
Making AFK accessory in cluster

Creating the Model
: Create a simple model in Blender. The model used in the example is a cylinder with the top and bottom faces removed. Once the model is created, quickly create a texture to match the UV map of the model​​.

Setting up the Material: In Unity, set the shader to VRM/MToon. Then, set the created texture to the Color/Texture/Lit Color, Alpha section of the shader settings. Next, insert a suitable number into the UV Coordinates/Auto Animation/Scroll X section. The example also sets the Rendering Type to Transparent and turns off Cull Mode​.

Adjusting the Scroll Speed: You can adjust the Scroll X value to change the speed of the text scrolling around the object. You can preview the scroll speed easily by pressing the play button in the material preview section of the inspector​.

Making Text Visible from Both Sides: If you want the text to be readable from both sides of the object, you can turn off Cull Mode. This will make the back of the object (which is normally not rendered) visible. If the text appears mirrored on the back side, you can duplicate the mesh, reverse the normals, and adjust the UV map to fix this​.

How to upload

Prepare your model:
Ensure that your 3D model is ready for upload. You can use any 3D modeling software such as Blender, Maya, or 3ds Max. If you're new to this, Cluster provides a guide on how to start modeling with Blender. There are some limitations on the accessory you can upload, such as size and the shader, which should be "MToon"​.

Update Cluster Creator Kit: To use the accessory upload feature, you need the latest version of the Cluster Creator Kit. If you haven't installed it yet, Cluster provides a guide on how to do so. If you have it installed already, there's also a guide on how to update it.

Import the model into Unity: You need to import your model into Unity. This can be done by simply dragging and dropping the model into the Project window in Unity. Once imported, the model will appear in the Project window​​.

Make the model a Prefab: Drag and drop the model from the Project window to the Scene or Hierarchy. Then, drag and drop the model from the Scene or Hierarchy to the Project window to make it a Prefab​​.

Add the "Accessory Item" component: Select the Prefab in the Project window, and in the Inspector window, click "Add Component". Search for "Accessory Item" and add it. In the Accessory Item component, you can set various properties such as the accessory name and description​.

Set the shader to "MToon": Select the Prefab in the Project window, and in the Inspector window, find the Material of the model. Click on the Shader dropdown and select "VRM/MToon". You can adjust the various MToon parameters as needed​.

Upload the accessory: In the Cluster> Accessory upload> drag and drop your prefab to window.
