








スティーブ・ポーチガル. ユーザーインタビューをはじめよう




However, I think Joshua and those UX professionals who hold this belief are only partially right. Most of the time, this is true. But, like many things in life, there are exceptions. And those exceptions are fairly common in today’s world.

Take the work of 37signals. They produce a great array of products: Basecamp is a very popular project management utility. Campfire is a great online discussion tool (which has dramatically increased productivity here at UIE). Highrise is a beautifully crafted customer-relationship tracking tool.

Jason Fried, Ryan Singer, and the 37signals team are pretty clear on their position: they design for themselves. They design applications they would want to use. And they design them to work the way they’d want to use them.
In fact, 37signals isn’t the only place to see this in action. Apple’s iPhone strategy has been basically the same thing. Again, Apple hasn’t conducted any traditional user research studies to get their results. Instead, the team just designed the phone they wanted to use. They pay attention to the support issues coming into their stores and support lines. And they monitor the discussions people have about frustrations and missing features. But, in the end, they design for themselves.

Actually, You Might Be Your User(強調は筆者)
  • 37signals社(現Basecamp社)は、自分たち自身のために製品をデザインして成功を収めている

  • Apple社のiPhoneも同様に伝統的なユーザーリサーチをせずに、自分たちが使いたい携帯電話をデザインしている


Self Design’s big advantages are speed and cost. The traditional research methods are time consuming and expensive. Even though the cost of a usability test or a field study have come down, they still take weeks and cost thousands of dollars to do well. So, asking yourself the question, “How would I like to use this?” is a much faster and cheaper alternative.

However, Self Design’s biggest disadvantage is it only works if there’s a big enough customer base who is just like you. 37signals found millions of customers who are close enough to themselves to make a market worth serving. Apple found enough smartphone users just like them to put a decent dent in the market, even though they are still behind RIM and Nokia in market share. If you can find a big enough market of people just like you, Self Design will support you happily, but if you can’t, you’ll go broke with something that few can use.

Another big disadvantage of Self Design is it only works if the designers use the product a lot. 37signals built Basecamp because they needed to manage their own projects. They use it every day. Their product, Campfire, is their main communication method, since they have team members all over the world. Apple’s team uses their phones every day, all day long.

Actually, You Might Be Your User
  • セルフデザインのメリット

    • スピードとコストが低いこと

  • セルフデザインのデメリット

    • 自分と同じような悩み、嗜好を持つ人の数が、そのビジネスのマーケットとして十分と言える量があるときにしか機能しない

    • デザイナーがその商品を頻繁に使用する場合にしか機能しない



Ivan Zhao wanted to create a way for anybody to create their own applications without writing a single line of code. Interest in programming bootcamps, building apps, and launching tech startups had reached fever pitch by 2015, and Zhao believed that his tool would empower an entire generation of entrepreneurs.

The only problem was nobody wanted that tool.

We focused too much on what we wanted to bring to the world. We needed to pay attention to what the world wanted from us.” — Ivan Zhao, Co-founder of Notion

How Notion Is Going After Atlassian and Why It Just Might Win

  • 創業者のIvan Zhao氏は自分が作っているツールがあらゆる世代の起業家をエンパワーすると信じていた

  • 唯一の問題は誰も欲しがっていなかったことだった

  • 「自分たちが作りたいものにフォーカスしすぎていた」と回想している

とのこと。「what we wanted to bring to the world」という言葉のニュアンス的に、Notion創業期のデザインプロセスが厳密にセルフデザインと言えるかは微妙なところですが、こういったこともあったようです。





