
Katsurao AIR 2022 Archives:尾角典子 OKAKU Noriko

尾角は意尾村に初めて訪れた時に人々の生活の中に不可視なものの存在を感じ、自然と共存する知恵の代名詞でもある八百万の神の考えを持つ日本人の自然観にこれからの時代を生き抜く可能性を感じた。震災以降、葛尾村の振興のためにできた新しい事業や産業の中でも特に電力事業に着目し、電気の時代を生きる私たちの新たな民間信仰のあり方を想像した。今回、彼女の新たな試みとしてヴァーチャルリアリティーでの制作に取り組み、現代におけ る電気の神様の可能性を提示することで、不可視なものとの共存を考えるきっかけになる作品づくりを試みた。

When Okaku first visited Katsurao, she sensed the presence of something in the daily lives of its inhabitants that couldn't be seen. The wisdom of coexisting with nature is expressed in the idea held by people in Japan that countless gods and spirits reside in all things. In this way of looking at nature, Okaku felt it would be possible to survive the age to come. Amongst the new initiatives and industries established after the 2011 disaster to rebuild Katsurao, she was drawn in particular to electricity generation and imagined a new kind of folk belief for us, living as we do in this age of electricity. Here, Okaku took on the fresh challenge of working with virtual reality to suggest the possibility of a Spirit of Electricity for the modern era. She hopes that through this, her work will provide an opportunity to think on coexisting with unseeable things.

DENKINOKAMISAMA (Spirit of Electricity) (provisional)

Paper and pen, VR


The Interpreter(付属品)
The Interpreter(attachment)

Tarot cards

OKAKU Noriko
尾角 典子

2003年ロンドン芸術大学UALチェルシー・ カレッジ・オブ・アート・アンド・デザイン ファイン アート・メディア卒業


主な個展に「Noriko Okaku」(Earth+ Gallery、東京、2017)、「The Interpreter」(QUAD、ダービー、イギリス、2015)。 主なグループ展に「VOCA展2019(」上野 の森美術館、東京)、「人と科学と現代アート ‒ ステレオタイプを超えてゆけ」(東京工業大学博物 館百年記念館、2019)など。ドイツ、カナダ他海外数多くの映像祭に参加、受賞。

Born in Kyoto, Japan.
2005 Royal College of Art, MA Animation
2003 UAL Chelsea College of Art and Design, BA Fine Art and Media

Live and work in London and Kyoto. Her collage technique that incorporates fragments of material, allowing surreal, mythical and occult imagined landscapes to emerge. Through the imagination and personal memories generated by the experience of the work, the artist intends to create works that recognise the uniqueness of identity and present the possibility of multifaceted perspectives. Using animation, audiovisual performance, installation and everyday objects as mediums, the artist vividly expresses the present moment with hope in the ability of human beings to move fluidly between the boundaries of the visible and the invisible, between material and memory.

Selected solo exhibitions include Noriko Okaku (Earth+ Gallery, Tokyo, 2017) and The Interpreter (QUAD, Derby, UK, 2015). Major group exhibitions include VOCA 2019 (The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo) and Human, Science and Contemporary Art – Beyond Stereotype, (TIT Centennial Hall Museum, 2019). She has participated in and won awards at numerous film festivals in Germany, Canada and other countries.
