






 私は英語圏の知識人に頻繁に英語でインタビューしますが、確かに彼らは書き言葉で話します。難しい表現や単語も使います。一切の忖度もなく、容赦もありません。日本人はすぐに「えーっと」と入れますが、そういう知識人は”you know”のような言葉をめったに入れません。できるだけ控えた方がいい。書き言葉では絶対に入れません。私もそういうインタビューではできるだけ書き言葉で話すように心がけています。
1. But she (Kamala Harris) has largely avoided specific proposals that carry a price tag and open her to criticism. This is no doubt by design as she runs a campaign about “vibes.”
(The Selling of Kamala Harris The Vice President is the least known presidential nominee in modern times. WSJ by The Editorial Board August 21, 2024)
<批判にさらされるような具体的な提案を避けていて、vibes(雰囲気)で選挙運動をしているのは間違いなく意図的(by design)である>と痛烈に批判していますね。
2. She hasn’t explained to the public what her core principles are, or even who she relies on for foreign-policy advice.

3. Perhaps Ms. Harris has qualities of leadership we haven’t observed. Vice Presidents called on unexpectedly have sometimes risen to the occasion, as Harry Truman and Gerald Ford did. Perhaps, too, she will show some of those qualities in Thursday’s speech or in the campaign to come. But so far she is a vessel for the triumph of hope over experience, whom Americans are expected to embrace mainly because she isn’t Donald Trump.
rise to the occasion: to show that you can deal with a difficult situation successfully (Cambridge Dictionary) 難局に対処する[手腕を振るう](KOD)
4. Like Gore, Harris will have to do three key things: navigate her relationship with the incumbent, establish who she is, and lay out her vision for the country. In all three regards she can learn from the challenges that Gore faced in his campaign and subsequent electoral defeat.
( What Kamala Harris can learn from Al Gore Being new is not enough for any presidential heir apparent, Kenneth Baer FT August 22, 2024)
5. But being new and young is not enough for Harris, or any heir apparent. Despite spending years in the public eye, vice-presidents are recognised but not known. Voters see them, at best, as an extension of the president and at worst as just a Washington insider.
(同上)  recognisedはアメリカ英語ではrecognizedです。
heir apparentは<【法】 法定推定相続人>が元の意味ですが、比喩的に<有力な》後継者, 後任, 後釜>という意味です。(KOD)
6. The first half of the evening was larded with lieutenant governors, a state senator and who-the-hell-is-that bureaucrats, boring us out of our skulls.
(Worst Moment, New York Times, August 20, 2024)
out of one’s skull: crazy
7. I can’t decide if it was A.O.C.’s barnburner speech, Shawn Fain lambasting Trump as a scab or the women who spoke so bravely about the anguish Republican abortion bans inflicted on them.
(Best Moment, Michelle Goldberg, Times columnist, New York Times, August 20, 2024)
barnburner speechのbarnburnerは<注目を集める(もの)>という意味です。
8. Some young Pennsylvanians would have voted for Mr. Biden but didn’t want to volunteer for him. Maya, a rising college senior, fits that bill.
(Christian Science Monitor digital week of August 26, 2024 Young Voters have new energy: How big a boost for Harris-Walz ticket?)
fit the bill:必要な条件を満たす、期待に添う
9. Frank Chapman, an 81 year-old Marxist who is the dean of protest organizing in Chicago, conceded that Kamala Harris “may have taken some of the wind out of the sails” of marchers when she ascended to the top of the ticket. The Gaza protests have lost some momentum since the switch from President Biden.
(Polls Say Trump Better Move Fast to Define Harris: Guest Essay
Kristen Soltis Anderson.  New York Times (Online) New York Times Company. Aug 20, 2024)
tàke the wínd òut of …'s sáils [動] 《略式》 (相手が予期せぬ言動・手段で) (人)を出し抜く, …をめんくらわせる. 由来 他の帆船の風上について, その船の帆に風がいかないようにする, の意. (KOD)
10. The truth is that Palestinians have been struggling for decades to have their full humanity recognized by American politicians, including those in the Democratic Party. Jim Zogby, a founder of the Arab American Institute, has been at it since the 1980s. For years, he said, candidates from both parties returned donations from Arab Americans and avoided being associated with Arab American organizers out of fear of offending pro-Israel groups.
Jesse Jackson was among the first to bring Arab Americans into the fold. They helped his Rainbow Coalition win a surprise victory in the Michigan caucuses in 1988. He garnered enough delegates at the convention in Atlanta that year to force a debate about U.S. policy in the Middle East.
into the foldやto the foldは頗る便利な表現です。
receive [welcometakebring] sb back to [intothe foldhave sb back in the fold 人を再び仲間[会員]として迎え入れる.(KOD)
return [come backto the fold 古巣に帰る, もとの信仰[政党 など]に戻る.
11. “The same old people trot out the same old talking points, representing an outdated view of Israel that is not only no longer accurate but it also doesn’t represent where Democratic Party voters are today,” Mr. Duss told me.
Trot something out: to provide an excuseideaopinion, or factespecially one that has been used often before or one that is silly (Cambridge Dictionary)
trót óut [動] 他 《略式》〈同じ言い訳・説明など〉を繰り返す; 〈人・物〉を披露[紹介]する; 釈明のため〈人〉を送る.(KOD)

12. Younger voters and independents in particular are big movers here, showing quite a bit of a shift toward Ms. Harris relative to where they stood in the Biden-Trump race. It isn’t a stretch to think they would have more malleable opinions of Ms. Harris given these groups are known to be somewhat less plugged in when it comes to political news. To the extent there are voters who are still up for grabs, look to these groups for movement as Ms. Harris becomes more of a known quantity.
plugged in:事情通の (麻薬に手を染めて、という意味もありますが、最近では<事情通の>を表すときによく出てくる表現です。
13. But when a reporter asked about the criticism he is facing, Trump let loose.
“I think I’m entitled to personal attacks. I don’t have a lot of personal respect for her. I don’t have a lot of respect for her intelligence,” he said, echoing a broad assertion that Democrats have politically persecuted him. “I don’t believe she loves our country.”
Speaking of his campaign style, Trump said, “I have to do it my way.”
Trump has always done it his way: big, loud, unvarnished, combative. He is his campaign’s best asset—and its worst enemy. Eighty days before the election, that paradox is on full display as Harris continues to enjoy a hot streak heading into the Democratic National Convention.
(Trump Is His Campaign’s Best Asset—and Its Worst Enemy
The Republican’s unorthodox approach earned him the White House in 2016but cost him in 2020,
By Alex Leary, Vivian Salama, and Rebecca Ballhaus Aug. 17, 2024 10:00 am ET Wall Street Journal)
let looseは <羽目を外す>とか<遠慮なく言う>という意味です。
14. Kamala Harris on Friday floated a panoply of government subsidies to make housing more “affordable.” Sound familiar? It’s the same playbook Democrats have used for student loans.
(Here Comes Kamala’s Mortgage Forgiveness Her plan to make housing more ‘affordable’ via subsidies will raise prices and create moral hazard. By Allysia Finley Aug. 18, 2024 1:10 pm ET WSJ)
15. The Biden administration is already doing this on the sly, which is a major reason housing prices have grown at more than twice the overall inflation rate since the start of the pandemic.
on the sly: If you do something on the sly, you do it secretly because you should not be doing it:
©Kazumoto Ohno (大野和基)
