
💎When does Ascension happen??❤️

Something big is about to happen.

Something big is underway.

There's a shift and you can feel it right.

You can feel energetically.

Some of you feeling a little bit antsy.

Some of feel a little bot of sense of anticipation.

Some of you even feeling a little bit of fear.

Some of you are feeling a sense of impatience.

Whether you're feeling pending doom or the excitement that I'm certainly feeling right now.

Let's talk about why what's going on.

Well, there's a huge timeline shift and the timeline.

Let me just give you a little bit of a background here to understand what I'm talking about when I talk about the timeline.

We have one overall timeline right now and it holds everu single reality and every single person .

We always talk about all the different timelines well where we are right now is all the different timelines converging we're at convergence point .

They're coming into one unified timeline we're no longer operating on the train station of millions of parallel timelines.

That's what it used to look like .

Now all of those trains have been docked into one big timeline and it's crazy because it's holding every possible outcome, every possible person, every possible frequency .

And that's why we've got so much going on in our world where people are getting triggered and butting heads cause we've got opposing frequency .

Something  very high, something very low, and these frequencies really rub each other up .

The wrong way the timeline think of it as the air that you breathe .

The stuff that surrounds you .

The energetic field that's changed !!!

It's a crystalline timeline but there's a big but here.

Not everyone's gonna shift into the crystalline timeline right now and I wanna explain to you exactly who is and exactly who isn't so that you get this so that you understand okay .

This is the stuff that ascension is made of .

Let's go for some of you this is gonna be some harsh truth telling might be a little bit too harsh if that's the case put it off.

There's no point upsetting yourself .

But if you're the type of person that really appreciates candor and straight talk , you gonna love what I've got to say .

First of all the beauty of crystalline timeline is this .

It's lighter which means it's harder to hold density which means people who are really miserable and really in their stuff .

They're going to have all of that amplified , everything amplifies.

The moment the energy around us goes crystalline, everything amplifies because it's being brought up to discharge .

Everything that is unlike this cosmic soup that we're swimming in .

So our fears our insecurities etcetera it all comes out for a very good reason  so that we can start matching the frequency of the air around us in other words the timeline .

We can start king of raising ourselves up into its vibratory frequency .

This timeline is gonna be open for quite a while still but not everyone has made the jump or will make the jump right now.

There's   a lot of people that are holding a phenomenal and sickening entitlement and this is what it looks like .

Everybody wants to know when is Ascension gonna happen and I happened.

Honor of all horrors to tell the truth, I happened to say the following .

Look guys.

Ascension could be happening this afternoon , this evening tomorrow , next week ,next month , 5 years of 10 years time even more than 10 years time.

Well, did a lot of people get almighty triggered some of the comments that I got were if something's only gonna happen in five or ten years time?

Why the hell do we need to talk about it now?

Why you wasting our time with this?

Another comment was but you said ascension was gonna happen soon .

You said we were on the brink of it.

We are first of all .

I've never given a date do you know that about me.

I've never once ever ever ever given a date for ascension to happen.

And I've even said this.

if somebody goes give you a date, run the hell away run far because no one is meant to know.

Because ascension is evolving and dynamic field of energy and here's the real kicker you are the thing that brings it closer or moves it further away you the individual .

And when we move into entitlement which I'm gonna paint a picture for you of what ascension entitlement looks like .

You better believe you're pushing it so far away.

When you step into the humility of every single day that I've got before the ascension wave hits maybe I'm getting a gift .

I'm getting an opportunity to evolve and do the inner work and see myself and face myself and let go of what I need to let go of and take responsibility where I need to and share love where I need to and be love and be the awakening , be the light.

We're kind of like the teenagers in ascension right now in the sense that we're not really 3D beings anymore.

But we're also not 5D beings yet .

The people who feel entitled to ascension .

They actually get annoyed when I talk about the possibility cause it's all that it is guys.

A possibility that ascension could happen in 5 or 10 years time .

Yes, please remember could happen tomorrow but a bigger truth is it's happening inside the cells of your body right now.

You've been in preparation for this for millions .

Millions of years!

It's a pretty long time!

So if ascension happens in the next 5 minutes or the next 5 years from the perspective of this being a millions of year long episode .

Ascension is happening right now.

But in reality it truly is in reality we have the ascension point .

The solar flash the great evert wave.

We have that point , right ?

But today right now in this conversation and every other day yourselves are preparing for the alchemical process of that transcendence .

You're in ascension that doesn't mean you've ascended but you're in ascension .

It's an ongoing process and your participation is vital .

So many people feel just like a teenager does entitled.

Entitled to ascension I'm not gonna work for it.

Screw you, you give it to me.

I've suffered long enough and they brandish their suffering about them like some kinda accolade like some kind of decree of their worthiness.

They do .

They say things to me like I can't survive another day cause my suffering is so big .

And my answer is well then you better bloody well fix it because that's where we are right now.


Ascension is not what a lot of people are waiting for .

The solution the lights in the sky.

Someone's come to save me .

God's come to save me , a lights come to save me, an event has come to save me. 

Something I can't do for myself ,something outside of me is happening to me.


Take me baby.

So many people think that that's what ascension is .

And that because of their suffering they're entitled to it today.

Today and how dare you make them wait just a millisecond longer .

Ascension is not the lights in the sky coming to save you.

Ascension is you becoming the light and saving yourself and if you can't do that you will not ascend and that's okay.

It really is because you're and infinite thing , living in an infinite universe and the infinite universe that you're a part of does not care how long it takes you to realize .


All along it was me that I was waiting for .

Not the external event.

The internal light had to come on first.

The entitlement just like a teenager , you know teenager .

Gotta tell you by the way .

I've got a 17 year old son .

I don't know if he's the only exception .

But he is so not like this.

I remember being like this through as a teenager and I know a lot of teenagers were they know everything No.1.

You can't tell them anything because it's like oh what do you know.

I get a lot of that.

I get a lot of you can't expect me to do anymore.

You know when you tell a teenager to clean their room , you can't expect me to clean my room.

I clean my room last week or last month or last year.

You can't expect me to do that .

I do so much I'm in suffering .

I you know they very quick to move into self pity , they very quick to move into victimhood, they very quick to move into I can't be expected to do .

It's unfair it's unfair .

You recognize this right in a lot of people and if it is you.

It's okay.

It's okay cause what I'm saying to you right now might be a harsh truth but if it helps you to step into the maturity of the ascension process which is .

The light in the sky that ascension point is not the answer to my suffering I am and until I know that ascension not even a possibility.

Ascension is not owed to me .

The self pity and the victimhood and the entitlement is exactly the derailing of ascension .

Kerry K
