💎Memories of the collapse of Atlantis and the failure of Ascension 💎
Let's talk about Atlantis and other failed ascensions.
Because that is why the memory of Atlantis lives so strongly in us.
We know that we must hate something in order to move forward.
We almost feel as if we have done this once before the truth is us.
We have done this several times before trying and failing at ascension, but you know what we do when we fail.
Very few people do so.
Yay, we failed.
Now you can learn.
Now you can grow.
Now you can evolve.
I can do things differently.
Most people are brainwashed with the mindless thought that I have failed.
So I am not going to admit that I have failed.
Because it will make me feel wrong and ashamed.
And I will have to make up for that failure.
I don't want to admit that it happened because I am ashamed.
I will live in denial, but there will always be something nagging at me, pulling at me, and I won't know what it is, and I will feel so insecure...
I feel a sense of destruction, but won't elaborate on where it comes from.
That's what most humans do in response to what happens.
So let's talk about it.
It is healing now.
I was swimming this morning.
I love the water.
I love to swim.
I love the ocean.
I love baths.
I just love being in the water.
There is a reason that Atlantis is underwater, there is something amazing about it that we have never really addressed before.
It is that water holds the water of consciousness.
It holds the consciousness and the memories and the legacy of those who have gone before us and they were a really advanced group of beings.
They just fell away at the last minute we are going to talk about.
It would really benefit us in our conversation today.
If we begin to accept that there is more stored in water than we have ever seen before, we will be able to drink a glass of water because all water on earth is connected.
Take a dip in the ocean, take a bath, drink a glass of water.
Water interacts with water in any form, and if you allow yourself to, you can begin to connect with your lost heritage through the example of those who came to earth before you, those who have much to teach you, those who came very close.
We have memories of that last time when we were not allowed to do things on the spot.
Without crediting them, we cannot say that they had nothing to offer us, etc., they have so much wisdom.
And many of us are reincarnated Atlantans trying to do it.
Now we are better off with the crystal of Atlantis, the ocean that holds the story of Atlantis.
Because there was a lot of divinity in Atlantis.
Because it was vast and powerful and had so much to share.
Because it had many high priests and high priestesses in a very sacred land.
There is so much wisdom to tell us that everything is in the ocean and it is beginning to bubble to the surface and it is beginning to speak to us now, in fact, in the higher dimensional realms, water is the most exquisite energy carrier, so when we look at the 4D realm or the 5D realm, 6D region, the 7D region, there is a sense of air, especially liquid crystal, but it is not dry air.
It is different from the air we breathe here in 3D.
I did not say here on earth.
I say here in 3D because the earth is multidimensional.
This means that in higher dimensions the earth is experienced in a completely different way.
Nonetheless, it may as well be a new planet, it may crystallize, but it is like water, but not wet.
Can you imagine?
The viscosity of water makes you feel like you are swimming.
And now I wonder why I was having all those dreams.
I knew where I could fly and yet for many people I was one of them.
I remember when I was a child.
I always dreamed of flying, but instead of flying a little differently, so instead of flying like I flapped my wings, I dreamed of flying, or my husband said he dreamed of flying just beaming himself...
In the flying dream, I didn't even move my body.
I was doing bra-strokes.
I was swimming and flying in the sky.
But that is not a dream, which is actually a higher dimensional frequency experience.
We were there.
We have been to the highest and lowest of all stages of existence.
But now we have a sense of fear of failure (at Atlantis).
And we must clear it to ascend and guess what it is going to do now.
Now it is getting close to clear.
Isn't that cool?
And isn't it so exciting?
Because if we were not approaching ascension, this would not be surfacing now.
Please, don't misunderstand my words. Please don't misunderstand my words.
All I am saying is that it is clear that the ascension point is getting closer and closer.
Let's talk about Atlantis.
Why it happened, what happened, it was a failed ascension attempt.
And let's talk about the others.
