No.3 『中国の夢 一帯一路』 "China's New Silkroad" (中国)
★初めましての方は、まずこちらの記事をどうぞ ⤵
まず、中国の重慶から欧州まで繋がる鉄道路線が紹介される。次に、中国がフランスから覇権を奪ったアフリカの国ジブチまでの航路開拓、そこからまた鉄道を建設し、内陸のエチオピアへ、最後に中国に反発する過激派と政府軍が対立するパキスタン グワダルでの様子が映し出される。
3.Key words and phrases
flood A with B = AをBで溢れさせる、一杯にする
the new Silk Road = 新シルクロード、一帯一路
in one's favor = ~の思いどおりに、都合のいいように
Xi Jinping = 習近平
concoct = 仕組む、企てる
engine = 機関車
Chongqing = チョンチン、重慶
the Xinjiang region = シンチアン、新疆
put the cart before the horse = 本末転倒、順序を誤る
deficit = 損失、赤字
Djibouti = ジブチ(アフリカ北東部に位置する共和国で元フランス領)
strategically = 戦略的に *strategy の副詞
quasi-desert = 準砂漠気候
debt = 負債、借金、債権
military base = 軍事基地
inauguration = 発足式
Ethiopia = エチオピア(ジブチの西側に位置する内陸国)
Addis Ababa = アディスアベバ(エチオピアの首都)
inhabitants = 居住者、住民 *動詞はinhabit
delocalise = 移動させる、点在化させる
Pakistan = パキスタン(インド、中国、アフガニスタン、イランと国境を接している南アジアの国)
Gwadar, Baluchistan province = バルチスタン州グワダル(中国が多額の投資を行っている港町)
freighter = 貨物船
Kashgar = カシュガル(新疆ウイグル自治区にある中国最西端の町)
the Straits of Malacca = マラッカ海峡
consulate = 領事館、領事館員
separatist rebellion = 分離主義の反乱分子
Day 1(中国の一帯一路政策について)
The Chinese dream of selling electric cars all over Europe. To fulfil its goal of flooding the international market with these new products, China has a plan: the new Silk Road. Over the next 40 years, the Chinese will build train tracks, shipping lines and roads, going towards Europe, Asia and Africa. They will also set up railway stations, ports and industrial zones along the way… The objective is to redesign the political and economic world maps, to work in their favour. It was the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, himself, who concocted this plan.(94 words)
中国は電気自動車を欧州に売り込むのが夢だ。こうした新製品を世界市場に売り込むための中国の戦略が “新シルクロード” (一帯一路)である。今後40年以上かけ、欧州やアジア、アフリカに向けて鉄道と海路、陸路を開拓する計画だ。途中には駅や港、工業地帯も建設する。政治的、経済的な世界地図を自分たちの都合のいいように書き換えようとしているのだ。この計画を立てたのは中国の習近平主席自身である。
Day 2(重慶から欧州までの鉄道について)
Those are the engines we use for the trains to Europe. Every day, 3 trains leave Chongqing for Europe. Forty wagons packed full of clothes, mobile phones and chemical products. The journey takes 15 days. 60 drivers take shifts, along the 10,000-kilometre-long railway line. The train bypasses Tibet and crosses the Xinjiang region, before travelling through 5 countries: Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Poland. The journey comes to an end in Duisburg, Germany. From there, the goods will be shipped all over Europe. With its new railway, the city of Chongqing is attracting more and more large companies, such as Hewlett-Packard. (100 words)
向こうにあるのは欧州に向かう機関車だ。列車は毎日3本欧州に向かっている。衣類や携帯電話や化学製品が40両に詰め込まれ、1万キロを60人の運転手が交代しながら15日かけて走る。列車はチベットを迂回し新疆ウイグル自治区を抜ける。カザフスタン・ロシア・ベラルーシ・ポーランドを通り、終点のドイツ デュースブルクから欧州各地に商品が運ばれる。新しい鉄道によってヒューレットパッカードのような大企業が重慶に集まってきた。
Day 3(一帯一路の狙い)
Our Communist Party tour guide is very proud of his trains, yet, so far the railway is not making profit. The Chinese were so ambitious, they put the cart before the horse. Half of the wagons return from Europe empty and for now, Beijing absorbs the deficit. But, for the Chinese authorities, it doesn’t matter how long it takes. The aim of the new Silk Road is, above all, for China to extend its influence throughout the world. Currently, the priority route goes through Djibouti, a former French colony strategically located by the Red Sea.
