
No.4 『マイ・コイと反逆者たち』 "Mai Khoi & The Dissidents" (ベトナム)

★初めましての方は、まずこちらの記事をどうぞ ⤵









3.Key words and phrases

fizzle = 勢いがなくなる、徐々に消える
context = 事情、背景
norm = 規範、基準
ban = 禁止する
political party = 政党
The National Assembly = 国会
corrupt = (形) 堕落した、腐敗した *動詞も同型、名詞は corruption
resonate with = ~に共鳴する、響く
candidate = 立候補者
campaign = 選挙戦
piss off = 人を怒らせる
well oiled = 円滑な、順調な  *best oiled はその最上級
rogue = 面倒を起こす、不穏な
gig = 演奏会、コンサート、一時的な仕事


Day 1(マイ・コイの生い立ち)by Mai Khoi

When I was a child, we was (were) very poor. We didn't have enough food to eat. We just have a bowl of rice and some fresh chilies. I was born in the family full of music.  My father is music teacher. When I was 18 years old, I moved to Saigon. I just remember Saigon so beautiful that have many restaurants, many cafes, many bars. Everything my hometown doesn't have. When I go to Saigon, I just have about 30 dollars from my parents and I had to sing in the restaurant where people just eating and talking. I work every night for four years to have enough money to record my first album.  (114 words)

子どもの頃は貧しかった。食べるものもろくになく、いつも ご飯と唐辛子だけ。でも 私の家は音楽に満たされていた。父は音楽教師だった。18歳の時 サイゴンに移り住んだ。サイゴンはとても美しかったわ。レストランやカフェやバーがたくさんあった。私の田舎にはなかったものよ。街に着いた時は両親からもらった30ドルしか持ってなかった。人々が食べながら話してるような店で歌わなければならなかった。4年間 毎晩ずっと働いたわ。アルバムを出すお金を稼ぐためよ。


Day 2(マイ・コイの生き方)by 夫ベン

"Vietnam" was a huge hit. Television, radio stations played it all the time. Unlike many pop songs, it fizzled out quite fast after being released, it became a folk classic. It touched on a certain sense of pride, of country that I think many people here can relate to. When I first met Khôi, she was being flown around the country, being paid thousands of dollars just to sing, you know, two or three songs. She was invited to sing at senior level government events all the time. You really have to understand the social context of Vietnam and social norms in Vietnam.  She caused a major national scandal when she said she didn't want to get married or have kids.  (124 words)



Day 3(選挙に立候補したマイ・コイ)by 文化評論家

Vietnam is weird in that they ban political parties other than the Communist Party, but you can run as an independent candidate, technically. The National Assembly's never really been an entity with a great amount of respect because they are seen as a rubber stamp of Communist policies. It's corrupt in terms of power and all that.  She felt she could change things. The issues that Khôi included in her political platform did resonate with people,  gender equality, freedom of speech, violence against women. These were issues that the young people cared about.  Someone from the New York Times flew down to Saigon.  This was around the time when the state media stopped covering Khôi and the independent candidates which is how they restrict people from campaigning. But social media has changed this.  (133 words)




Day 4(オバマ氏と会談したマイ・コイ)by ジャーナリスト

Khôi's meeting with Obama pissed off the government. You're either with us or you're against us is the mentality of the party.  There's no in between.
She had pushed it too far. Vietnam has one of the best oiled police states in the world.  And a public figure who goes rogue like that,  it's instinctual for them just knock her down.  Everyone knew that Khôi was in trouble. Immediately, all of her shows were cancelled. That was the end of her doing gigs in Saigon of going out to Vietnamese State TV and having these performances and getting awards.  That was the end of her career as she knew it.  (110 words)



Day 5(反逆者たちへの報復)by 活動家たち

A Blogger:  My name's Nguyen Chi Tuyen but my friends prefer to call me Anh Chi.  I'm a blogger in Vietnam. The government don't want me to criticize their policy or bring the story to the world. One day I drove my son to his school and dropped him there. And when I came back, I was beaten by at least five secret policemen on the street, in daylight.  Our country, our people when they witness such inhumanity. We cannot forget. 
A singer:  I'm  Loc Vang, a Vietnamese singer. I was in jail for ten years for singing songs that was banned by the government. When the Communist Party took over this country, they banned everything from the old government, because they think culture and music will make people remember a better time.  Although the government banned it, we still secretly sing those songs. When the authorities heard this, they sent us to Hoa Lo Prison. (152 words)  

ブロガー: 私はグエン・チー・トゥエンです。友人はアン・チーと呼びます。ベトナムのブロガーです。政府は、私が政策を批判したり世界に発信したりするのを嫌がります。ある日 息子を学校まで送り、そこで降ろしました。家に戻ると、少なくとも5人の秘密警察官に殴られました。昼間に街中でですよ。私の国も国民もこんな非人道的なことを目撃して、絶対に忘れることはできません。
歌手: 私はベトナムの歌手、ロク・ヴァンだ。政府に禁止された歌を歌って10年間 刑務所に入れられた。共産党がこの国を支配した時、彼らは旧政権時代のものすべてを禁止した。歌や文化は人々に古き良き時代を思い出させるからだ。政府が禁止しても私たちは隠れて歌を歌う。当局に見つかったら、ホアロー刑務所行きだがね。

Day 6(家族との確執)by バンドのサックス奏者

My father doesn't want me to work with them any more.  I got an argument with him. My father's biggest worry is my safety. When she livestreams on Facebook, everybody knows. A half-million Vietnamese looked at the last concert. My father said like, "Maybe you will get caught after that concert."  I really want to explain to my father that it's all about music.  The thing is, I cannot explain to him. Because every time we talk about that topic, he get angry right away.  But for now, he cannot tell me what I have to do.  I won't abandon Mai Khôi's work.  I don't want to fight the police. But I can play music.  I love my father, I do. And maybe in a few years, he will understand. (131 words)



Day 7(アルバムのその後)テロップより

After six weeks of mixing and mastering, the new album is ready.  Shortly after Khoi released "Dissent" in Vietnam, the album was picked up by one of the biggest record labels in Norway for worldwide release.  Khoi is only the second Vietnamese artist to ever release an album internationally.  To promote the album, Mai Khoi and the Dissidents toured North America and Europe.  Khoi continues to speak out for human rights around the world.  In 2018 she was given the Humans Rights Award from the Oslo Freedom Forum, generating world news coverage.  The government censored the BBC announcement of the award in Vietnam.   (103 words)

6週間後 編集が終わりアルバムは仕上がった。ベトナムで「異論」をリリースした後で、ノルウェーの大手レコード会社が国外での販売に名乗りを上げた。コイはアルバムを国外でリリースした2番目のベトナム人となった。アルバムのプロモーションのため「マイ・コイと反逆者たち」のメンバーは欧米ツアーへ。コイは今も世界中で人権について語り続ける。2018年 オスロにて人権に関する賞を受賞。ベトナム政府はBBC放送を検閲し、このニュースを流さなかった。



『マイ・コイと反逆者たち』 "Mai Khoi & The Dissidents"


映像字幕翻訳者: 浦田貴美枝


https://onl.la/Xngg8Ey (kindle版)
https://onl.bz/c3m3Fcd (kindle版)
https://x.gd/ySA4m (ペーパーバック版)

Blog: 『アラカンからのチャレンジ』

Copyright@2024 Kimie Urata note