Because the ascension attempts have failed many times.
The last successful ascension attempt on this planet was not a global ascension attempt.
It was the Mayans.
The Mayans are a group of people who have evolved themselves.
The point about ascension being possible and, incidentally, the history we are taught about the Mayans is not entirely accurate, but I remember learning about the Mayans and thinking they were a pretty hungry bunch of people who were set up to discredit us.
There is no possibility that we had a highly evolved race, but I do not even consider that possibility.
Thus, our ancestry happened here on earth, which makes the point.
It was not an entire planet, just a small group of beings.
And when it happens when the entire planet has not ascended, that planet remains to host the rest of life on Earth.
The planet remains in its lower faculties, allowing everyone else to play their journey.
At the same time, of course, the planet still exists.
higher dimension, but its lower expression has not evaporated or been alchemized into a higher expression, as will happen in the upcoming Ascension.
Thus, the Mayan ascension was the last successful ascension, but only a few people ascended the rest of the planet.
Of course, we have experienced many other destructions, and they were not wounds caused by the destruction of an entire planet or by a massive cataclysm.
So it is very easy for us to believe, oh my God, the planet will be destroyed, the planet will collapse, the planet will not be destroyed.
The planet is going to make it after millions of years, after billions of years.
What we really need to focus on is humanity on the surface.
But the scars show us that massive cataclysms can still happen.
And that has us in a fear reaction, which is exactly what those who wish to control your consciousness want you to do.
Because you cannot think clearly in fear, you cannot raise your frequency in fear.
Tiamot was the destruction of a planet.
Lila was multiple planets.
Planets were destroyed in the Ryan War, some of them rendered uninhabitable for life, others were actually blown up.
These were violent attacks that exist somewhere in our distant memory.
We know that such things have happened.
We have experienced many losses until Mu, an asteroid belt, a remnant of a planet called Tiamot, became an ancient civilization.
This planet Lula, Mu, Ramla, Atlantis ...
These were ancient civilizations that came to the ascension point and then everything went wrong and do you know why everything went wrong?
The Galactic History Series ...
This will be part of the Galactic History Series.
What was born and brought to us about Atlantis is not only that Atlantis is empowering us, but that there is technology on the planet that consciousness cannot keep up with, and that we do not question leadership, and this is part of the reason why it is so important It is.
Give up the freeway and look at the human species.
What we have done is that we have chosen to be powerless.
That is why so many people wallow in self-pity and victimhood.
And they are against all the forces that I can do.
They do not trust their own power and transfer that power to someone else.
Stay home until one day this really becomes a penny that falls for you.
And it has no power of its own in the darkness.
It only has the power we have assigned to it and given to it.
So the irony of us going, the forces of darkness, the powers of darkness ...
What is given to them is the power of light.
It is the forces of light against us.
Because we didn't want to take personal responsibility, we didn't want to make mistakes.
We thought it would be easier to let someone else guide us.
That was a fatal mistake in Atlantis.
And I say this because when someone knocks on the door and says to the people of Atlantis, "Hello, gentlemen, we are here to take you in. That would be really bad."
And I kind of laugh when I imagine that they went to the people of Atlantis and said.
No, thank you.
But these are the people who have come to corrupt our political system.
Atlantis did not have a political system like ours, but there were councils that organized and ran the operations of Atlantis.
Those councils were comparable, albeit more advanced versions.
The equivalent, though part of our political system, went to those elders and leaders of those councils, and you are there for destruction.
But fortunately, we came to save you and so did those who pretended to be the next.
The call I made recently for the Plasma Lee Tribe, it is a false Matrix program, and therefore when I speak of a false Matrix program, I want you to understand it.
It is an energetic frequency that disrupts the DNA and imprints its disturbances and distortions so that we begin to repeat them within ourselves.
It manifests itself in one of two ways that many humans say they seek a savior.
