PIE root *leg- 「log」、「leg」、「lect」
英単語スペル「log」、「leg」、「lect」は インド・ヨーロッパ原語で「collect(集める)」を意味する「leg」から埋めれました、派生語は「言葉を集める」という概念で「話す」を意味する。
analogue 🔄 - 類似物 (something similar or comparable to another)
ana-: up, back, again
logue: from "logos," meaning word or reason
analogy 🤔 - 類推 (a comparison between two things)
ana-: up, back, again
logy: from "logos," meaning word or reason
apology 🙇 - 謝罪 (a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure)
apo-: away, off
logy: from "logos," meaning word or reason
catalogue 📚 - カタログ (a complete list of items)
cata-: down, against
logue: from "logos," meaning word or reason
coil 🌀 - 巻く (to wind into a series of loops)
coil: from "colubra," meaning snake or serpent, related to winding
colleague 👥 - 同僚 (a person one works with)
col-: together
league: from "legare," meaning to bind or tie
collect 💼 - 集める (to bring together)
col-: together
lect: from "legere," meaning to gather or pick
college 🏫 - 大学 (an educational institution)
col-: together
lege: variant of "legere," meaning to gather
delegate 🤝 - 代表 (a person sent to represent others)
de-: from, away
legate: from "legare," meaning to send or delegate
dialect 💬 - 方言 (a particular form of a language)
dia-: across, between
lect: from "lectus," meaning chosen or selected
dialogue 💬👥 - 対話 (a conversation between two or more people)
dia-: across, between
logue: from "logos," meaning word or reason
diligence 💪 - 勤勉 (careful and persistent work or effort)
di-: apart
ligence: from "ligare," meaning to bind or tie
elect 👆 - 選挙する (to choose or select by vote)
e-: out
lect: from "legere," meaning to choose or select
election 🗳️ - 選挙 (the act of selecting someone)
e-: out
lection: from "legere," meaning to choose or select
epilogue 📖 - エピローグ (a concluding section of a book)
epi-: upon, after
logue: from "logos," meaning word or reason
intelligence 🧠 - 知性 (the ability to acquire and apply knowledge)
intel-: between, among
ligence: from "ligare," meaning to bind or tie
lecture 🗣️ - 講義 (an educational talk)
lec-: variant of "legere," meaning to read or speak
ture: process or act of
legacy 💼 - 遺産 (an inheritance; something handed down)
leg-: from "legare," meaning to appoint or bequeath
acy: state or quality
legal ⚖️ - 合法的 (relating to the law)
leg-: from "legere," meaning law
al: pertaining to
legend 📖 - 伝説 (a traditional story)
leg-: from "legere," meaning to collect or gather
end: story
legible ✍️ - 読みやすい (capable of being read)
leg-: from "legere," meaning to read
ible: capable of
legitimate 👍 - 合法的 (conforming to the law or rules)
leg-: from "legere," meaning law
itimate: state or quality
lesson 📖 - 授業 (a period of learning or teaching)
less-: variant of "lect," from "legere," meaning to read or collect
-on: a suffix used to form nouns
logic 🧠 - 論理 (a proper or reasonable way of thinking about something)
log-: from "logos," meaning word, reason, or principle
-ic: pertaining to
logistic 📈 - 物流の (relating to the detailed coordination of complex operations)
log-: from "logos," meaning word, reason, or principle
-istic: relating to
loyal 👑 - 忠誠心 (faithful and devoted)
loy-: derived from "legalis," meaning legal or related to the law
-al: pertaining to
monologue 💬 - 独白 (a long speech by one person)
mono-: single or alone
logue: from "logos," meaning word or reason
neglect 😞 - 無視する (fail to care for properly)
neg-: not or without
lect: from "legere," meaning to pick or choose
privilege 🎖️ - 特権 (a special right or advantage)
priv-: private
ilege: from "lex," meaning law, related to "legere"
prologue 📜 - プロローグ (an introductory part of a book or play)
pro-: before
logue: from "logos," meaning word or reason
select 🌟 - 選ぶ (to carefully choose as being the best or most suitable)
se-: apart
lect: from "legere," meaning to pick or choose