『石狩湾硯海岸へ接近中』の全文公開 連載第202回 第168章 2カ国語トリビアの実例集
Question 1:
In the UK the prime minister’s official residence is called 10 Downing Street; which of the following is its French counterpart?
1) L'Hôtel de Matignon
2) Le Palais de l’Élysée
3) Le Quai d’Orsay
4) Roissy-en-France
5) Le Palais Bourbon
1) マティニョン館
2) エリゼー宮
3) ケードルセー
4) ロワシー
5) ブルボン宮殿
Answer 解答: 1.
2) The official residence of the President. 3) The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. 4) The site of the Charles de Gaulle Airport. 5) The Assemblée Nationale. Its construction started in 1722, exactly 300 hundred years before 2022.
2) 大統領官邸。3) ヨーロッパ・外務省。4) シャルル・ド=ゴール空港の位置。5) 国民議会議事堂。着工は2022年のちょうど300年前の1722年である。
Question 2:
Eiffel had designed a famous construction before the Eiffel Tower. What was it?
1) Le Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris
2) L'Hôtel national des Invalides
3) The Great Buddha of Todaiji Temple
4) La Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres
5) The Statue of Liberty
1) パリ国立高等音楽・舞踊学校
2) アンヴァリッド(廃兵院)
3) 東大寺の大仏
4) シャルトル大聖堂
5) 自由の女神
Answer 解答: 5.
It was erected in 1886. He constructed a lot of bridges with the eastern-most example being the one in Manila; to protect them from winds, he performed wind tunnel tests and made a great contribution to aerodynamics.
Leaving New York symbolized by the Statue of Liberty presented by France, Charles Lindbergh, who had been piloting, without sleep, an aeroplane succeeding to Eiffel’s research results, flew close by the Eiffel Tower, making it to land at Le Bourget airfield, Paris. Advanced technology expanded across the oceans, and returned to its original Continent.
Question 3:
* If you do not mind, could the author ask you to listen to the First Movement, Symphony no. 4 in A major op. 90 'Italian' by Felix Mendelssohn while you solve the question below? That would match it.
What was the vehicle Goethe got on as he slipped out of Karlsbad at three in the morning on September 3, 1786, and headed for Italy?
1) A sports car (a Prussian blue Porsche. "Won’t someone go for a haiku-making drive to Italy with me? What about this?")
Venice got soaked,
Deep under the water,
By a freak of nature.
2) A mailcoach
3) A motorcycle (a customized model named Siegfried II by himself. Vrooom!)
4) A snowmobile
5) A snow globe
6) A self-propelled unicycle
もし差し支えなければ、この問題をお解きになる際には、フェリックス・メンデルスゾーンの交響曲第4番イ長調 作品90「イタリア」第1楽章をお聴きください。設問に合うものと思われます。
1) スポーツカー(紺青のポルシェ。「誰か一緒にイタリアまで吟行ドライブに行かへん? これはどないや?」)
2) 郵便馬車
3) オートバイ(ゲーテ自身が「ジークフリートII世号」と名付けたカスタム・モデル。ドドドドッ)
4) スノーモービル
5) スノードーム
6) 自走式一輪車
Answer 解答: 2.
1) At this time he saw a sea for the first time in his life at the age of thirty-seven. In Rome he registered his profession as painter, not as poet or politician.
1) このとき、ゲーテは37歳にして生まれて初めて海というものを見た。ローマでは職業を詩人や政治家ではなく画家として登録した。
Question 4:
A method was devised to prevent the imperial commands known as the rinji from falling in the hands of the hostile side, the Northern Court, during the Period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in the 14th century Japan. What kind of method was it? The use of a:
1) Motodori rinji, or a secret imperial command hidden in the tied hair of a messenger
2) Motorcyclist’s diary
3) Cavity inside the messenger’s wisdom tooth
4) Kemari troupe (where kemari is somewhat similar to sepak takraw, but not as acrobatic as this latter sport originated in Southeast Asia): [by organizing its walking tour, in which the rinji is concealed in the ball]
5) Pressed flowers
6) Soy sauce bottle
1) 髻綸旨(もとどりりんじ。使者の髻の中に隠された綸旨)
2) モーターサイクリスト・ダイアリー(バイク旅行者日記)
3) 使者の親知らず内部の空洞
4) 蹴鞠団(蹴鞠は幾分セパタクローに似ているが、この東南アジア起源のゲームほどアクロバット的ではない。蹴鞠の行脚を組織し、鞠の中に綸旨を忍ばせて)
5) 押し花
6) 醤油差し
Answer 解答: 1.
Question 5:
When the fleets of Great Britain, France and the Netherlands came to Hyôgo Port, present Kobe Port, in 1865, a person who was in Mt. Rokkô overlooking the port in its south spotted their ships and hurriedly notified the Kyoto Shoshidai of the incident. Which of the following was its method?