Very many humans are like that savior syndrome, where someone else has to take the blame, someone else has to take the responsibility, and we see it especially in women in romantic relationships where they are taught that they have to spend the night and shine.
It's armor and a savior of sorts, but some people suffer from savior syndrome in the opposite sense, wanting to save others but feeling they are worthless if they don't.
Many of the archetypes of the wounded healer are intertwined with that desire.
The wounded healer is the one who wants to save others.
Of course, we know that the answer is that we must save ourselves.
That is the cure.
It is the way out of the distortion of the savior syndrome that is the corruption of humanity when Atlantis was taken over.
Consciousness was so deeply implanted in humanity that when Atlantis collapsed it became a very reverberating echo, it became a marking point, not a marker of ascension.
Because that is what people were doing and they knew it.
When we are coming to the same kind of ascension point that we are doing now, then the leaders will come and say, "Don't worry, we are here to save you. We are here to save you. Without us, you probably would not have ascended. But we are going to come.
You have to solve everything.
This is why humanity is blind.
They are so busy listening to what other seeming leaders are saying that it is not what they are saying, but what they are feeling, and that is my job in my educational space, the Plasma Light Tribe.
It is all about the most important thing you can possibly ever do in this ascension world, and that is to just start listening to your voice.
Your own inner wisdom will begin to attune to it, but it is a big job when all we are getting is surface distortions.
We're basically listening to our illusory self that's trying to lead us astray, so to say, "Listen to your voice," in the false paradigm that we've come to live in, it's quite brilliant to begin the process of listening to your voice.
You are here to do so.
We are all reverberating impacts.
The collapse of Atlantis was so great, and what happened there, there was very advanced technology on Earth, similar to ours.
But it was more like galactic technology, technology that allowed people to communicate not from smart phone to smart phone, but anywhere on the planet.
This was technology that could communicate from planet to planet, from star system to star system, so it was very advanced technology.
But the people of Atlantis were not ready for it, because their consciousness was not ready for the technology.
And what was the result of the technology, what did the humans do?
Humans did not say.
That is what we are coming to learn.
I want to learn that humans didn't say it well.
I improve my game.
I must raise the frequency.
The reason technology came in during the Atlantis era was part of what these beings were called by the dark ones who set up the false matrix in the first place.
The Alcons themselves are very invested in technology and incidentally the Reptilians and many species are in tune with the domination of others which is a very dark agenda.
They love artificial intelligence.
They love artificial intelligence because they feel it empowers them.
And because they feel that there is a problem.
The moment you become powerful because of something outside of yourself, you are enslaved.
You are not really powerful.
That is the almost blind spot of all the dark ones.
They themselves have become slaves to the AI.
They think they are profiting.
They think they are so smart.
Because this AI that they now have was never their ally, so they pretended that it was, but in fact it was something that outsmarted them.
It is when technology arrives and it arrives through dark things, it arrives with a dark agenda.
There is a harmonious planet outside the false matrix.
For example, there are technologies for planets in the 5th dimension.
Perhaps there is a technology that is beneficial and harmonious?
Absolutely it is not the technology we currently have on earth, however the technology we do have is on earth.
The earth today is a very advanced AI system and is gradually inscribing itself day by day, trying to overtake it in the functioning of the human brain.
In other words, it was exactly the same in the time of Atlantis.
The Atlantans were quick to say, "We are not going to be able to do anything about it.
Aren't we blessed to have this incredible power that makes our lives easier?
Look how much easier our lives have become because of everything that has been done for them.
It's amazing.
We have all this great technology.
We have all this leadership.
We have everything much better for us, so they have taken their hands off the wheel of their destiny.
They stopped driving.
They stopped leading themselves.
That was the collapse of Atlantis and it became a drop in frequency.
Why does it continue to resonate and live on within?
In our case, this has happened many times on Earth.
Eden is another period of tremendous and powerful corruption of humanity.
