Katsurao AIR 2023 Archives:榎本浩子 ENOMOTO Hiroko
Memories of gardens/ Restoration of Land
During my residency in Katsurao, I went around sites with deep connections to plants and gardens. I saw places in the surrounding regions where people are beginning to move forward. Some are using agricultural land abandoned due to radioactive contamination to grow holy basil, while others are growing anthuriums using recycled old clothing in the place of soil.
The residents of Katsurao gave me plants from their gardens that symbolised their return to everyday life. After the earthquake, crimson clover was grown here as green manure to restore nutrients that decontamination took from the soil. I learned that when the soil is healthy again, those beautiful fields of scarlet will disappear.
This residency allowed me to learn about the processes by which the land is restored and revitalised and the individual stories that were buried by the massive scale of the earthquake.
葛尾村のみなさま、大槻美友(工房マートル)、かつらお胡蝶蘭合同会社、smile farm, 東和サルスベリ園、渡部沙織(SHIRUBE by SAGADESIGN SEEDS)、渡辺豆腐店
the people of Katsurao, OHTSUKI Miyu (atelier myrtlee), Hope White, Smile Farm, Towa Crape Myrtle Garden, WATANABE Saori (SHIRUBE by SAGA DESIGN SEEDS), Watanabe Tofu Shop.
2023, September 30th October 9th
Holy basil tea party
榎本 浩子
群馬県生まれ 2011年女子美術大学大学院美術研究科修了
主な活動歴に、個展「クリテリオム99 榎本浩子」(水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリー 、茨城、2022年)、個展「ここの庭」(ゆいぽーと、新潟、2022年)、「たゆたまりに小石をひとつ」(アキバタマビ21、東京、2022)、「River to River 川のほとりのアートフェス」(前橋市内各所、2021)、「The course of true love never did run smooth」(EUKARYOTE、東京、2019)がある。「群馬青年ビエンナーレ2015」大賞受賞。
Born in Gunma, Japan. 2011 Joshibi University of Art and Design MFA
Hiroko Enomoto creates and works on the theme of weakness and vulnerability and their restoration, using connections with others and daily events as her subjects.
She looks at the changes that occur when we accept, take time and watch over memories and vulnerabilities that are overlooked in the priority given to productivity and consumption.
Her main activities include the solo exhibition ‘Criterium 99: Hiroko Enomoto’ (Art Tower Mito Contemporary Art Gallery , Ibaraki, 2022), the solo exhibition ‘The Garden here’ (Yui Port, Niigata, 2022), ‘One pebble in the Tayutamari’ (Akibatamabi 21, Tokyo, 2022), ‘River to River Art Fest’ (Maebashi, 2021) , ‘The course of true love never did run smooth’ (EUKARYOTE, Tokyo, 2019).
Grand prize winner of the ‘Gunma Youth Biennale 2015’.