
💙Where We are All Going Together?The Transformations Between Now & 2025💙

The Transformations Between Now & 2025

∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton“

We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.We have been recalibrating the energies that we are sending to you because you are capable of handling so much more than you were just a few years ago. You have been experiencing root chakra upgrades that have been initiated by your Mother Earth, and she has been expanding your capabilities in terms of what you can receive from the higher realms. She is also helping you to cleanse and clear out those root chakras with pulses that are sent up from her core.We want you to understand that this is a group effort, and that everyone is playing their part. And we also want you to know that you always have help and that more help is always coming. You are meant to experience this shift in consciousness and to do so with as little resistance as possible. And so, when something is happening for you in your physical body, we invite you to allow the first conclusion you come to to be that you are getting an upgrade or you are doing some clearing.You don’t have to panic and you don’t have to worry that things are going to get worse for you physically. Instead, always assume that you are going through a healing event and that it can be painful and it can be uncomfortable, and it will make it so much easier for you to get to the next level of your consciousness expansion. You are not meant to worry and live in fear, but these have been the ways in which you were raised. You were raised to care more about your survival than your evolution of consciousness.But now is the time that your evolution of consciousness is taking so much more of the energy that is present for you. It is of much greater importance that you recognize who and what you really are than that you merely survive for as long as you possibly can. But of course that is what your parents, your teachers, and your society have wanted for you, and now you must unlearn those worrisome tendencies that have been thrust upon you by those who came before you.Now, they were well meaning, and certainly there was a time when the lifespan was a lot shorter than what it is today, but you can relax because you are meant to thrive there and to continue to be in your bodies so that you can experience their evolution, their transition, and ultimately your transition, and ultimately your transition into the fifth-dimensional frequency range. You are also getting help from your guides to acclimate to the higher-frequency energies that we are now able to send to you, and your guides are helping by opening up your crown chakras and by recalibrating your energy fields.The transformations that are coming in the remainder of 2024 are magnificent, and you will be glad that you hung in there through the discomfort and even the pain. You will be happy that you trusted that everything was and is alright, and you will be happy to ascend into the next level of your consciousness that awaits you by the end of this calendar year. We are so excited for you and very excited to be a part of this journey with you.We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Where We are All Going Together

∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.
Someday you will all realize why you had the experiences that you are having right now. Someday it will all make sense, and if you accept that that future day is coming, then perhaps you can make peace with the current moment that you are in. Perhaps you can even look for the ways in which your current set of circumstances is serving you in myriad ways. You don’t need to see the future. You don’t need to know everything that will unfold, and you don’t need to make sense of everything that is right now. You certainly don’t need to do those things with a limited physical mind.
What you do need and want to do is make peace with your current reality, and we are talking about your personal reality and the global one. We are even talking about the galactic picture of which you are a part. Making peace means being at peace, and being at peace is a step closer to Source. Being closer to Source gives you more of the experience that you want to have of your reality. So even if you could change everything outside of you without changing yourself, you would eventually start finding fault with your new reality, and you would demand that it be changed, or you would take all the necessary action steps to change it.
You want to see peace out there on your world. You want to see peace in all areas, all countries, all continents, and you can start to see that peace when you can make peace with everything as it is right now. You are there to welcome in everything that which is coming, but you do not have to be the one who makes it all happen. You must understand that billions of years in our universe have led up to this moment, and therefore there is a lot of momentum carrying us to the next level, to the next octave, the next experience.
You are there to enjoy the ride, to ride the waves of the expansion. You are the beneficiaries of all of the momentum that has brought us all to this place and that will continue to nudge us forward. This is why letting go, and going with the flow, and acceptance are so important and why you hear about them so frequently. And yes, you still do get to create your reality, and you are creating your reality and will continue to do so. But you are so much more effective as creators of your reality when you are not in resistance.
And so, if you have a tendency to look outside of yourself at others and try to determine who is getting in the way of your alignment, your ascension, your expansion, we invite you to instead look at your resistance to those people, those governments, those corporations, those banks, to whomever it is you are blaming for your current set of circumstances. Lowering your resistance and making peace will get you beyond the third dimension, because the third dimension was and has been all about us versus them, dark versus light, and even people within the same country against each other.
You are ready to move beyond that, and now is the time, because of the momentum that you have going, to simply relax into the flow and let yourselves be carried quite naturally into the higher-dimensional plains of existence that are beckoning you to them. Please do relax and let go, and trust that everything is in proper flow, and not only will you be able to get to where you are going faster, but you will also be in greater harmony, in greater community with those like us in the higher realms.
We know these things to be true, and we invite you to align with us and to accept our beautiful universe as it is right now, because we are eager to see where it is we are all going together.
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”