A gateway, to conquer Africa. Djibouti is one of the smallest African states.
A poor country, a quasi-desert, with the exception of the capital. The Chinese began to invest in the port. (125 words)
Day 4(ジブチでの実態)
There are many young Djiboutians who are hopeful about their country’s future now. But all this comes with a price. Djibouti is now tied to China, who owns 70% of its debt. On land, the Chinese are beginning to install a military base - the first Chinese military base abroad. At its inauguration 2 years ago, they rolled out the red carpet for the Djiboutian President. With this base, China has positioned itself alongside these major world powers the Americans, the Italians, the Japanese, and the French. (87 words)
Day 5(エチオピアでの実態)
At the end of the railway line, 750km away, lies Ethiopia. A country with 110 million inhabitants. One of the highest growth rates in all of Africa. In the capital, Addis Ababa, buildings are springing up like mushrooms. China has already built a ring road and a tramway now, the focus is on delocalising its industry. 50 kilometres South of the capital lies workshops as far as the eye can see and streets that bear the names of Chinese cities or provinces. It is Ethiopia’s main Chinese economic zone. In China, now, many companies are looking for another place to invest, because in China the cost has increased but here in Ethiopia, the cost is low. The average salary of an Ethiopian worker is 56 dollars a month, 10 times less than the average Chinese worker. (130 words)
Day 6(パキスタンでの実態)
Our investigation takes us to Gwadar, in the Baluchistan province in Southern Pakistan. A small fishing port. This rustic jetty will soon be gone, giving way to a new industrial port, capable of receiving large freighters. The Chinese want to make it one of the key stopping points along the Silk Road. The overall project is to connect Kashgar, in western China, to Gwadar on the Arabian Sea,with a network of roads and railways. The aim: to bring China closer to the oil wells and offer a shortcut for the transportation of goods by going around the Straits of Malacca, controlled by the US. The ultimate goal: to open new routes into Africa and Europe. (115 words)
Day 7(中国への反発)
There is indeed danger in Gwadar. The Chinese projects have been greatly controversial and are regularly the targets of terror attacks. Two years ago, 3 men, armed with Kalashnikovs, attacked the Chinese consulate in Karachi,
the country’s economic capital. They blew up the guard post, killing 4 people before being shot by the police. The province of Baluchistan, where Gwadar is located, is also the scene of a separatist rebellion that kills hundreds of people each year. In their videos broadcast online, the separatists directly threaten China. When it comes to Gwadar, the Chinese have not yet won the battle of the new Silk Road but they have set the wheels in motion. According to the Beijing authorities, China’s great project is set to be completed by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the birth of the People’s Republic of China.
(139 words)
このフィルムを観ると、中国がいかに周りの国や地域を巻き込んで宗主国化しているかがわかる。欧州まで繋がる鉄道建設、その途中の拠点駅や工業地帯の建設、アフリカへの足掛かりとしてのジブチでの湾岸整備とエチオピアまでの鉄道整備。昔、大国や日本が他の国々を植民地化したやり方そのものだ。中国資本を投入し、中国人を派遣して現地の人たちを中国のやり方で教育する。だが、それは無償でやっているわけでは決してない。開発の名目でその国に多額の借金を負わせ、それが払えなくなればその施設も工場も中国のものとなる。すでにその借金に苦しんでいる国もあるし、中国への反発も見られる。自然発生的にできロマンの香りが漂うかつてのシルクロードと違い、現代の中国が造り上げようとしている "新シルクロード" は何やらきな臭い匂いがする。
『中国の夢 "一帯一路"』 "China's New Silkroad"
表題の写真は "World Economic Forum" の下記の記事より
China’s $900 billion New Silk Road. What you need to know | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)
映像字幕翻訳者: 浦田貴美枝
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https://x.gd/ySA4m (ペーパーバック版)
Blog: 『アラカンからのチャレンジ』
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