

PIE root 「*men」 man-; men-; min-(マイン); mon-;
英単語スペル「man」、「men」、「mon」は インド・ヨーロッパ原語で「mention(考える)」を意味する「*men」から生まれました。

  1. comment 💭 - コメント (a verbal or written remark)

  • com-: with, together

  • ment: from "mens," meaning mind

  1. dement 😵 - 狂わせる (to cause someone to lose their mind)

    • de-: down, away

    • ment: from "mens," meaning mind

  2. demonstrate ✊ - 示す (to show clearly)

    • de-: thoroughly

    • monstrate: from "monstrare," to show, related to "monere," remind, or instruct

  3. mandarin 🍊 - 官僚 (a bureaucrat)

    • mand-: from "mandare," to command

    • arin: suffix used in titles

  4. mania 🌀 - 熱狂 (excessive enthusiasm or desire)

    • mania: from Greek "mania," frenzy, related to "menos," spirit, force, passion

  5. maniac 😠 - 狂人 (a person exhibiting extreme symptoms of wild behavior)

    • mani-: from "mania," meaning madness

    • -ac: pertaining to

  6. mantis 🦗 - カマキリ (a predatory insect)

    • mantis: from Greek "mantis," seer, related to "mainesthai," to be inspired

  7. mantra 📿 - マントラ (a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation)

    • mantra: from Sanskrit "mantra," meaning instrument of thought

  8. mental 🧠 - 精神的な (of or relating to the mind)

    • ment-: from "mens," meaning mind

    • -al: pertaining to

  9. mention 💬 - 言及する (to speak about something briefly)

    • mention: from "mentionem," meaning mentioning, reminding, or recalling

  10. mentor 👨‍🏫 - メンター (an experienced and trusted adviser)

    • ment-: from "mens," meaning mind

    • -or: one who does

  11. mind 🧠 - 心 (the element of a person that enables them to be aware)

    • mind: from Old English "gemynd," meaning memory, thought, related to "men"

  12. money 💰 - お金 (a medium of exchange in the form of coins and notes)

    • mon-: from the temple of Juno Moneta, where money was coined, related to "monere," to remind or warn

  13. monitor 🖥 - モニター (a person or device that observes or checks something)

    • mon-: from "monere," to remind, warn

    • -itor: one who does

  14. summon 📣 - 呼び出す (to authoritatively or urgently call on someone to be present)

    • sum-: from "sub," under, secretly

    • -mon: from "monere," to remind or warn
