DALL-E3 via Copilot Pro
DALL-E3 via Copilot Pro
DALL-E3 via ChatGPT+
DALL-E3 via Copilot Pro
DALL-E3 via Copilot Pro

A stunning portrait of an Asian girl depicted as a goddess with delicate facial features including large eyes, a small nose, and mouth. She has long, flowing black hair adorned with flowers and jewels. The background features natural elements like vines and flowers, with flowing, curvilinear lines in the Art Nouveau style. The color palette includes both pastel and vibrant colors. The portrait exudes elegance and mystique, with a glowing aura around the goddess to enhance her divine presence, giving an ethereal, fragile, cute, and graceful appearance.

Copilot ProはChatGPT+と比較すると、様々なパターンを試してくれるので、モデルごとの解釈の違いが印象的です。


8字 / 1画像

定額 : 読み放題プラン

¥300 / 月

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