
EP11: Traveling



1. まず聞いてみる
2. スクリプトと日本語を確認し内容を理解する
3. もう一度聞いて理解が追いつくか確かめる
4. スキマ時間で繰り返し聞く


★ スピーキング力もアップさせたい方




Hello, thank you for listening. This is "多聴多読 English Radio," and you're listening to episode 11. Today, I'm going to talk about traveling. Do you like traveling?

Unfortunately, I haven't traveled much recently, but I did go to Sendai this summer, which is my hometown. If you consider that a trip, then yes, I did travel. But for me, when you say "travel," it feels like you're going to a new place, experiencing new things, and meeting new people.

Going back to my hometown? I’m not sure if that counts as traveling. So, I’d say I’ve only really traveled once this year, in February. We went to Yamanashi. As you may know, there’s Fujikyu Highland, a famous theme park, and we went there. We didn't actually ride any rides, though. There's a park inside called Thomas Land, based on the character Thomas the Tank Engine. My son is a big fan of Thomas, so we went there to celebrate his birthday.

It was a trip, I guess. We rented a car and drove there.
And let me also tell you about the last time I traveled abroad. It was last year—I went to Hong Kong. Although we stayed for just two nights, it was a nice experience.

You might wonder, why Hong Kong? Well, my wife and I like Disney, and there's a Disneyland in Hong Kong. My wife had already been there twice, but I had never been, so we decided to go and check out Disneyland. It was a good trip, although short.

At that time, my son was two years old, and as some of you might know, traveling with a young child isn’t always easy. But the flight was only four hours, and there was just a one-hour time difference, so it wasn’t too bad.

Since English is one of the official languages in Hong Kong, I expected everyone to speak English fluently. But to be honest, I was surprised that many people didn’t seem too confident speaking English. Instead, once they realized we were Japanese, some of them used translation apps to speak in Mandarin and showed me the translation in Japanese.

Also, one staff member I met told me he loved Japanese people and kept saying, "日本人が大好きです" (I love Japanese people). It was heartwarming because he wasn’t talking about Japan, the language, or the culture—but specifically Japanese people.

Another interesting thing was that, because we're all Asians, they assumed we spoke Chinese. So, many people started speaking to us in Chinese. I had to say, "Sorry, I don't speak Chinese. I'm from Japan. Could you speak English?"

Most of the time, they seemed a little confused or nervous. It was quite an interesting experience. This year, I wanted to travel abroad again, but as the year comes to an end, we haven’t really planned anything. But we’re the kind of people who just go with the flow, so maybe we’ll decide last minute. Who knows? We still have three months left, so maybe we will, maybe we won’t.

So, those are my recent travels. What about you? As I always say, if you want to improve your speaking skills, I recommend making your own version of this topic. Today’s topic is travel, so talk about your own travel experiences. It’s great practice.

Lastly, I’d like to ask for a favor. I’d love to know if my English or the level of this podcast is appropriate for you. Please let me know if I speak too fast, too slow, or if I use too many difficult words. I think I’ll add a survey to this episode. It’s simple: just let me know if the speed or difficulty is comfortable for you. That would really help me adjust the level of this podcast.

All right, that’s it for today. As usual, you can find the transcription of this episode in the description. Thank you for listening to the end, and I will talk to you in the next episode. Bye-bye!


  • confident - 自信を持っている

  • Mandarin - 標準中国語(主に中国本土で話されている言語)

  • confused - 混乱している、困惑している

  • go with the flow - 流れに身を任せる、柔軟に対応する

EP11: 旅行

こんにちは、聞いてくださってありがとうございます。これは「多聴多読 English Radio」エピソード11です。今日は旅行について話します。皆さんは旅行が好きですか?












というわけで、最近の僕の旅行について話しました。あなたはどうですか? いつも言っている通り、スピーキングスキルを向上させたい方は、このトピックで自分自身のバージョンを作ってみることをおすすめします。今日のトピックは「旅行」なので、ぜひ自分の旅行体験を話してみてください。良い練習になりますよ。


