

2024年9月3日 宍戸健

クレイグ博士がSatoshi Trial控訴が開廷されるときに冒頭陳述として述べる予定として原稿を公開されました。(控訴がいつ開始になるか現時点では未定)








ココまで。原文は以下です。(2024年9月2日 MetaNet Slack Groupにて公開。ご本人に掲載の許可は得ています。)

Ladies and gentlemen of this court, I stand before you not to defend myself, but to assert a truth that has been buried under a mountain of lies, deceit, and fraud. The world has taken something pure, something that I created with the intention of freeing humanity from the shackles of centralized control, and twisted it into a tool of corruption, a symbol of everything I sought to oppose.I did not create this innovation to be worshiped by the masses or to serve the interests of those who would seek to manipulate it for their own gain.

I created it as an embodiment of an idea—an idea that value is not determined by fiat, by decree, or by the whims of those who sit in positions of power. Value is determined by the honest exchange between individuals, by the integrity of a system that does not bow to the pressures of fraud or coercion.Yet here I stand, accused not only of crimes I did not commit but of having my creation turned against me by those who refuse to acknowledge its true purpose.

They would have you believe that I am a criminal, that I have deceived the world, when in reality, it is they who have perpetuated the greatest fraud of all—by denying the truth of what I have created.I did not ask for their recognition, nor did I seek their approval. My work was never intended for those who could not grasp its significance, who could not see beyond the surface to the deeper value that it represents. But now, they seek to destroy me, to erase my name from the history of innovation, and to claim for themselves the fruits of my labor.To those who would see me fall, I say this: you cannot destroy what you do not understand. You cannot erase an idea whose time has come. You cannot steal the essence of what I have built, because it does not belong to you. It belongs to those who understand its true worth, who see in it the potential to reshape the world according to principles of honesty, integrity, and freedom.

You may attempt to rewrite the narrative, to paint me as a villain, but the truth will always rise above your lies. I did not create this system to serve the corrupt, but to empower the individual. I did not build it for those who would seek to profit from deceit, but for those who understand that real value comes from honest work, from fair exchange, and from the recognition of one’s own worth.And so, I reject your accusations. I reject the notion that I am to be judged by those who have twisted my creation into something it was never meant to be.

I stand here today not as a defendant, but as a creator—a creator who will not be silenced, who will not be erased, and who will not allow the truth of what I have built to be buried under the weight of your lies.You may try to take everything from me, but you cannot take the idea. The idea is beyond your reach. It is beyond the reach of fraud, beyond the reach of coercion, beyond the reach of those who would seek to control it. The idea is out there, and it will grow, it will evolve, it will endure.In the end, it is not I who will be judged, but you.

You will be judged by history, by the world, and by the very system you sought to corrupt. And when that time comes, you will find that you have nothing—because everything you sought to steal was never yours to begin with. So go ahead, try to destroy me, try to erase my name, try to claim what is not yours. But know this: the truth cannot be silenced, the idea cannot be killed, and I will not stop. Not until the world sees the value of what I have created—not for your sake, but for the sake of those who understand what it truly means to create something of worth.I am the architect of value, and no amount of fraud, deceit, or denial can change that.
