
EP8: Motivation



1. まず聞いてみる
2. スクリプトと日本語を確認し内容を理解する
3. もう一度聞いて理解が追いつくか確かめる
4. スキマ時間で繰り返し聞く


★ スピーキング力もアップさせたい方




Hi everyone, this is Kento. Thank you for listening. You are listening to "多聴多読 English Radio." This is episode 8, and today I'm going to talk about motivation—motivation to learn English.

Sometimes I get asked how to keep motivation for learning English. Just sometimes, because, you know, my students are very motivated, so I don't really have to motivate them. But sometimes, yes, I get asked by people how to stay motivated.

And yeah, I think it's a good time for me to talk about it because, unfortunately, sometimes we lose motivation. So let me talk about it.

Okay, so my answer may not be straightforward or what you expect to hear, but what I always say, and I would say if you asked me, “Hey, how can I keep my motivation?” is: you don't really need motivation—you just need a system. Sorry if this sounds a little counterintuitive, but that's my answer. Actually, I tend to be contrarian sometimes. Anyway, let me explain a little bit.

I've heard that motivation isn't something you have first and then you act on it. Actually, our brains don't work that way. According to a brain scientist, Dr. Ikegaya, who works for University of Tokyo, motivation is not something that just comes out of nowhere. You can create it.

There’s a concept called “activation arousal” or 作業興奮 in Japanese. It means that you need to take action first. It can be anything, like opening your notebook, your computer, or even just writing down the date. Once you start doing something, your brain kicks in, and you get motivated to keep going. And once you're in that state, it's easier to continue for, say, 15 or 20 minutes. You might get bored at some point, but the key is to just start.

So, that's why I said you don't need motivation—you need a system. If you create a system where you do something at a specific time or have a trigger, that's enough.

Actually, there’s also research in the field of second language acquisition about motivation. Some people talk about the idea of an “ideal L2 self”. L2 means second language, so in your case, it would be your “ideal English self.” Having an ideal image of your future self, for example, speaking English fluently or enjoying conversations with someone not from Japan. And they say that can motivate you.

But personally, I don’t think you need an ideal self. I recommend just having a system. For example, after breakfast, you could study English for 10 minutes, or write down what happened yesterday. If you study at night, although I don’t recommend studying late at night, you can still just decide to do 10 minutes before bed—maybe writing down what you did that day, in English.

So my point is - Don't focus on motivation. Just make a system that works for you. Opening your notebook, grabbing a pen, or opening your textbook—these things take less than a minute. You have the time. “I don’t have time” cannot be an excuse.

That’s how I usually reply when asked, “How can I keep my motivation?” I know this might sound a bit contrarian, but that’s how I’ve studied English and other languages, and it has worked fine.

And you don’t need discipline. Some people would say you need discipline to learn something new, like English. But I don’t like that word, honestly. I don’t think I have discipline, but I have a system, and that works. I don’t need to push myself. I just do it.

Okay, I hope this helps. And I hope you enjoyed this episode.

As usual, you can find the link to the transcription and the Japanese translation of this episode in the description.

Thank you very much for listening. If you have any comments or questions, please write them down in the comments. I’d be very happy to hear from you.

Okay, thank you for listening, and I will talk to you in the next episode. Bye-bye!

注釈 (Glossary)

  • straightforward: 率直な、わかりやすい

  • counterintuitive: 直感に反する

  • contrarian: 逆張りをする人、反対のことを言う人

  • act on: 〜に基づいて行動する

  • activation arousal: 作業興奮(行動を起こすことで脳が活性化し、動機づけが高まる現象)

  • kick in: (効果や機能が)始まる、発揮される

  • ideal L2 self: 理想の第二言語自己(L2は「第二言語」の意味。英語学習における「理想の自分像」)

  • grab: つかむ、手に取る

  • excuse: 言い訳

  • discipline: 規律、自己管理


EP8: 英語学習のモチベーションを維持する方法

みなさんこんにちは、Kentoです。お聞きいただきありがとうございます。「多聴多読 English Radio」をお聞きいただいています。エピソード8です。今日は英語学習におけるモチベーションについて話します。







実際に、第二言語習得の分野でも、モチベーションに関する研究がいろいろあります。その中でも「理想のL2自己(ideal L2 self)」という考え方があります。L2というのは「第二言語」のことです。なので、皆さんの場合は「理想の英語を話す自分像」のことです。英語を流暢に話す自分や、外国の人と会話を楽しんでいる自分を想像して、それがモチベーションになるというわけです。








