❤️A lot of women are stuck in masculine energy because are in systems that are designed for men💙
The average person consumes 5 grams of microplastics in a week.
That adds more toxins into the body then we already consume from the air we breathe, to products we put on our body, to the food we eat etc.
This also adds more stress to the already stressed out body and its immune system which can and will affect the GI, reproductive health and neurotoxicity.
Detoxing the body is important, but also really be conscious of what you consume is even more important.
Try to stay away from single use plastics, switch to glass bottles instead of plastic, avoid canned foods and using your microwave, avoid take-away cups, remove micro-beaded cosmetics, try to stay away from plastic products, remove the use of plastic bags etc.
Your environment is an extended ecosystem of your body, clean up your space and daily habits as that will help support your body even deeper.
Woman are living longer now and days, but our ovaries and uterus have not fully got the memo yet.
Children would get their first period at a very young age of 9 years old because we were only living to 30 years old so people were having kids much younger than they are now.
The body is extremely stressed and we see more women now being not only disconnected from their womb but also struggling with Endometriosis, PCOS, infertility issues, extremely painful periods/ovulation, sexual trauma, miscarriages etc.
Supporting and connecting to the womb is extremely important as it is a woman’s life force center and is connected to everything in her body (especially her psyche).
A lot of women were not taught about their body and especially their reproductive health - let alone initiation into womanhood.
A lot of women are also seeking answers for reproductive issues and are often not listened to - especially when in deep pain which only creates more pain and can create more issues later down the line.
First and foremost it’s important to reconnect to the womb and to truly tune in and listen to what it is telling you as a woman- this is where your woman’s intuition is housed!
Find the right doctors who want to listen and fully support you as well.
Lastly you will have to create a whole lifestyle change to support your fertility and femininity.
A lot of women are stuck in masculine energy because not only did they have to in order to survive but are also in systems that are designed for men.
You will have to slow down- you are not meant to work like and man and your body cannot handle the stress like a mans can.
You will need more rest as well - as women need 2-4 more hours of rest than men do.
Change your diet to a cleaner nourishing diet and remove all toxins from your body and home.
You need to nourish your body and be aware of what you consume mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
You need to reduce your stress levels and slow alllll the way down.
You need to connect more into nature and your natural rhythms of your cycle and work with them in seed cycling, working out differently each part of your cycle, skin cycling etc.
Work with herbs to nourish and support your body as well with dong quai, red raspberry leaf tea, red clover, peace lily, yi mu coa, nettle leaf etc.
You will also need to address and heal any sexual trauma that is stored in the body as the body keeps score. Remember we are holding three generations within us so what you heal now will not be passed down to future generations.
Make sure you have a healthy, supportive, safe, gentle and loving partner as not only is that important for your journey and health but also as they heal you heal and vise versa. (we will focus on men’s reproductive health soon as well - as men hold a lot of keys to women’s wellbeing)
Your body is designed to support you and to heal- but you must create the environment for it to do so.
Your womb is the portal from heaven to earth and gets to be treated as such.