
Apple Q2 (1-3月) 業績+増収要因

※English as below.

iPhoneを初めとする画期的なテクノロジーデバイスを開発し世界中に販売しているアップルは、GAFA(Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon)の一角としてトップの座に君臨し続ける多国籍企業だ。新型コロナウイルスが感染拡大して1年経過した今でもアップルファンを魅了し続けているのは、同社製品が日々の生活を持続的に支えていることを示している。


まずは、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う在宅勤務や在宅学習の需要だ。同ウイルスの出現によって我々の生活が一変した。ビジネスマンにとっては出社からテレワークに切り替わり、学生にとってはオンライン授業に変わった。仕事も学習も効率的に行うためにはテクノロジーデバイスが必要となったのだ。製品の中で需要が高かった製品は、iMacとiPad Proだ。Macシリーズは売上高前年同期比70%増加、iPadシリーズは売上高前年同期比78%増加だった。特にiPadは、様々な分野において、ポータブルで場所を問わず活用できるメリットがあるため、イノベーション次第では今後も期待できる製品である。


次に、5Gに対応したiphone12の需要だ。5Gとは、新たな時代の到来を象徴するテクノロジーとして注目を集めている次世代ネットワーク。1) 高・大容量、2) 低遅延、3) 多接続の特徴を持つ。4Gと比較すると、通信速度は約20倍、遅延は約10分の1、同時接続数は約10倍だ。5Gが到来すると、人物や行動の認識や特定、在宅医療、自動運転、スマートシティ等といった様々な分野にメリットがあり、経済全体を活性化する重要なカギとなると言われている。iphone12の売上高前年同期比は65%増加。コロナ禍においては、多様化する働き方に応じるためにも、5Gに対応したデバイスは必須だったと言えるだろう。




総売上高896億ドル (前年同期比54%↑)

Mac 売上高前年同期比70%↑
itunes+software (applecare+apple payライセンス料金など) 売上高前年同期比26%↑
Weareables, Home & Accessoriesなど 売上高前年同期比25%↑

Apple, a multinational company that develops and sells the iPhone and other revolutionary technology devices around the world, continues to reign supreme as one of the GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon). The fact that the new coronavirus continues to attract Apple fans even a year after it spread shows that the company's products sustainably support our daily lives.

On April 28, 2021, Apple announced its financial results for the second quarter of fiscal year 2021, which ends on March 27, 2021. Sales for the quarter were a record $89.6 billion for the January-March period, a 54% increase over the same period last year. I would like to examine the factors behind the increase in sales despite the fact that the spread of the new coronavirus around the world has not yet come to an end.

First of all, the spread of the new coronavirus has led to demand for telecommuting and home study. The emergence of the new coronavirus has completely changed our lives. Businessmen have switched from going to work to teleworking, and students have switched to online classes. Technology devices have become necessary to work and study efficiently. Among the products in high demand were the iMac and iPad Pro, with sales of the Mac series up 70% YoY and the iPad series up 78% YoY. The iPad, in particular, has the advantage of being portable and can be used anywhere in a variety of fields, so it is a product that can be expected to continue to grow depending on innovation.

Next is the demand for 5G-capable iphone12. 5G is a next-generation network that is attracting attention as a technology that represents the arrival of a new era. It is characterized by 1) high capacity, 2) low latency, and 3) multiple connections. Compared to 4G, it has about 20 times the transmission speed, one-tenth the latency, and 10 times the number of simultaneous connections. The arrival of 5G is said to be an important key to revitalizing the entire economy, with benefits in various fields such as recognition and identification of people and behaviors, home healthcare, automated driving, and smart cities. iphone12 sales increased 65% YoY. In the Corona disaster, 5G compatible devices were essential to meet the diversifying work styles.

The results for the second quarter of FY2021 mainly consisted of the above two factors. However, in order to achieve good results in the future, we must keep abreast of unimaginable external factors and market needs, such as the new coronavirus. And to exceed the expectations of users, continuous innovation efforts will be necessary.

[Financial Results for the Second Quarter of 2021
Total sales 89.6 billion dollars (54% up from the same period last year)
Sales ratio outside US market 67%↑
Operating cash flow $24.0 billion
Net income $23.6 billion

Net sales by product (YoY)
Mac sales up 70% YoY
Sales of iphone up 65% YoY
ipad sales up 78% YoY
itunes+software (applecare+apple pay license fee, etc.) Sales up 26% YoY
Sales of Weareables, Home & Accessories, etc. up 25% YoY

