Vector of Vector は General.mapM で解凍/凍結
競プロ典型 90 問 77 日目 - Planes on a 2D Plane(★7)
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Sequence (Seq (Empty,(:<|)),(|>))
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Data.Vector.Generic ((!),(//),empty,snoc)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
main = ints >>= \[n,t] -> replicateM (2*n) ints >>= fmt . sol n t
ints = unfoldr (C.readInt . C.dropWhile (==' ')) <$> C.getLine
fmt Nothing = putStrLn "No"
fmt (Just ds) = putStrLn "Yes" >> (putStrLn . unwords $ map show ds)
sol :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]] -> Maybe [Int]
sol n t as = if fl<n then Nothing else ds
es = concatMap (\i -> [(0,i,1),(i+n,2*n+1,1)]) [1..n]
xy = U.fromListN (2*n+2) $ (-1,-1):map (\[x,y] -> (x,y)) as ++ [(10^10+1,10^10+1)]
dt = U.fromListN 8 $ map ((* t) *** (* t)) [(1,0),(1,1),(0,1),(-1,1),(-1,0),(-1,-1),(0,-1),(1,-1)]
es' = catMaybes $ mkEdge <$> [1..n] <*> [n+1..2*n]
mkEdge i j = if U.any (==(x'-x,y'-y)) dt
then Just (i,j,1)
else Nothing
(x,y) = xy!i
(x',y') = xy!j
g = foldl' addEdge (V.replicate (2*n+2) empty) (es++es') :: Graph
(fl,g') = runST $ dinic g 0 (2*n+1)
ds = Just $ mapMaybe (dir g') [1..n]
dir g i = find ((==(x'-x,y'-y)) . (dt!) . pred) [1..8]
(x,y) = xy!i
(x',y') = xy!j
j = maybe 0 (\(j,_,_) -> j) $ U.find (\(j,c,_) -> n<j && j<=2*n && c==0) (g!i)
type Graph = V.Vector (U.Vector (Int, Int, Int))
addEdge g (v,u,c) = do
vs = g!v
us = g!u
!vs' = snoc vs (u,c,U.length us)
!us' = snoc us (v,0,U.length vs)
-- dinic :: PrimMonad m => Graph -> Int -> Int -> m (Int, Graph)
dinic g s t = do
g' <- G.mapM G.thaw g
lvl <- (G.length g)
UM.set lvl 0
flip fix 0 $ \outloop fl -> do
dv <- bfs g' s
if dv!t == -1
then fmap (fl,) (G.mapM G.freeze g')
else do
UM.set lvl 0
flip fix fl $ \inloop f -> do
f' <- dfs g' dv lvl s t (10^10+1)
if f'>0
then inloop (f+f')
else outloop f
bfs g s = do
dv <- (length g)
UM.set dv (-1 :: Int)
UM.write dv s 0
aux (S.singleton s) dv
U.freeze dv
aux Empty _ = return ()
aux (v:<|q) dv = do
d <- dv v
q' <- U.freeze (g!v)
>>= U.filterM (\(u,c,_) -> dv u <&> (c>0 &&) . (-1==))
>>= U.foldM' (\q (u,_,_) -> UM.write dv u (d+1) >> return (q|>u)) q
aux q' dv
dfs g dv lvl v t fl
| v==t = return fl
| otherwise =
fix $ \loop -> do
let edges = g!v
i <- lvl v
if i<UM.length edges
then do
UM.write lvl v (i+1)
(to,c,r) <- edges i
if c>0 && dv!v<dv!to
then do
f <- dfs g dv lvl to t (min fl c)
if f>0
then do
UM.write edges i (to,c-f,r)
UM.modify (g!to) (\(to',c',r') -> (to',c'+f,r')) r
return f
else loop
else loop
else return 0