Daniëlle, Telegram Posts [30.05.21 21:22]
この混乱から抜け出す方法は、人々が考えているよりもずっと簡単です。それには、私たちの多くが黙っているのをやめるだけでいいのです。私たちは多数派で、彼らは少数派です。 私たちと自由の間には、ある言葉があります。その言葉とは「NO !」です。
Danïelle 🙏❤️
Turning the pyramid around
I want to make clear that the pyramid below is THEIR hierarchical system and is based on wealth and control alone.
In reality, we should view this pyramid as inverted. We are the many, they are the few. We the masses have a greater potential than they will ever have.
Planet Earth is the physical manifestation of a love so grand, that it is the envy of the forces of evil, who are bitter of the creative power of the divine and all its infinite expressions. These anti-divine forces seek to play God by gaining control of the global population and suppressing the power that the benevolent forces of creation bestowed upon us.
In truth their power only comes from us. They have no creative ability of their own. This is why they need us to build our own prison, using our own free will.
These creatures are nothing more than parasites, piggybacking off our extraordinary potential for reality creation and manipulating it towards their own sinister end. They are only able to gain control through the use of lies, manipulation and with the assistance of technology. Without this they are powerless.
Beneath the exterior, these creatures are nothing more than frightened, lonely, insignificant and soulless psychopaths; devoid of love, empathy, emotion, connection and anything else that makes us truly human. They are empty vessels who have split so far off from creator/source that they no longer inhabit what one would call a soul and spirit. They are merely pieces of hollow, inorganic matter that seek to poison, corrupt and invert all that is benevolent.
The only way that they can feel powerful is by dominating others. This is why they have spent many generations systematically and insidiously mind controlling us so that we forget our power and hand over the keys to our internal kingdom. The dark forces are fully aware of our divine potential, which is why they fear us so much and spend their entire lives trying to subjugate us.
This is also why they are working overtime at the moment to push forward their agenda. They are panicking. This is their last ditch attempt to gain full global control. They are out of the shadows now and operating in clear view for those with the eye to see. They know there is an awakening taking place and they are pulling out every last move to try and stifle it. But it won’t work!
Those who have fully awoken will not go back to sleep and as things continue to progress, more and more people will become disillusioned enough to start seeing through the lies. Whilst this inevitably take longer than we would like, in time we will get closer to the critical mass necessary to turn things around.
There has already been a huge positive shift this year, despite what you see on mainstream news. The recent rallies which took place all over the world have demonstrated that there are increasing numbers of people willing to gather together and fight for their freedom.
Unfortunately there are others who will have to lose almost everything to start questioning things. We have to just do our best to assist those who are willing and ready to listen. There are many people who have just stepped foot on their path to awakening and who are seeking guidance from those who have gone through the process. We can assist them in such a way that they don’t need to go through the same confusion, disillusionment and pain that we did (although to some degree or other, this will be a natural part of the process for almost everyone).
Set an example. Use your voice. Be a leader. Have courage. Stand tall and strong in the flame of truth. Do not allow yourself to be consumed by fear. This will not only disempower yourself, but fear is also contagious and will have a knock on effect on others.
The way out of this mess is a lot more simple than people like to make out. It simply requires enough of us to stop acquiescing. We are the many, they are the few. One word stands between us and freedom. That word is NO!
No I will not comply to your tyranny.
Daniëlle, [30.05.21 21:22]
No I will not be your slave! No I will not bow down meekly to your demands! No I will not wear your mask! No I will not close my business! No I will not take your experimental jab!
You are part of a band of warriors coming forward now that are able to see through the veil of illusions and will no longer comply with your own enslavement. Now is the time to reclaim your sovereignty. You must break free from the mindset that you are small and insignificant. You are only made to feel powerless, hopeless and helpless. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
You are a microcosm of the entire universe. You have access to an unlimited source of knowledge, wisdom and strength, which is always there should you simply reach inside and grasp it. The power has been with you along, but you gave it away because we didn’t know its worth.
When enough of us wake up to our divinity, reclaim our power and come together in unity, we become a force to be reckoned with.
This is our time.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
The future of humanity hinges upon us.
Stand up
Take back your authority
Claim your freedom
Say no to things that do not feel good.
Be loyal to yourself.
Make a difference by making a statement.
Take of your mask.
Connect with people that resonate with you.
I am right next to you.
We are in this togheter.
Where we go one we will turn around the pyramid so we go all.
This is the Great Awakening.
And you are changing history just by being you.
Your true free self.
Sending Love
Danïelle 🙏❤️