💎Your feet and ankles are energetic release points and this is why your feet can be so sore on certain days💎
To The Ascension LightWorker Collective
WE ARE RADICALLY SHIFTING INTO THE HIGHER COLLECTIVE PURPOSE OF THE AQUARIAN AGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT IS CHANGING.FROM CHANNELING INFORMATION THROUGH THE MIND TO ANCHORING SOURCE ENERGYTHROUGH THE HEART. Star seeds, you are being re-assigned to a new part of your purpose. Redirections are now taking place in many .Expect major shifts into higher timelines.
Your imagination is the biggest part of manifesting your desires here on earth. Take some time each day to envision the way you want things to be and look like . feel the feelings in this vision because this is the transmitter in self that connects to the law of attraction , keep expanding your imagination and putting in visual detail in what your soul is leading and guiding you towards , part of the work in your higherself Is to alchemise and manifest your ascending vibrational alignment into materialistic manifestation
What your mind projects in clarity is what your higherself transmits , it is your loving servant , the ego in self is the unfaithful servant , This is why merging into higher-self is greatly important in your ascension . The higher self is the all knowing , the divine intellect , the closest connection to superior light source energy . Once you work on intentionally surrendering all to higherself , trusting always to guide you wisely as your higherself is your truest and most loyal and loving aspect of your creation .
As you transition into higher self you will experience uncomfortableness as the lower aspects in the conscious mind start to dissolve , during this process you release dense lead type particles from your memory cells and deep from the cellular structure . There are complex levels in all structures and systems in the blueprint which consists of physical , emotional body , heart space it is your entire metaphysical self .
The energy you are releasing every time you have an awakening , processing , integrating the stored energy particles dissolve and the lead particles are the stored toxins releasing from your system , in the body the things you heal in self start to collapse , each thought , memory , action and experience in self is stored in Meridien points , energy portals through out our physical systems
Because of this reaction in the physical you will feel fatigued , adrenal recalibration takes place during this stage , headaches and migraines mean that calcified areas in the pineal gland are dissolving and stripping away , you will feel all the toxin release take place in many areas of your body and sometimes all at once .
You are filtering out the heavy toxic particles that have been stored in self over many life times including this one , Your legs , ankles and feet are the energetic release points , this is why your legs may feel very sore and weighted down on particular days , your glucose levels are fluctuating , your metabolism is not the same as it once was and is also going through it’s own changes and modifications .
There is extensive metaphysical work being done in your blueprint / systems as you make the transition from limited self into limitless self ,
The reason you can feel negative vibrations within you during this purging , clearing is because of its embodiment , as the particles start to dissolve they release, emit and distribute Negativity through out your body because of this you will feel sensitive to absorbing these frequencies .
This will occur several times throughout the ascension journey .All darkness and negativity must ultimatley and completely leave the system , this is always a gradual process with multi metaphysical levels and layers involved .
Your seeded system is a highly sophisticated engineering of metaphysics it is beyond the proven science in our world . Ascended souls are from advanced quantum realm star systems , their complex blueprint contains many differences . This is because of the gifts and abilities they embody they were born in Conscious knowing and their abilities here on this planet were never of a 3D nature .
You came to this planet with a spiritual purpose .You are the truth seekers that can transmute darkness into light.You are here to show others that you are your own greatest healer. You are the strong willed Starseeds who refuse to follow the crowd. You are an example , a leader and a forerunner of the New Earth.
"These times are challenging you to go deeper."
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
Ascension Lightworkers