IPO 見本
競プロ典型 90 問 42 日目 - Multiple of 9(★4)
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
main = readLn >>= sol >>= print
sol k = case k `mod` 9 of
0 -> f9 k
_ -> return 0
p = 10^9+7
f9 k = do
u <- UM.replicate (k+9) 0
forM_ [0..7] $ \i -> UM.write u i (0 :: Int)
UM.write u 8 1
forM_ [9..k+8] $ \i ->
foldM (\s j -> (`mod` p) . (+ s) <$> UM.read u j) 0 [i-9..i-1]
>>= UM.write u i
UM.read u (k+8)