🔥Many ascending individuals are struggling with the current collective energy🔥
To The Ascension LightWorker Collective
The ascending may be finding that old wounds and patterns are coming to the surface again. Relationships, boundaries, and old ways of doing things are asking to now be cleared. This is to demonstrate to you what is still operating in an old energy within your fields. These patterns are possibly no longer serving the higher good and it may be time to create new ways of doing things.
The ascending are recommitting to their ascension growth and evolution in new ways of being , now knowing that nothing will stop the Ascension growth even when it feels difficult and overwhelming.
The Ego trap : On the path of Ascention we can at times ‘think' those of lower frequencies are draining us. And we may think this is the reason for feeling low in energy and negative . This at times leads to feeling victimised by others and by circumstances When we experience feeling drained of energy , this is a symptom of
Energetically disconnecting and feeling a lack of connection from higher self and Source love energy . In truth we can never be disconnected , you can only think this is true however it is a false belief .
Many ascending individuals are struggling with the current collective energy, they may possibly be feeling lost , depressed , bewildered , oppressed , financially unstable , despondent and seeking higher clarity and Source love guidance as they continue to navigate and make progress on Gaia earth .
This means to prepare for major breakthroughs coming in very soon . It may seem like the canvas of life is being wiped clean, with many obstacles and distractions being removed from the new path.
This signifies a transition into a brand-new higher conscious timeline, it indicates strongly that the existing energy no longer serves any more purpose in the journey to higher consciousness.
This planetary time and energy is one of clearing and releasing this is essential for shifting into higher levels of Ascension , consciously being aware of shifting into Gaia earths 5D parallel realities that are in alignment with your consciousness and overall evolution.
When the ascending remain open to the flow of Source, they experience the abundant overflow in life . Remaining open, receptive and recharged, this is the ascending’s responsibility, not any one else’s . The Ascending are healing the programmed Victim mentality through out the ancestral lineages , recognising this was an extension of the ego self .
Preparing for the upcoming global awakening this new earth energy will be significant in the unfolding of more truth to enter existing reality . Preparing to release the energy of instability and what is not working as these past self aspects continue to crumble and break away. Creating energetic space , for a path of authenticity purpose and stability.
The Starseed blueprint is revealing the destined plan on ascending earth this will gradually continue to reveal itself , guiding the ascending through intense transformative changes and experiences.
New earth energy can now support the ascension in individuals , this energy will urge the ascending in various ways to reclaim all lost internal power. A portal of creative solutions is available for the ascending collective , to further explore and aspire towards utilising any triggers as much needed catalysts for healing , transmutation and positive changes.
Recalibrations , resets , alignments, energies, downloads, and transformations are surrounding the ascending , to serve as necessary catalysts for receiving the gifts and blessings of new self changes that leads to the destined path.
New earth energy is strongly focused on change with a high frequency energy assisting the ascending to trust the higher intuition, to access the infinite well of inner strength , endurance , courage and resiliency , this rapidly accelerates the navigation of this collective awakening.
The ascending will be Focusing on transmuting challenges into unknown and new opportunities , aligning with the divine plan that is unfolding to consciously create a firm and solid foundation , one based in stability, growth, meaningful experiences and heart centered fulfillment.
Fear based attachments are clearing out , this can take time as they are deeply embedded in the molecular and cellular blueprint and human nervous system , Ascension on this planet in human form is an extremely profound experience and difficult to express and put into words at different times .
Sometimes, progress in life involves letting go of a past that no longer resonates with who we have become. As we the ascending venture onto a new, uncharted path, No longer dwelling on what was necessary to leave behind, focusing on the vibrationally aligned future that awaits . Trusting the journey here in new earth energy , accepting that changes are a natural stage of evolution and conscious ascension here on our ascending planet .
In loving and devoted Ascension service
Source inspiration by Ascension Lightworkers