

タトゥー、刺青について賛否両論のある日本ではまだあまり馴染みのないタトゥーコンベンション(コンベンションとは、特定の目的をもった多数の人間が、目的に関する活動を一定の場所に集まって行うこと)という文化。世界各地からトップレベルのアーティストが集結し、会場でタトゥーを彫り、コンテストが行われています。2024年3月14日から16日までの3日間に渡って開催された「SAIGON INTERNATIONAL TATTOO EXPO 2024」を取材してきました。

In Japan, where there are pros and cons about tattoos, the culture of tattoo conventions (a convention is when a large number of people with a specific purpose gather in a certain place to carry out activities related to that purpose) is still not very familiar. Top-level artists from all over the world gather to create tattoos at the venue, and a contest is held. I covered "SAIGON INTERNATIONAL TATTOO EXPO 2024", which was held for three days from March 14th to 16th, 2024.

ベトナム南部最大の都市、サイゴンのタトゥーコンベンション -Tattoo convention in Saigon, the largest city in southern Vietnam-


Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), once known as the "Paris of the East," is a metropolis with a population of 9 million people. The French-influenced cityscape, skyscrapers, back alley life and hustle and bustle of the roads all come together. For local transportation, the ride-hailing app Grab, which acquired Uber in 2018, was convenient. If you're using a motorcycle, you can confirm the driver on your smartphone and they'll come pick you up right away, and it costs about 150 yen for a few kilometers. I have used Grab many times this time as well.


The moment I stepped into the venue, Riverside Palace, the first thing that struck me was how many people there were. Vietnam's population is approximately 100 million people, and it is growing at a rate approaching that of Japan, with the largest number of young people in their 20s. The landscape is completely different from Japan's declining birthrate and aging population. I've been to tattoo conventions in Lyon, France, and Hong Kong, but this is the first time I've seen so many visitors right after they opened.


Many of the booths lined up in a straight line are occupied by young Vietnamese artists, silently inking tattoos with impressive skill. The men in loincloths standing in front of it are covered in tattoos in a style seen in Japan. As I approached the work, drawn to its bold use of primary colors, I was struck by the fine lines. Perhaps because Vietnam is located in the center of Southeast Asia, there were many participating artists from Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore. There are many people from Japan who are active internationally, such as Mr. Shinshu Horei and Mr. Horiyoshi IV. This is a rare opportunity to see tattoos from all over the world.


At a tattoo convention, there are different ways to enjoy tattoos, including people getting tattoos, people getting tattoos, people looking at tattoos, people taking pictures of each other, people enjoying the DJ and stage events, and people buying food and taking a break. Contests were held in the afternoons throughout the three days, with judging and awards being given. You can watch it on my YouTube channel.

触れられるものと触れられないもの -What you can touch and what you can't touch-

ここからは少し角度を変えて、音楽を巡る世界の状況を見ながら話を進めていきます。こちらは2024年3月21日に発表されたばかりのIFPI(国際レコード産業連盟)による世界の音楽市場の売上をまとめた年次報告書「IFPI Global Music Report 2024」です。

From now on, I will change my perspective a little and look at the current situation surrounding music in the world. This is the IFPI Global Music Report 2024, an annual report summarizing sales in the world music market by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which was just released on March 21, 2024.


What the beautiful curved graph tells us is that from 1999 to the present, ``CD sales have stopped,'' ``streaming sales have increased,'' and ``sales in the music market as a whole have expanded.'' about it. I think it's something that even people who don't actively listen to music can experience. However, an important point that should not be overlooked is that the red (physical and tangible) items in the graph have started to rise since 2020. This is supported by the sales of analog records, or the resurgence of the enjoyment of buying records and listening to music.

2023年にドイツのヴィム・ヴェンダース監督が日本を舞台にした映画「PERFECT DAYS」においても車の中でカセットテープを聴く場面が物語の核となっていました。現在の20代は生まれたときからインターネットやデジタル機器のある環境で育ったデジタルネイティブ世代。音楽をレコードやカセットテープで聴くことは新鮮でわくわくする体験なのかもしれません。同じように写真の世界でもフィルムのカメラを見直す動きは起こっています。

In the 2023 film PERFECT DAYS, directed by German director Wim Wenders and set in Japan, the core of the story is a scene in which a person listens to a cassette tape in a car. Today's 20-somethings are a generation of digital natives who grew up in an environment with the Internet and digital devices from the time they were born. Listening to music on records or cassette tapes can be a new and exciting experience. Similarly, in the world of photography, there is a movement to reconsider film cameras.

デジタルネイティブ世代とタトゥー -Digital native generation and Tattoos-


Little by little, the perspective of the ``digital native generation and tattoos'' began to emerge. As a generation that doesn't care about tangible things returns to tangible things, the physicality of tattoos may be gaining more and more brilliance as an object of passion. Just as a record player's needle picks up sound signals from the grooves of a spinning record, in a tattoo studio the needle of a tattoo artist's machine creates works of art on human skin.


I started buying jazz records about 10 years ago, and my curiosity about old rock music, which I had never listened to before, was born, and my world, which had been closed to me, opened up again. In the same way, an interest in tattoos stems from the admiration, fear, and respect for beauty that humans have cherished since time immemorial, as well as from the vast body of work that artists and tattoo artists of the past have produced, as well as those that will be created in the future. I feel that this will be the key to discovering future works.


In most cases, the great jazz musicians and the creators of the masterpieces displayed in museums are no longer in this world, but in the world of tattoos, superstar artists are continually carving new works. If you have the energy, you can send an email to them and go to meet them, or even have them carve for you. And tattoo conventions are an open space that provides that opportunity. There is no anti-social atmosphere like in Japan.

ベトナムから日本へ -From Vietnam to Japan-

SAIGON INTERNATIONAL TATTOO EXPO 2024では大勢の若者が彫師の技術を学ぼうと真剣に見つめている様子を何度も目撃しました。その勤勉さに裏付けられた技術の高さはすでに世界を揺るがしているのかもしれません。さらに今回は主催者のデニスさんを中心とするスタッフチームの連携、数十人規模の撮影チームの技術の高さと発信のスピードに驚愕しました。取材させて頂けたことに感謝しながら、次の開催時にはどんな景色を見られるだろうと思いながらベトナムを後にしました。桜の咲く季節、3月29日から31日に東京では日本のタトゥーコンベンション、KING OF TATTOO 2024が開催されます。

At AIGON INTERNATIONAL TATTOO EXPO 2024, I witnessed many young people looking intently at learning the techniques of tattoo artists. The high level of technology backed by their diligence may already be shaking the world. Furthermore, I was amazed at the cooperation of the staff team led by the organizer, Danis, and the high level of skill and speed of the communication by the dozens of photo and videographers. I left Vietnam feeling grateful for the opportunity to cover the event and wondering what kind of scenery I would be able to see the next time. KING OF TATTOO 2024, a Japanese tattoo convention, will be held in Tokyo from March 29th to 31st during the cherry blossom season.

写真・映像・文 藤崎健太郎
Photo, Videos and Text Kentaro Fujisaki
