NHKラジオ「中高生の基礎英語 in English」34日目 Topic3 Day4
●Weekly Topic
Do we need a school uniforms?
●Angela's opinion
Angela likes wearing a school uniform, because she doesn't have to think about what to wear.
She thinks that without uniforms, students might wear expensive clothes. If they do, they might make other students feel bad.
●David opinion
David doesn't like wearing school uniforms because he thinks everyone looks the same.
Without uniforms, he can wear his own clothes. By wearing his own clothes, people will know more about him.
●Ananda's opinion
I don't think school uniforms are necessary. They can be uncomfortable. I prefer to to study in my clothes. I also do acting. One time, I wore a uniform for a role, and I thought it was very stiff. And I don't like to wear skirts, especially in winter.
●Vinay's opinion
We don't need school uniforms. People can show their personality with clothes. I wore a uniform in elementary school, but it was boring because everyone looked the same. When students are free to wear their favorite colors or clothes, they can be creative. It's important for young people to be creative.