
NHKラジオ「中高生の基礎英語 in English」52日目 再放送Topic4 Day5

●Weekly Topic
What kind of superpower do you want to have?


今日はWeekly Topicに対して出た意見がどんなものだったか質問します。

①What would Joe like to do when he could have a super power?
②How about Kate?
③How about Vinay?
④How about Hannah?
⑤How about Fuku?
⑥How about you?



①He  would like to fly above buildings, tress, mountains and cities.

②She would like to be super strong. If she could be super strong, she wouldn't be scared of a flu shot. And she wishes she could run superfast, too. If she were superfast, she could become a world-famous athlete.

③He would like to have the power of teleportation. Then, he could travel to any place in the world in one second. 

④ She would like to make clones of herself.  If she could make copies of herself, she could do everything.

⑤He would like to make laser beams with his hands. If a monster came to the world, he would fight the monster to save the world. 

⑥ I would like to fly like a bird. If I could fly, It would be very exciting to see my town from the sky. And I wouldn't have to ride vehicles. It means I could protect the environment from greenhouse gases. It would be great for everyone.

