







-神と みことばに対する忠実さは、神がその祝福をさらに現わすようにとさせます。

2.私たちは収穫を勝ち取る働き手にならなければなりません (ルカ10:1〜2)。



3.私たちは、主の臨在を待ち望むことを学ばなければなりません (使徒1:8)。




神は大いなることをなさりたいのです! 私たちは2倍の油注ぎが現われるのを、期待しなければなりません。

スロバキアは 神が私たちに語ってくださった新しいテリトリー(領域)であるので、神のみこころが成されていくことを信じ、そして祈りましょう。


Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-4 Ways to see the Double Anointing!

Dear joyful saints! It was wonderful to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of Church of Praise International last Sunday. God has been faithful and kind to us. The number 22 mainly means double anointing and witness. We must open up to see the presence and the power of God in our lives.

To see the Double Anointing of God, we must do 4 things:

1.We must become faithful (2 Tim.2:2)

- As we trust God, God must be able to trust us.

-Faithfulness to God and His Word causes God to manifest His blessings more.

2.We must become workers to take the harvest (Luke 10:1-2).

-Jesus is the Lord of the Harvest. We sow and we must reap.

-We ask in prayer and we receive in prayer. Prayer to take the harvest is a big key.

3.We must learn to wait upon the presence of the Lord (Acts 1:8)

-Waiting for the Lord in expectation to see Him bless us is very important. Faith always expects.

-Our faith is always in our God who can do what he has promised.

4.We must see miracles, signs and wonders and the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Heb.2:4)

-We must witness God doing amazing things for us. God wants to do great things!
We must expect the double anointing to manifest.

I am looking forward to going to Slovakia from next week to see what God has planned for us.
Slovakia is a new territory that God has spoken to us about, so let us pray and believe that the will of God will be done. God is always good, and He always wants to manifest His goodness.

All for the Double Anointing!
Dr.Gaius Lawrence
