
Free Energy Healing Session --embedded into photo

Since I'm a healer, the best way to introduce myself is by doing a quick healing session. 

This session is activated by looking into the eyes of the little hedgehog (BB Blues) and saying out loud or in your mind, "I accept the healing." , then staying open to the healing session. The activated session will flow for about 16 minutes, probably longer, as it will flow as long as it is needed ... but at least for 16 minutes. You may or may not feel the energy, but it is flowing. Some people are more energy sensitive than others, so not everyone notices the 'flow' but it is still working on you and shifting out any negativity that is ready to release out for you at this time even if you are not feeling it. 

If you can look at the picture for a full 16 minutes, that is helpful as you can use it as a mini meditation. But you can just look at it for a short time and the healing session will be activated. The session this time is a 'general healing' --so for anything that is ready and able to be released out / healed at this time for you, or just a pure love flow session if that is what you need at this time. Each time you activate the session I wanted the first session to be very flexible as we are living in hard times emotionally and financially ... plus many are feeling lost, it will be a completely different healing session according to what you 'need' at that moment healing wise. lonely, forgotten or left out. Mental health is really coming into focus with this pandemic, which has been overlooked for a long time by society. Hiding the topic doesn't make it disappear, it just becomes more of a problem.

This is a free-style healing session --meaning no particular modality was used, but rather I used my own form. All of my healing sessions have 'pink' energy in them as a base energy, no matter what topic the healing is around, Pink energy is a Healing Ray color that is all love based ... the Pink Healing Ray is headed by Chamuel, who is also my Guardian Angel. 

Chamuel is the Archangel of Love and is in charge of the Pink Healing Ray. Some of his qualities include love, compassion, mercy, creativity, and forgiveness. Chamuel can also help people with self-esteem issues, self love issues, money flow or He teaches us about the need to cultivate pure, divine, unconditional love, which is the basis of the entire Universe. Pure love sees the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies equally. Archeia Charity is the Divine Complement Of Chamuel. They both have the power to show us the road to compassion, love, and forgiveness (including self forgiveness). Together, they expand our consciousness, enhance the flame of love in our heart, give us the sense of their divine love and comfort. Their etheric retreat, the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame, is over St. Louis, Missouri.

Hope you enjoy the session, I don't do embedded healings often, but I'll try to do more in the future if people are interested and find them helpful. Also in the words that I type, there is healing codes embedded into them also to deepen the healing session. 

 NOTE:   I type in English as I am not comfortable with typing in Japanese yet ... sorry ... I constantly worry that I am typing something wrong. I do understand Japanese pretty well though, so chat to me freely, if I have questions, I'll ask. 

Thank you ❤ Enjoy your day!
