meaning of kanji love affection care attachment craving desire
definition affectionateness, warmth, fondness, lovingness 好意または愛情の感情から起こる性質 (a quality proceeding from feelings of affection or love) erotic love, love, sexual love 性欲と性的魅力に対する深い感情 (a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction) their love left them indifferent to their surroundings 互いの愛情で周りが見えなくなる she was his first love 彼女は彼の初恋の人だった love 敬意と愛情の混じった強く前向きな感情 (a strong positive emotion of regard and affection) his love for his work 仕事に対する彼の愛情 children need a lot of love 子供にはたっぷりの愛情が必要だ philia, heart, affectionateness, tenderness, warmness, affection, fondness, warmheartedness 好意を持っているという積極的な気持ち (a positive feeling of liking) he had trouble expressing the affection he felt 彼はなかなか好意を示せなかった the child won everyone’s heart その子供はみんなに好かれた the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home 彼の歓迎の暖かさは、我々をまるで家にいるかのような気持ちにさせた