唯一無二の King of Pop マイケル・ジャクソンの声明
Michael Jackson, Telegram Post [11.06.21 07:09]
誰が犯罪者なのか? 誰が中国やウクライナと怪しい取引をしたのか? しかし、メディアを見ると、彼は最高の人物だと言っています。
Statement by Michael Jackson, The one and only King of Pop.
Fake news is the enemy of the nation's consciousness.
I ask you, my dear friends, to tell me how much the media lied about me.
Now ask yourself why they lied about President Trump.
The answer is the oppressive and dirty system of this world that wants to enslave people.
My friends, be aware of fake news. And they want to take you away from your rights.
Who is a criminal? Who had suspicious deals with China and Ukraine? But if you look closely at the media, they say he is the best man.
The media does not care about you. They are worried about receiving their money from the Illuminati leaders.
Trust your true leader, President Trump. Keep your faith. Coronavirus is a conspiracy of globalists to control you.