Introduction to Marketing 【1】
What is marketing?
Marketing is the management process directed at satisfying customer needs and wants through exchange process.
Marketing consists of individual and organizational activities that facilitate and expedite satisfying exchange relationshipa in a dynamic environment through the creation, distribution, promotion, and pricing of goods, services, and ideas (Dibb, 2012)
Matching the company's capabilities with the needs and wants of customers in order to achieve the goals of the firm.
need: a state of felt deprivation (例:food, transport)
want: needs shaped by culture, environment, and upbringing (例:Hamburger, BMW )
It's all about creating customer value
-to understand customers
-to design integrated strategic marketing plans in both offline and online environments
-to create customer value, and sustain that value ovwr time via developing and delivering goods and services
The Evolution of Marketing
・production orientation
if we can make it, it will sell
sales turnover in the face of competition
・marketing orientation
long-run customer satisfaction
・social marketing orientation
for the benefit of society "the good life"