,鬱などとも深く関係しています!フィンランドにずっと住んでいるフィンランド人でも。落ち込み、やる気が出ない、朝起きるのがつらい、ジャンクフードが夏の天気が良い時よりも食べたくなる、などの症状が起きたりとストレスを抱えているみたいです。そのため、癒しが必要なのです!私は今までペットを飼ったことがなかったのですが、ホストファミリー宅に犬がいて、それがもう可愛すぎます!!私の将来お金がかかったとしても飼いたいなと思っちゃいました。い
Moi moi;)
i've got a countdown app to keep track of my remaining days until I return to Japan, and it is down to 40 days already! It seems like life in FInland offers more time compared to the hustle and bustle of Japanese one, which can make it easy to procrastinate without proper self-discipline. This time, let is talk about Finns and their pets!
When walking outside here, I notice that there are usually at least five dogs out for a walk with their owners. Also, most of my Finnish friends have their own dogs. While small dogs seem more common during walks, you do spot large ones occasionally. I just picked up dog, butI feel like having pets in general is quite popular in here more than Japan, it can be cats, hamsters, and so on.
So, i've tried to analyze why this is the case. Firstly, it seems to be related to spacious homes with big yards or a prevalance of detached houses. Also, there's the matter of having enough money to afford it. As the county famous for its social welfare system, I don't feel the gap between the rich and the poor much. Everyone seems to live in lovely homes, own cars, goes to school or work, and enjoys fashion, their own habits. However, there's often grumbling about the high cost of living. Pries are steep, like around 2.5 euros for a coke, which roughly 400yen! It is quite shocking. Even my Finnish friends are often complaining about how expensive things are.
Lastly, and parhaps most importantly, I think it is because people need to be healed in their lives. Some of you might think like "wait, I know that Finland is famous for its life-work balance, so do they really need to be healed? They have time to relax." Abusolutely. Especially in winter… Finnish winters are incredibly dark and above all, long. It is really dark and long! It is hard to convey the extent of it in words, but looking back my winter experience in Finland, it was quite tough. When I say dark, I don’t mean pitch-black all day here in southern Finland; it’s more like a perpetual twilight due to overcast skies. And cold. There might be one sunny day a week, but on those days, it’s even colder!! According to my host father, when there are clouds, the heat doesn’t escape, acting as insulation, but on sunny days, it gets even colder. I experienced -24°C for the first time in Finland, and all I can say is, it’s cold. I also learned that people get aggressive when it’s cold. (Is it just me? Maybe it’s like when you’re too hungry?) And they walk faster, their expressions become dull due to the cold. It’s all interconnected. By the way, there are also many heavy drinkers. It might apply to European countries in general, but even high schoolers drink regularly, becoming part of the home party culture. (In Finland, you can legally drink at 18, but it seems like everyone starts around middle school.) And Finland’s winter is deeply related to winter depression, even for Finns who have lived there for a long time. They experience symptoms like feeling down, lacking motivation, struggling to wake up in the morning, and craving junk food more than in good summer weather. So, that’s why they need comfort!
I’ve never had a pet before, but my host family has a dog, and it’s just too cute!! Even if it costs me money in the future, I think I want one. Well then, that’s all for today. Thank you so much for reading!