
Valentina Lisitsa, She who plays on the street piano is full of her charm unadorned


Hi! How's it going, guys? This time, I'd like to share a music video that pianist Valentina Lisitsa plays a street piano. She who plays on the street with roughly dressed makes us feel very close to classical piano. I was surprised to see a person of this level playing on the street in the first place, but there was her charm unadorned. And, of course, she plays wonderfully.

こんにちは! 今回は、ピアニストのヴァレンティーナ・リシッツァさんがストリートピアノを弾くミュージックビデオを共有したいと思います。 ラフな服装で路上で演奏する彼女は、私たちにクラシックピアノをとても身近に感じさせてくれます。 そもそもこのレベルの人が路上で演奏するのを見てびっくりしましたが、そこには飾らない彼女の魅力がありました。 そしてもちろん、彼女は素晴らしい演奏を披露してくれています。


You can read more about her here.



Then please watch it immediately! Two videos of her playing for passengers at the train station and Beethoven Appassionata on the streets of Paris! Go ahead!


Valentina Lisitsa plays for passengers at St Pancras International Station

Only Liszt & Lisitsa (OK & a few others) could play this! El Contrabandista, St. Pancras

Beethoven Rocks! on Paris Streets: Appassionata on upright:) Lisitsa

How did you like it?
Her playing still looks great on the streets. Also, her playing is so astounding that she doesn't make us feel that the keys are in bad.
Thank you again for coming to my note. In addition,
 please watch Chopin Nocturnes if you like. Then I would be so happy if you would stop by again! See you next time! Bye-bye!

彼女の演奏は路上であっても映えますね。 また鍵盤が悪いことすら感じさせないほどに素晴らしい演奏です。
それでは今回もお越し下さり有難う御座いました。 よろしければショパンの夜想曲も聴いていってください。 そしてまたお立ち寄りいただければ幸いです! またね! バイバイ!


Chopin Complete Nocturnes in Paris. Valentina Lisitsa


Katsu@Lifelong Learning English
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