

PIE root *leubh- *リューベ =love ;lief; liev; lib; love
以下の単語はインド・ヨーロッパ原語で "気にかける、望む、愛する "を意味するloveから生まれました。


  1. belief 🌟 - 信念 (a feeling of certainty, a conviction)

    • be-: intensive prefix

    • lief: dear, beloved (implying a leaning towards a certain conviction)

  2. believe 💭 - 信じる (to accept as true, feel sure of the truth of)

    • be-: intensive prefix

    • lieve: variant of lief, dear, beloved (implying an inclination to accept something as true)

  3. leave 🍂 - 去る (to go away from, depart)

    • leave: without prefix, originally meaning to allow to remain, implying an inclination to let something be

  4. leman 💑 - 恋人 (an archaic term for lover or sweetheart)

    • le-: without specific prefix

    • man: person, implying a person one is inclined to love

  5. libido 💘 - 性欲 (sexual desire)

    • lib-: related to love or desire

    • -ido: a suffix implying a condition or state, indicating an inclination towards desire

  6. lief 🌈 - 喜んで (willingly, readily)

    • lief: without prefix, meaning dear or beloved, implying a willing inclination

  7. love ❤️ - 愛 (an intense feeling of deep affection)

    • love: without prefix or suffix, directly meaning a deep affection or inclination towards someone

  8. lovely 😍 - 美しい (exquisitely beautiful or attractive)

    • love-: related to love or affection

    • -ly: suffix indicating the nature of something, in this case, inclined towards being lovable or pleasing

  9. relief 🌈 - 安堵 (a feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress)
    re-: prefix indicating "back" or "again"
    "Relief" is an interesting word that does not directly come from the Proto-Indo-European root for "love," but its etymology is still quite intriguing.

lief: derived from the Latin "levare," meaning "to raise," which is related to "lighten" or "alleviate." The sense here is of lifting a burden or making something lighter, thus providing relief.
The word "relief" thus involves the idea of alleviating or lightening a burden or stress, rather than being directly related to the concept of love or affection.
