Amazon Q1 2021 好成績の裏にある3つ要因
※English as below.
2021年4月29日、Amazonは2021年会計年度第1四半期の業績を発表した。同社の事業は主に3つ。1)通販事業 (EC)、2)クラウド事業 (AWS)、3)広告事業だ。ECが前年比44%増加、AWSが前年比32%増加、そして広告事業が77%増加した。売上高は前年同期比44%増加となる1,085億ドル、純利益は前年同期比220%増加となる81億ドルで過去最高益だった。好成績の裏には新型コロナウイルスによる巣ごもり需要が大きく影響しており、その要因は大きく3つあると思われる。各要因を考察していきたい。
次に、食品デリバリーへの消費者の需要が増加したことだ。新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を抑制するためには、経済の成長を止めてまでもロックダウンという市や街全体を封鎖して強い規制を設ける必要があった。その場合、国によっては食料の調達も困難に陥っていった。そういった状況下おいて、アマゾン傘下のwhole foodsが食品雑貨売上に貢献し、消費者の満足度を向上させただけでなく、自社の成長にもしっかりと繋がった。
• 売上高:1,085億ドル(前年比 +44%)
プロダクト売上高:575億ドル(前年比 +37%)
サービス売上高:510億ドル(前年比 +52%)
• 営業利益:89億ドル(前年比 +123%)
• 純利益:81億ドル(前年比 +224%)(3.2倍) = 過去最高
(要因: 配送コストが前期比20%減)
• EPS:15.79ドル(前年比 +215%)
• 営業キャッシュフロー:42億ドル(前年比 +37.5%)
• 直近12カ月の営業キャッシュフロー:672億ドル(前年比 +69%)
• 直近12カ月のフリーキャッシュフロー:264億ドル(前年比 +9%)
• 売上高:644億ドル(前年比 +40%)
• 営業利益:35億ドル(前年比 +163%)
• 営業マージン:5.4%(前年同期:2.8%)
• 売上高:306億ドル(前年比 +60%)
• 営業利益:13億ドル(前年同期:(4) 億ドル)
• 営業マージン:4.1%(前年同期:(2.1) %)
• 売上高:135億ドル(前年比 +32%)
• 営業利益:42億ドル(前年比 +35%)
• 営業マージン:30.8%(前年同期:30.1%)
• 売上高:69億ドル(前年比 +77%)
In recent years, the spread of technology has made it possible to purchase a wide variety of items from household goods to home appliances online from the comfort of your own home. One of the largest online stores in the world is Amazon. What started out as an online bookstore is now one of the most valuable brands in the world.
On April 29, 2021, Amazon announced its financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2021. The company has three main businesses: 1) e-commerce, 2) cloud computing, and 3) advertising. e-commerce grew 44% YoY, AWS grew 32% YoY, and advertising grew 77% YoY. Net sales increased 44% YoY to $108.5 billion, and net income increased 220% YoY to a record $8.1 billion. The strong performance was largely due to demand for nest eggs caused by the new coronavirus, and there are three major factors behind this. I would like to examine each factor.
First, the increase in the number of Amazon Prime members in the e-commerce business. Amazon Prime is a service that offers a wide range of benefits in a convenient manner. The demand for nest eggs due to the new coronavirus caused the number of Amazon Prime members to surpass 200 million, and a variety of services were used. Amazon Prime Video, one of the Amazon Prime services, saw streaming time increase by over 70% year over year. It can be said that the constant release of content that kept people entertained matched the demand for nest eggs.
Secondly, consumer demand for food delivery has increased. In order to control the spread of the new coronavirus, it was necessary to set up strong regulations by locking down cities and entire towns, even to the point of stopping the growth of the economy. In such a case, it became difficult for some countries to procure food. Under such circumstances, whole foods, a subsidiary of Amazon, contributed to the sales of groceries and sundries, which not only improved consumer satisfaction but also led to the company's growth.
Finally, a major factor behind the acceleration of the cloud business is the shift to DX by companies. The reality is that companies need to grow in the Corona disaster. As part of their various efforts, they needed to reform the way they work, such as teleworking and telecommuting, and they needed to implement systems to do so. 32% year-over-year growth in AWS has enabled them to meet the needs of corporate DX.
The performance was so good that net income reached a record high due to the above three factors. In the still unsettled Corona Peripherals, we can expect further growth. However, there are concerns that tighter regulations against monopolistic control of the market will slow down future growth. It will be interesting to see how the company deals with the issue of tighter regulations.
Financial Results for the First Quarter of 2021
- Net sales: $108.5 billion (+44% YoY)
Product sales: $57.5 billion (+37% YoY)
Services revenue: $51 billion (+52% YoY)
- Operating profit: $8.9 billion (+123% YoY)
- Net income: $8.1 billion (+224% YoY) (3.2x) = record high
(Factors: Shipping costs down 20% y-o-y)
- EPS: $15.79 (+215% YoY)
- Operating cash flow: $4.2 billion (+37.5% YoY)
- Operating cash flow in the last 12 months: $67.2 billion (+69% YoY)
- Free cash flow in the last 12 months: $26.4 billion (+9% YoY)
By Region
North America
- Net sales: $64.4 billion (+40% YoY)
- Operating profit: $3.5 billion (+163% YoY)
- Operating margin: 5.4% (vs. 2.8% in the same period last year)
Outside North America:
- Net sales: $30.6 billion (+60% YoY)
- Operating income: $1.3 billion (vs. $(0.4) billion in the same period last year)
- Operating margin: 4.1% (vs. (2.1)% in the same period last year)
- Net sales: $13.5 billion (+32% YoY)
- Operating profit: $4.2 billion (+35% YoY)
- Operating Margin: 30.8% (YoY: 30.1%)
- Revenue: $6.9 billion (+77% YoY)