1) Post hound 'ekiden' with a high five at each station
2) Post horse 'ekiden' with a high five at each station with a dry clap, throwing off the orderly from the saddle
3) Gigaphone relay stations
4) Chain explosions of 'bonbori' (small lamps with a paper shade) leading all the way from Sannomiya, Kobe, to Gion, Kyoto ("What was it?" wonders a geisha tilting her head slightly).
5) Semaphore
1) 早犬駅伝(交代駅ごとに前足と前足を高く上げてバシッと合わせる)
2) 早馬駅伝(交代駅ごとに前足と前足を高く上げてパカッと合わせ、伝令を鞍から振り落とす)
3) ギガホン・リレー・ステーション(巨大拡声器連絡櫓網)
4) 神戸・三宮から京都・祇園までずっと続く雪洞の連鎖爆発(「今のは何どすやろ?」と、芸者が小首を傾げる)
5) 手旗信号
Answer 解答: 5.
The diplomats of these powers attempted at making the Imperial Court give its sanction for the Ansei Treaties.
Semaphore signals had been made use of for reporting the market prices of rice from the 18th century through the early 1910s. It had been arranged that they should be indicated by on which side, i.e. the right or the left, of the signalman’s body he waved a flag and what size of a flag he waved. Black flags were used for short distance signals, white for long distances. A red flag could have suggested a revolution: "Is the Winter Palace burning?" A big flag was three feet by three, and a small one half as large. With a telescope a flag was visible up to 12km away. The Yedo Shogunate had ordered that the rice market should be reported on by an express messenger; however, the semaphore signal would not go out of use because of its convenience.
Question 6:
It was Sir Rowland Hill who made sweeping reforms of the postal system. Which two of the following are included in his exploits?
1) Introduction of a uniform rate of postage
2) Introduction of prepayment of postage by means of stamps
3) Production of postage stamps by woodblock printing
4) Introduction of COD (cash on delivery)
5) Having let print “Don’t despise me so” on the back of postage stamps
1) 均一郵便料金導入
2) 切手による郵便料金前払い制の導入
3) 木版画による郵便切手制作
4) 代金引換払いの導入
5) 郵便切手の裏に「舐めんなよ」と印刷させたこと
Answer 解答: 1, 2.
The adoption of Hill’s proposals on postal reforms was due to the successful proof that the bulk of postal expenses was not from transportation itself, but sorting and handling of the mails. It was Maejima Hisoka who introduced this system to Japan.
Question 7:
Hitler ordered General von Choltitz to obliterate Paris; how did he threaten him to force its execution?
1) By letting an artificial-handed SS officer, listening to Wagner on a miniature audio device himself, apply force on the surface of glass with iron claw close to his ear all through his working hours: „Vergessen Sie nicht; ich bewache Sie jederzeit!" Translation: Don’t forget; I am always watching you!
2) By telling him on his return trip to Paris of the information that a new act that would authorize to hold high military officials’ wives and children hostage has just been enacted, through an SS cadre who 'happened' to be on the same train.
3) By letting him wear a flak jacket equipped with wireless plastic bombs around the clock.
4) By telling him they would disclose his twenty-one-year-old lover’s address to his wife who is a shot-putter ("The window over there, richtig [right]?" „Ja, ganz genau [Yes, that’s right]!").
5) By telling him they would transfer him to Smolensk that the Red Army was approaching.
1) 執務時間中ずっと、自分は小型音響機器でワグナーを聴いている義手の親衛隊員に将軍の耳元でガラス表面に鉄爪で力を当てさせて(「忘れたらいかんじょー。ずっと監視しとるんじょー!」)
2) 軍高官の妻子を人質に取る権限を与える新法が最近制定されたという情報を、「偶然」同じ列車に乗った親衛隊幹部を通じてパリに帰任する将軍の耳に入れて
3) 無線プラスチック爆弾を装着した防弾上衣を24時間身につけさせて
4) 21歳の愛人の住所を砲丸投げ選手である妻に暴露する、と言って(「あすこの窓ね?」「その通りでごんす」)
5) 赤軍の迫ってきているスモレンスクに転属させる、と言って
Answer 解答: 2.
This measure is called Sippenhaft in German, and is usually translated as kinsfolk imprisonment or mass retaliation.
第169章 アメリカで悩める小春医師 https://note.com/kayatan555/n/n77d8978a2b2c に続く。(全175章まであります)。そろそろ本作品『石狩湾硯海岸へ接近中』の終わりが近付いてきました。次作を執筆中です。
This is copyrighted material. Copyright (C) 2018-2025 by 茅部鍛沈 Kayabe Tanchin « Kayatán », 新 壽春 Atarashi Toshiharu. Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. 石狩湾硯海岸へ接近中は、新 壽春の登録商標です。All rights reserved. Tous droits réservés.