
使徒的・預言的啓示「今月行なうべき5つの事柄 (エルルの月)」 ゲヤス・ローレンス



では、神は私たちに今月 何をして欲しいのでしょう?








-今月は、私たちが心配していた事柄をみな ゆだねる月です。








すべては やがて来られる王のため!
使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-5 Things to do this Month! (Month of Elul)

Dear holy saints!

I want to thank everyone as we welcomed apostle Robert Henderson to Japan.
It was a great time to learn about the Court of Heaven, and how it operates.
God wants us to receive everything that He promised us as we serve Him and obey Him.

We have now moved into the month of Elul, the month where God our King visits us.
So what does God want us to do this month?

1.Month to prepare for the High Holidays of Tishri

-This is a time to prepare ourselves to come into God’s presence and God’s glory.

-God wants to meet with us in a special way.

2. Month to see God surprise us

-God wants to surprises us in our workplace, our homes, while driving, or even while we are shopping.

-God draws near to us because He loves us and wants to let us know the He is near.

3.Month to give our lives completely into the hands of God

-This is the month we give all the things we are worried about.

-We should throw our anxieties to God who can help us.

4.Month to receive our rewards

-We should expect good fortune throughout this month.

-We sow and then we reap. We reap by thanking the Lord for His 100 fold blessings!

5.Month to fix what has been broken

-We need a plan to repair things that are not going well. Love never fails!

-Before we start the new year 5785, we need to start with complete repentance. Holiness is what God likes. God is Holy!

All for the King who is coming!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
