霧ノ森 プロローグ
OpenSea NFT:https://opensea.io/ja/collection/meshland
11-20-2022 (1)
At the end of September, when the remnants of summer were still strong, I visited Shibuya for the first time in a long time while I had an appointment with a friend. The scramble crossing in front of the station, the large monitor that colors the outer wall of the building, and the scenery that I often see on TV spread out before my eyes. However, today's meeting place is the next station "Shinsen" on the Inokashira line. I decided to follow a friend who disliked the hustle and bustle of the city, and headed for the platform of the Inokashira Line, looking sideways at Shibuya with its many shops.
11-20-2022 (2)
Passengers passing through this passage leading to the platform of the Inokashira Line will be greeted by a large mural of Taro Okamoto's "Myth of Tomorrow". I like to go through the corridor where this mural is installed.
11-20-2022 (3)
I left my Suica at home today, so I bought a ticket at the ticket vending machine. When I glanced at the ticket in my hand, the printing looked a little strange, but I passed through the ticket gate without worrying that the printed information wouldn't matter if it was an automatic ticket gate.
11-20-2022 (4)
ホームへ歩を進めると、井の頭線では見た事のない旧型車両が目に飛び込んできた。朱色とベージュのツートンカラーが懐かしい、気動車キハ11だ。なぜ井の頭線のホームにこんなレトロ車両が停車しているのか? なんとも不思議な光景だが、ホームに立つ乗客だけでなく駅員までもが気に留める様子もなく普段通りに仕事をしていた。
As I walked towards the platform, I saw an old-fashioned car that I had never seen on the Inokashira Line. The two-tone color of vermilion and beige is nostalgic, It's a diesel-car Kiha 11. Why is such a retro train stopped at the platform of Inokashira Line? It was a strange sight, but not only the passengers on the platform, even the station staff didn't seem to mind and went about their business as usual.
11-20-2022 (5)
鉄道好きの私にとってはまたとない機会! 行き先も停車駅も分からないので乗車するのは少し気が引けるが、発車する前に降りるつもりで車内を覗いてみる事にした。乗車口から中に入るとすぐさまヒンヤリとした空気に顔を包まれた。自分が今いた世界と異なる空間の空気に触れたような感覚。天井に取り付けられた古い扇風機や毛羽立った布地をまとう座席が、何十年も前の世界からタイムスリップして来たような雰囲気を醸している。
For a train lover like me, this is a unique opportunity! I was a little scared to get on the train because I didn't know where it was going or where it would stop, but I decided to take a peek inside the train with the intention of getting off before it departed. As soon as I entered from the boarding gate, my face was wrapped in cool air. The old fans in the ceiling and the seats covered in fuzzy fabrics create an atmosphere that seems to have traveled back decades.
11-20-2022 (6)
我を忘れて車内の観察に没頭していたら、聞き慣れない鈴の音が鳴った直後に扉が閉まり、気動車独特のエンジン音と共に車両が走り出してしまった。ヤバイと思ったが後の祭り。でもまあ、終点まで行ったとしても吉祥寺、、、待ち合わせしている友人には申し訳ないが、電話で謝って許してもらおう。むしろ、この体験を話したら喜んでくれるかもしれない。そんな言い訳をアレコレ考えながら車窓に目をやると、真っ暗なトンネル内が白い霧に包まれていくではないか、、、トンネルの中なのにこんな濃い霧がどこからやってきたのか? と自問自答している間に車外は一面真っ白になった。それにも関わらず列車はそのまま走り続け、やがて減速し始めた。次駅の神泉はトンネルを抜けたすぐ先だ。
When I lost myself and was immersed in observing the inside of the train, the door closed immediately after the unfamiliar bell sounded, and the train started running with the unique engine sound of the diesel-car. I thought it was crazy, it's not in time. But even if I go all the way to Kichijoji, I'm sorry to my friends who are waiting for me, but I'll apologize on my smartphone and ask them to forgive me. On the contrary, he might be happy to tell about this experience. As I pondered such excuses, I looked out the train window and saw that the inside of the pitch-black tunnel was enveloped in a white fog. Where did this thick fog come from in the tunnel? While I was asking myself this question, the window of the train turned completely white. Despite this, the train continued to run and eventually began to slow down. The next station "Shinsen" is just beyond the tunnel.
11-24-2022 (1)
Without the sound of the engine, the Kiha 11 runs through the fog so much that it's hard to tell if it's moving forward. Although it slowed down, there was no sign of stopping yet, but before long the lights of the station were vaguely visible ahead. From the faint silhouette, it looks like the platform is covered with eaves, but Shinsen, the next station, shouldn't be like this... Where on earth does this diesel train run?
11-24-2022 (2)
The diesel train gradually slowed down and stopped at a wooden station shrouded in fog, while I was confused and unable to comprehend the situation. Shortly after the train stopped, the entrance door opened and I was urged to get off the train. The platform is brightly lit by the pendant lights installed under the eaves, but there are no other passengers and the air is dignified and tense. Since there was no sign of the diesel train leaving any time soon, I decided to get off the train for a while.
11-26-2022 (1)
The station building is built in a way that gives a sense of the times, but perhaps because every corner has been meticulously maintained, it gives off a sense of dignity as a symbolic building of the region. When I looked around, something like a mysterious costume came down from the rear entrance. I didn't notice it at all because I was distracted by the stray diesel train, but apparently there was a passenger. If he is heading to the ticket gate without hesitation, he may be able to explain this situation in a way that I can understand, as if I had wandered into another dimension. I ran over to him and called out to him.
I said, "Are you going here on this diesel train too?''
He said, "Yes, I have an appointment with my friends tonight."
I said, "Where is this place?"
He said, "As written there, it's KirinoMoriKoen Station..."
I said, "No, there is no such station on the Inokashira Line!"
He said, “Oh, did you buy a ticket via Genso Kaido?”
When I took the ticket out of my pocket, it was certainly printed that way.
I said, "Is it because of this ticket?"
He said, "Why don't you take a walk around town for a while?"
He said, "There's still time until night, so I'll show you around."
At a loss, I decided to accept his kindness for the time being.
OpenSea NFT:https://opensea.io/ja/collection/meshland