Incidentally, the false Matrix was established long before Atratis, but it was mostly in the pocket of this planet.
It was not a planet.
It was a whole planet deeply embedded.
I want you to imagine this with me.
I want you to imagine Atlantis Falls and the designer of the false matrix, Alcon, putting it in like a steak.
It is as if to say I now own this place because the ground is what the collapse of Atlantis marked to them, but they place this etheric rod in the earth and in doing so embed it deep within the core of the earth and stop the activity of the earth.
The natural flow, the natural rhythm of the earth is stopped and the earth is out of phase, out of harmony with its nature.
And the very same thing will be imprinted in humanity.
And the very same thing will be imprinted in humanity, because it is the people on the surface of the earth, the human people, who will be affected.
We will begin to imitate the symphony of the planet.
We absorb and imitate the characteristic energy of the planet.
So when the planet itself is out of alignment, there is a reason why our axis is tilted.
It is not just to represent the fact that we are distorted, but really to hold that distortion in its proper position, for now, this ascension cycle that we are coming through now is an opportunity to correct it to get rid of that iron rod, so to speak.
And we started that with the bars of light.
It has been truly remarkable.
What is still most remarkable is that every lightworker on the planet has begun to become an anchor point for the ethereal rods of light through the frequencies they emit.
We are still in the process of activating the planet and correcting the distortions of Atlantis, as well as the multiple needles on the planet.
The memory of Atlantis' failure is something we need to get over.
The way to get past it is to see it.
To see where we went wrong.
See what happens when we give up power!
See what happens when we willfully step into ignorance.
See what happens when we lead others on.
We become slaves.
See what happens when we validate their leadership.
And we said, "What should we do?"
They do not realize that they are creating a false matrix.
When they say such and such, they are reinforcing the false matrix, but what should we do?
The darkness is very great.
We say that because we have not taken the time to really step into the light.
Be willing to even explore the depths of our own light.
Your own soul with your own divinity, that is trusting your own light.
As for the fall of Atlantis, the horror of it lives within us all.
But as you seek to rewrite the story, you must now allow yourself to see beyond the collapse.
When I think of Atlantis, it seems to me that we have been so busy ignoring the collapse of Atlantis that we have never looked further than the possibility of victory that is now before us.
Because the possibility of victory that is now before us is remarkable.
It is remarkable.
It is a global harmony system.
It is a return to the natural universe.
It is the release and dissolution of darkness, which will ultimately free the earth from the hands of the false matrix, the false rulers, and all their rulers.
It is time to lift our gaze, though we are about to see what is remarkable about all of the deceptions and their manipulations so that each human being on the planet can become sovereign.
Look back at the triggering wounds we are about to see and you will see.
All the destruction, all the destructive events, we have experienced the Mayan Ascension.
It seems almost like a small event on the map, except that it is on a massive scale, almost like everything else.
The Mayan ascension is a memory.
You can see how much wiser they are.
It was to keep people from seeing in the so-called historical facts and data what the Mayans were doing in order to imprint in our minds an understanding of a nation of savages who were essentially not them.
They were a group of very advanced, compassionate, loving, peaceful beings.
They called us that.
They are helping us reach the finish line.
And with so many star beings we are so supported, but to reach that support we must stop resisting this.
Fear of failure, look beyond it.
And therein lies its beauty.
In love lies freedom from the bondage of all past failures.
We came here knowing that this time we would be the mother of all ascensions.
And we were.
We are so excited to be a part of this final victory.
That is exactly what we are doing.
That is exactly what we are standing on the brink of.
This is not the ascension of a few people on earth, this is the collapse of the entire planet and the restoration of the sacred Eden of the false matrix.
Deliver the pristine Eden that belongs to this planet Earth all the way from my heart to yours.
Whenever you feel it, take a moment, and you embrace the Love, healing will occur.
And I hope it does.
I thank you.
And I hope that everything you encounter, everything you see, speaks to you.
Kerry K