
世界中の旅人を魅了する古都のタトゥーコンベンション -CHIANGMAI TATTOO TIME 2024-

2024年11月22日から24日まで、タイのチェンマイにて開催されたタトゥーコンベンション、CHIANGMAI TATTOO TIME 2024を取材させていただきました。

I had the opportunity to cover CHIANGMAI TATTOO TIME 2024, a tattoo convention held in Chiang Mai, Thailand from November 22nd to 24th, 2024.

チェンマイという街 -The city of Chiang Mai-



この街で開催されるCHIANGMAI TATTOO TIMEは、2016年にタトゥーアーティストのSuper Tong氏が始めたCHIANGMAI TATTOO CONVENTIONを母体としています。現在はオーストラリアに住む女性タトゥーアーティストのSomさんが主催者となり、コロナ禍を経て新たな名称で始動しました。

Chiang Mai is a beautiful ancient city known as the "Rose of the North." It is a city surrounded by mountains, 700km north of the capital Bangkok. It is also close to Myanmar, Laos, and China. Chiang means "city" in Thai, and Mai means "new." Chiang Mai = new city. Thai language feels very familiar if you understand the meaning of words that are connected like blocks. Me "mother" and nam "water" = Maenam = river. Tom "boil," yam "mix," and kung "shrimp" = Tom Yum Kung.

I was surprised when I visited Chiang Mai for the first time in 15 years to find that it has become known as a mecca for nomadic workers. It is originally rich in nature, has low prices, and is suitable for long-term stays, so it is no wonder that a mecca has been born with the help of the Internet and smartphone technology. We can't go back to the days when we rushed to an internet cafe, inserted the SD card of our camera into a large computer, and attached jpeg images.

CHIANGMAI TATTOO TIME, which is held in this city, originated from the CHIANGMAI TATTOO CONVENTION, which was started by tattoo artist Super Tong in 2016. Currently, it is being hosted by Som, a female tattoo artist living in Australia, and has been relaunched under a new name following the COVID-19 pandemic.

大阪からの飛行 -Flying from Osaka-


会場のチェンマイホールは空港のすぐ近くにあり、同じエリアのTHE PRIO CONDOというコンドミニアムに泊まります。リビングと寝室のあるマンションに暮らすように滞在できる眺めの良いお部屋です。一夜明けた窓から望む山の形は京都の比叡山に似ていて、それぞれの古都の歴史に思いを馳せました。

As the seasons change from summer to winter at a rapid clip from October to November, I leave Kansai International Airport via Beijing for Chiang Mai International Airport. The temperature is 10 degrees higher than in Japan and 5 degrees lower than in Bangkok. As I land at the airport, the mellow night air envelopes me.

The venue, Chiang Mai Hall, is located very close to the airport, and I am staying at a condominium called THE PRIO CONDO in the same area. It is a room with a great view, where you can stay as if you were living in an apartment with a living room and bedroom. The shape of the mountain seen from the window the next morning resembles Mount Hiei in Kyoto, and I thought about the history of each ancient capital.



I arrived at the Chiang Mai Hall while walking through a nearby shopping center. I entered the venue with the tattoo artists who had gathered to prepare, and in the evening I participated in a pre-party at a restaurant near the river.

A diverse group of people celebrating their reunion while enjoying Thai food. Chiang Mai is also famous for the Loy Krathong festival, where countless lanterns are released into the sky. The restaurant's decorations also had a nostalgic feel that evoked distant memories, and I hope that this time will last forever, like the trajectory of the Ping River, which merges with the Chao Phraya River and flows far into the sea.

タトゥータイムの始まり -Tattoo time begins-

タトゥーコンベンションには「〜EXPO」「〜FESTIVAL」「〜INK」などの名称が多いなか、CHIANGMAI TATTOO TIMEには「TIME」という言葉が入っています。視覚的なタトゥーに対して、目に見えない時間の流れを自然と意識できる素敵な名前ですね。タイで感じるゆるやかな時間、それはおそらくすべての旅行者にとって最大の魅力ではないでしょうか。初日の会場もゆっくりと少しずつ来場者が増えてゆきます。


While many tattoo conventions have names like "EXPO", "FESTIVAL" and "INK", CHIANGMAI TATTOO TIME contains the word "TIME". It's a wonderful name that naturally brings to mind the invisible flow of time, as opposed to the visual nature of tattoos. The relaxed time you feel in Thailand is probably the biggest attraction for all travelers. On the first day, the venue slowly began to fill up with visitors.

Many people stopped in front of the booths of three Tebori artists from Japan, Shibuya Horiken, Horizakura and Karura. Japanese tattoos stand out overseas, and the Japanese tattooists who create them locally. My experience photographing Irezumi Aikokai has left me intrigued. At the same time, it's a moment when I become aware of myself as a Japanese person.


参加している300名のアーティストのなかから、今回は2名を紹介させていただきます。1人目はロシア出身のSTEPAN NEGURさん。身体を覆い尽くす巨大なバイオメカタトゥーをフリーハンドで彫るスタイルです。肌の上にSF映画のモンスターのような身体を描き出し、さらに内側から輝くような光まで見せる手法が印象的です。過去のインタビューを読むと「タトゥーは囚人や貧困に喘ぐ者が入れるというイメージをくつがえすために、14歳のとき自分自身にタトゥーを彫った」「人の精神を変容させる神秘的な儀式のように感じて魅了された」と語っておられます。

DJの回すアナログレコードのビョークを懐かしく思いながら、ほっとした気持ちで迎えた夕方のコンテスト。BEST OF DAY(1日で彫ったタトゥー部門)で優勝したのがSTEPANさんでした。コンテストが終わり、会場を後にする人とそのまま残って仕事を続ける人。二極化する会場の空気を変えた瞬間、それはSTEPANさんが彫るクライアントが突然号泣したとき。激しい痛みによるものなのか、栄光の喜びによるものなのか、尋ねられる状況ではありませんが、これまで見て来たタトゥーコンベンションのなかで最も心を揺さぶられた光景でした。

誰よりも長い時間をかけて彫り続けるふたり。彼らがその後のコンテストでも受賞を続けながら最終日のBEST OF SHOW(3日間で彫ったタトゥー部門)でも優勝するエンディングへと向かうドラマのなかの重要な場面が心に刻まれました。

Among the 300 participating artists, I will introduce two artists this time. The first is STEPAN NEGUR from Russia. His style is to carve huge biomechanical tattoos that cover his body freehand. His technique of drawing bodies like monsters from science fiction movies on his skin and even showing a light that shines from within is impressive. In a past interview, he said, "I tattooed myself at the age of 14 to overturn the image that tattoos are only for prisoners and those suffering from poverty," and "I was fascinated by it because it felt like a mysterious ritual that transforms people's spirits."

I was relieved to welcome the evening contest, nostalgic for the DJ spinning Bjork on vinyl records. STEPAN won the BEST OF DAY (tattoos done in one day category). After the contest, there were those who left the venue and those who stayed and continued working. The moment that changed the polarized atmosphere of the venue was when STEPAN's client suddenly burst into tears. I wasn't in a position to ask if it was the intense pain or the sheer joy of glory, but it was the most moving sight I've ever seen at a tattoo convention.

The two of them continued to carve for longer than anyone else. They continued to win awards in subsequent contests, and ended up winning the BEST OF SHOW (the category for tattoos done over three days) on the final day. This important moment in the drama was etched in my mind.





The second person I was hoping to meet was GAKKIN, who I had been hoping to meet someday. After living in Osaka and Kyoto, he now lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and many people may know his name through martial artist KID Yamamoto and hip-hop artist Namedaruma.

He is a superstar in the tattoo world, with his striking colors that seem to reverse black and white, his ideas that put forehead tattoos at the forefront, and his curved movements that liberate the body, as a revolutionary who breaks conventional wisdom. However, there is little information about GAKKIN himself, and he is a mysterious presence. I was nervous when I actually met him, but what I felt was his gentle personality and the bond between the three of them, who create their work with his wife and daughter NOKO. The family itself can be called a work of art.

Just as there is a photographer behind a photograph and a composer behind a masterpiece, all tattoos are created by tattoo artists. I have always been interested in the relationship between enthusiastically supported works and the artists who create them, and there are many elements that overlap with my own work. In a world where most of the artists of famous paintings on display in museums are no longer alive, the appeal of tattoos is being able to witness the creation of time-changing artworks right before your eyes. I was able to reaffirm this through my encounter with GAKKIN.

芸術の長さ、人生の短さ -The length of art, the shortness of life- 

Art is long, Life is short(芸術は長く、人生は短い)という有名な言葉。これは生きている肌に作品を彫るタトゥーという芸術においてはさらに深い意味を持つことを日々感じています。


生きてから死ぬまでの決して無限ではない時間のなかにCHIANGMAI TATTOO TIMEが存在してくれたことに感謝しながら、凍りつくような寒さの北京の空港を経由してタイから日本の時間のなかへと戻るのでした。

"Art is long, life is short" is a famous saying. I feel every day that this has an even deeper meaning in the art of tattooing, which involves carving works into living skin.

And this time, many artists from Australia are participating, and a previously invisible line connecting the northern and southern hemispheres of Thailand and Australia becomes visible.

I returned from Thailand to Japanese time via the freezing cold Beijing airport, feeling grateful that CHIANGMAI TATTOO TIME existed in the time between when I was born and when I died.



写真・映像・文 藤崎健太郎
Photo, Videos and Text Kentaro Fujisaki
